Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

The Chinese have always been squirrels about secrecy and never admitting a mistake, they no doubt had a lot more deaths than they admitted, too.

Covid 19 was NOT a biological weapon created in Wuhan by Dr. No. Maybe there was a biological weapon being developed there but it wasn't this one. WTF would they "unleash" a "weapon" that mostly kills people over 65 and that you people spend the other half of your day saying is nothing but a cold?

If our Intelligence agencies and whoever else decide it was a biological weapon, fine, I'll accept it. But right now the ONLY thing rational people are questioning is whether it leaked from the lab ( which of course it did). There were reports and warnings that security measures were slipshod well before '19.

Everyone on the planet would like China to be accountable for its accidents, so that it will improve its procedures and hopefully it won't happen again. However, this biological warfare thing sounds to me like it belongs right up there with pizza pedophile rings and Jewish space lasers.

Of course President Biden shut down the investigation; it's an embarrassment.
Of course Pinochijoe shut down the investigation, its an embarassment to his connections with China
Yeah huh.
Democrats have become blatant, unapologetic liars on every topic where facts don't fit their twisted narrative on how something should be. In other words, America hating establishment elitists, Democrats and neocons, are all obsessed with defending China at our countries expense. Those liars will never take responsibility for their deadly mistakes.
No one is defending China, except from spurious lies by a bunch of goombas with nothing better to do than track conspiracy theories all day.
Fauci is, read his latest article.
Where is it?
All you have to do is Google it
The Chinese have always been squirrels about secrecy and never admitting a mistake, they no doubt had a lot more deaths than they admitted, too.

Covid 19 was NOT a biological weapon created in Wuhan by Dr. No. Maybe there was a biological weapon being developed there but it wasn't this one. WTF would they "unleash" a "weapon" that mostly kills people over 65 and that you people spend the other half of your day saying is nothing but a cold?

If our Intelligence agencies and whoever else decide it was a biological weapon, fine, I'll accept it. But right now the ONLY thing rational people are questioning is whether it leaked from the lab ( which of course it did). There were reports and warnings that security measures were slipshod well before '19.

Everyone on the planet would like China to be accountable for its accidents, so that it will improve its procedures and hopefully it won't happen again. However, this biological warfare thing sounds to me like it belongs right up there with pizza pedophile rings and Jewish space lasers.

Of course President Biden shut down the investigation; it's an embarrassment.
Of course Pinochijoe shut down the investigation, its an embarassment to his connections with China
Yeah huh.
Yeah huh is right Dim defender.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
You will believe anything to protect your party, sad. Let me guess you’re a college graduate?

I will believe EVIDENCE dummy.

If there is evidence China wilfully unleashed this then the world needs to come down on them, but you don't accuse a country if something so monsterous just based on some politico musings.
Damn you CCP boot lickers really are willing to go down with the ship.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.
"Coming from" is not the same as "used by".

Covid-19 spreading from Wahun because they fucked up keeping in the lab or due to some bats from around there is nowhere near some of the theories that China somehow purposefully getting people sick.

Make China Great Again!
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.

Gain of Function! Fauci paid Wuhan to develop a bioweapon from coronavirus that SPECIFICALLY ATTACKS THE HUMAN RESPIRTAORY SYSTEM

DeSantis needs to subpoena Fauci

I don't know what's sadder, your post or that there are two more morons that put a like on this insane shit.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
You will believe anything to protect your party, sad. Let me guess you’re a college graduate?

I will believe EVIDENCE dummy.

If there is evidence China wilfully unleashed this then the world needs to come down on them, but you don't accuse a country if something so monsterous just based on some politico musings.
Biden stopped that investigation, he is owned by China. You refuse to see that, and he is owned by Russia too. He stopped our pipeline and gave putin the go ahead with his. How much you think Putin will make?
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.

Gain of Function! Fauci paid Wuhan to develop a bioweapon from coronavirus that SPECIFICALLY ATTACKS THE HUMAN RESPIRTAORY SYSTEM

DeSantis needs to subpoena Fauci

I don't know what's sadder, your post or that there are two more morons that put a like on this insane shit.

China said they weren't the source of the virus and that's good enough for you!

Make China great Again!
This is what the CCP paying the US President over a BILLION DOLLARS buys:

CCP Joe ordered shut down of Wuhan Lab Leak Inquiry

"The existence of the State Department inquiry and its termination this spring by the Biden administration — neither of which has been previously reported — comes to light amid renewed interest in whether the virus could have leaked out of a Wuhan lab with links to the Chinese military. The Biden administration is also facing scrutiny of its own efforts to determine if the Chinese government was responsible for the virus.

Those involved in the previously undisclosed inquiry, which was launched last fall by allies of then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, say it was an honest effort to probe what many initially dismissed: that China’s biological weapons program could have had a greater role in the pandemic’s origin in Wuhan, according to two additional sources. …

The decision to terminate the inquiry, which was run primarily out of the State Department’s arms control and verification bureau, was made after Biden officials were briefed on the team’s draft findings in February and March of this year, a State Department spokesperson said. Questions were raised about the legitimacy of the findings and the project was deemed to be an ineffective use of resources, explained a source familiar with the decision.

That timing is very curious. In February and early March, the Biden team had barely assembled itself, let alone acquired the longitudinal expertise to make these kinds of determinations. Biden himself was complaining — falsely — that he had come into office with no vaccines and no plans for distributing them, and that his team was working overtime to catch up. How would they have had the knowledge to determine that such a probe was “an ineffective use of resources”?"

Joe is the CCP's bitch, bought and paid for....

So funny to see the Xiden reference to being owned by China, by bitter losers (R).
But, they, (bitter (R) deniers) have NO PROBLEM with the PUTIN owned trump.

Trump owes so much money to foreign Countries (Russia and Saudi owned), yet you STILL believe he is rich.
Trump is owned.
You continue to be conned.

POS trump is the ultimate con man. HOOK, LINE, sinker. You have been conned.
Be specific, how exactly did Russia benefit from the Trump presidency? You folks make the claim, but never back it up beyond silly rhetoric.

Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory​

This explains why Fauci et al are finally now OK with saying “we can’t rule it out”, knowing that any real investigation was already buried.

You know Doc, as much as I want to believe the story, it just doesn't quite reach the level I need to pass the "Not Fake News" threshold. I need a bit more than to hear about it from one website called 'Red State.'

Meantime, it SHOULD be a top priority for everyone to find out where Covid came from, not just to make sure it doesn't happen again but to punish any individuals responsible!

Unfortunately, history shows that if the US government was involved, we won't know about it for sure for at least another 20 years.
Democrats have become blatant, unapologetic liars on every topic where facts don't fit their twisted narrative on how something should be. In other words, America hating establishment elitists, Democrats and neocons, are all obsessed with defending China at our countries expense. Those liars will never take responsibility for their deadly mistakes.
No one is defending China, except from spurious lies by a bunch of goombas with nothing better to do than track conspiracy theories all day.
Fauci is, read his latest article.
Where is it?
All you have to do is Google it
Sounds perfectly legit to me. He was asked why the NIH gave funds to Wuhan and he explained.
He has also said he wants it investigated, in other statements.
He's not 'defending' China, he's just not jumping up and down and screaming that China weaponized it. That would be you fools.
Democrats have become blatant, unapologetic liars on every topic where facts don't fit their twisted narrative on how something should be. In other words, America hating establishment elitists, Democrats and neocons, are all obsessed with defending China at our countries expense. Those liars will never take responsibility for their deadly mistakes.
No one is defending China, except from spurious lies by a bunch of goombas with nothing better to do than track conspiracy theories all day.
Fauci is, read his latest article.
Where is it?
All you have to do is Google it
Sounds perfectly legit to me. He was asked why the NIH gave funds to Wuhan and he explained.
He has also said he wants it investigated, in other statements.
He's not 'defending' China, he's just not jumping up and down and screaming that China weaponized it. That would be you fools.
And yet, all this perfectly legit information is just coming out now....and who knows what further info will come out of this weasel as real Americans continue to pressure him for the truth.
Democrats have become blatant, unapologetic liars on every topic where facts don't fit their twisted narrative on how something should be. In other words, America hating establishment elitists, Democrats and neocons, are all obsessed with defending China at our countries expense. Those liars will never take responsibility for their deadly mistakes.
No one is defending China, except from spurious lies by a bunch of goombas with nothing better to do than track conspiracy theories all day.
Fauci is, read his latest article.
Where is it?
All you have to do is Google it
Sounds perfectly legit to me. He was asked why the NIH gave funds to Wuhan and he explained.
He has also said he wants it investigated, in other statements.
He's not 'defending' China, he's just not jumping up and down and screaming that China weaponized it. That would be you fools.
Are you looking in a mirror when you call out fools?
Though Biden officials shut down this particular inquiry, they remain skeptical of Beijing's role in limiting investigators from accessing information that may be pertinent to the origins of the virus.

According to your quote Biden officials don't believe that China is limiting investigators access to information. Sounds like an act of faith and not a belief based on the facts to date.

In essence - Biden believes China and nothing more needs to be done.

Too fking funny.

Well......he is showing a certain 'loyalty' to his investors.

Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory​

26 May 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama
Yesterday, Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki why President Biden wasn’t pressing for more information on the Wuhan lab leak theory. “We have repeatedly called for the WHO to support an expert-driven evaluation of the pandemic’s origins,” Psaki replied. That answer was very troubling, I observed in our story on Psaki’s response. Is there an American investigation still ongoing into the question from the Biden team, I asked? Because it doesn’t sound like it, from what Psaki was saying — and because we surely can’t trust anything that WHO concludes on the matter, given their prior actions.
Turns out that was a good question to ask. Because now there are reports that Joe Biden actually shut down an investigation into that very question.
There’s a new CNN story out that breaks that bombshell news. But it looks like someone knew this information would be leaking out soon and this is part of the effort to soft-pedal the termination of the investigation.
The inquiry was launched in the State Department last fall under President Donald Trump to look into the origin of the pandemic and the leak theory. But the Biden folks cut the leak inquiry this spring. Here comes the spin as to the why.

This explains why Fauci et al are finally now OK with saying “we can’t rule it out”, knowing that any real investigation was already buried.
Why should the Chyany Joey Xi Bai Din administration bothering to investiagte? The Chinese created Covid-19 virus gave Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat lefties and the CCP everything they needed and wanted: change election laws on the fly to cheat us, Trump and the world. What's 3 million deaths? Why would Chyna Joey Xi bite the hand that infects us?

He is protecting his investors, and co-conspirators in his election fraud coup.
Democrats have become blatant, unapologetic liars on every topic where facts don't fit their twisted narrative on how something should be. In other words, America hating establishment elitists, Democrats and neocons, are all obsessed with defending China at our countries expense. Those liars will never take responsibility for their deadly mistakes.
No one is defending China, except from spurious lies by a bunch of goombas with nothing better to do than track conspiracy theories all day.
Fauci is, read his latest article.
Where is it?
All you have to do is Google it
Sounds perfectly legit to me. He was asked why the NIH gave funds to Wuhan and he explained.
He has also said he wants it investigated, in other statements.
He's not 'defending' China, he's just not jumping up and down and screaming that China weaponized it. That would be you fools.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

View attachment 493776

You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.

Wrong. If the flu was first discovered in the lab, how coincidental was it they got it first. Gee that's a brilliant deduction.
There is no evidence, at all, that they invented within that lab. None. Its pure speculation at this point.
The research at this point suggests it was imported to China in meat products and was taken to that lab after the first few deaths for investigation. Hence, they were the first to get it., we know of.
Bull fuken shit take a hike dumbass

2. multiple “warnings from US diplomats in China as early as 2017 that the Wuhan laboratory was conducting dangerous research on coronaviruses without following necessary safety protocols” that risked a potential outbreak;

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB)

Created in response to recommendations by the UN Secretary General’s Global Health Crises Task Force in 2017, the GPMB was co-convened by the World Health Organization and the World Bank Group and formally launched in May 2018.


Dr Fauci predicting pandemics in 2017>>

A simulation for a global pandemic response involving more than 40 countries will take place 4-6 December, 2018, coordinated by the World Health Organization’s Global Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and by the EOC Network, a global network of health emergency operations centres. This is the first global pandemic response training exercise, and the third in a series of simulations this year,

Simulation exercise puts global pandemic readiness to the test


Meanwhile…. we have an active search going on in the Amazon forest with teams actively seeking the “next pandemic”. Actually seeking infected animals, cutting them open, and studying the infected remains seems beyond any measure for acceptable risk. Kind of like playing with fire, or perhaps playing God. Not good imo.

The GOP should immediately call for the Impeachment of Joe Biden for attempting to protect the CCP.....

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