Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory


Even you have to admit that Wuhan was a laboratory where the deadly covid virus was developed
Developed? I heard it was being studied there. Big difference. This is what I need a whole lot more evidence to believe. Evidence by people who know what they're talking about, that is, not screeching rightwingers who for some reason have this hair up their ass about China.

Biden Officials Shut Down State Department Investigation Into Wuhan Lab Leak Theory​

26 May 2021 ~~ By Nick Arama
Yesterday, Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki why President Biden wasn’t pressing for more information on the Wuhan lab leak theory. “We have repeatedly called for the WHO to support an expert-driven evaluation of the pandemic’s origins,” Psaki replied. That answer was very troubling, I observed in our story on Psaki’s response. Is there an American investigation still ongoing into the question from the Biden team, I asked? Because it doesn’t sound like it, from what Psaki was saying — and because we surely can’t trust anything that WHO concludes on the matter, given their prior actions.
Turns out that was a good question to ask. Because now there are reports that Joe Biden actually shut down an investigation into that very question.
There’s a new CNN story out that breaks that bombshell news. But it looks like someone knew this information would be leaking out soon and this is part of the effort to soft-pedal the termination of the investigation.
The inquiry was launched in the State Department last fall under President Donald Trump to look into the origin of the pandemic and the leak theory. But the Biden folks cut the leak inquiry this spring. Here comes the spin as to the why.

This explains why Fauci et al are finally now OK with saying “we can’t rule it out”, knowing that any real investigation was already buried.
Why should the Chyany Joey Xi Bai Din administration bothering to investiagte? The Chinese created Covid-19 virus gave Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat lefties and the CCP everything they needed and wanted: change election laws on the fly to cheat us, Trump and the world. What's 3 million deaths? Why would Chyna Joey Xi bite the hand that infects us?

Once again China Joe getting his puppet strings pulled by Xi.
Even you have to admit that Wuhan was a laboratory where the deadly covid virus was developed
Developed? I heard it was being studied there. Big difference. This is what I need a whole lot more evidence to believe. Evidence by people who know what they're talking about, that is, not screeching rightwingers who for some reason have this hair up their ass about China.
Ok, I will keep sending you lamebrain Fauci articles each hour as the weasel squeals out more information.
Even you have to admit that Wuhan was a laboratory where the deadly covid virus was developed
Developed? I heard it was being studied there. Big difference. This is what I need a whole lot more evidence to believe. Evidence by people who know what they're talking about, that is, not screeching rightwingers who for some reason have this hair up their ass about China.
Ok, I will keep sending you lamebrain Fauci articles each hour as the weasel squeals out more information.
And I'll continue scratching my head wondering what your point is.
You keep seeing things that just aren't there, fella.
Even you have to admit that Wuhan was a laboratory where the deadly covid virus was developed
Developed? I heard it was being studied there. Big difference. This is what I need a whole lot more evidence to believe. Evidence by people who know what they're talking about, that is, not screeching rightwingers who for some reason have this hair up their ass about China.
Maybe because China unleashed a virus that killed millions.

Maybe it's the genocide the are conducting.

Maybe it's the constant theft of our intellectual property.

The very same reasons leftwinger defend China.
Even you have to admit that Wuhan was a laboratory where the deadly covid virus was developed
Developed? I heard it was being studied there. Big difference. This is what I need a whole lot more evidence to believe. Evidence by people who know what they're talking about, that is, not screeching rightwingers who for some reason have this hair up their ass about China.
Ok, I will keep sending you lamebrain Fauci articles each hour as the weasel squeals out more information.
And I'll continue scratching my head wondering what your point is.
You keep seeing things that just aren't there, fella.
And you are a pot calling the kettle black Dimmer
Rumor has it the Bidens were visiting the Lab....
What an incredible coincidence! Joe and his crack head son visit China and ten days later
Hunter and his company scores a five billion dollar deal with the Bank of China.
What are the chances?

No wonder papa Joe won't come out and investigate China's connection to the Wuhan flu.
It would not please Xi Jin Ping and Disoriented Joe is highly compromised.

Biden team shut down State Dept. inquiry probing possible lab link to COVID: report​

25 May 2021 ~~ By Mark Lungariello
The Biden administration ended an inquiry into a possible connection between the origins of the novel coronavirus and a lab in Wuhan, a CNN report published Tuesday claims.
The State Department launched the previously undisclosed inquiry last fall under President Donald Trump — but the effort was shut down this spring because of “concerns about the quality of its work,” CNN reported, citing three unnamed sources.
Allies of Mike Pompeo, Trump’s secretary of state, were looking into the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic may have started in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and not in nature, CNN reported.
But after the changeover in administrations, concerns were raised early in 2021 about draft findings of the probe shared with Biden’s team, CNN said.

Is anyone surprized? What can be expected from Chyna Joey Xi Bi Din and his administration. Unpunished stolen elections have major consequences.
You bet the Progressive Marxis/DSA Democrat Commies were concerned about the quality of Pompeo's investigative work. Just like their concern about the quality of the Arizona audit. It’s way too high for their liking.
Unfortunately, the DOJ, FBI and CIA have become corrupt tools of PM/DSA Democrat Commie ‘elites’... someone should at least give them a small cut of the ‘Chinese Action’... Chinese have lots of ‘walking around money’ for our traitors to split.

So funny to see the Xiden reference to being owned by China, by bitter losers (R).
But, they, (bitter (R) deniers) have NO PROBLEM with the PUTIN owned trump.

Trump owes so much money to foreign Countries (Russia and Saudi owned), yet you STILL believe he is rich.
Trump is owned.
You continue to be conned. Trump is owned by Putin?
Who told you that? Robert Mueller? Oh, right. His long exhaustive investigation never found any such thing.
So he couldn't have. So you must be high on some special idiocy causing drug.
I feel sorry for really dumb people. They are at the mercy of everyone else.

POS trump is the ultimate con man. HOOK, LINE, sinker. You have been conned.
Says the imbecile who has nothing to say about Joe's being owned by China.
Let's see how President Depends handles calls to investigate China and
the covid outbreak out of their bio research labs.
I understand he wants the WHO, who already has demonstrated they are owned
by China, to take over.

Smooth move, you senile old butt hole!
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Two FAKE threads on the same issue. Color me unsurprised. LOL

Biden wants 'answers' / an investigation from International entities already proven to have covered for China.

Biden refuses to take any action to hold the CCP accountable for their virus that killed millions around the world, but more importantly took the lives of so many Americans.

Biden continues to prove $1 Billion buys a lot.
No one has the answer, just more fake news, trying to shift blame to Biden for things that happened Way before he got in office.
Joe must go on pretending we don’t know the Chinese made this in their lab.

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You "know" whatever the fuck you want to. There has thus far been no serious evidence that Covid-19 was somehow intentionally used by China.
Wrong. The fact that the first people hospitalized for WuFlu were in fact the Wuhan lab workers pretty much proves it came from there.

There is ZERO proof this virus came from the animal kingdom. Not one instance of it has been found in bats or snakes or whatever the fake news had claimed before.

You're correct.... Even Fauci admits that no animal has been found to be the vector of the virus to humans. The Covid-19 virus was created at the Wuhan Lab specifically to infect humans. If any thing it escaped prematurely, but it certainly was created by the Chinese military as a warfare biological agent by the CCP..
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No one has the answer, just more fake news, trying to shift blame to Biden for things that happened Way before he got in office.
He's in office NOW you whiny defender of one of the worst presidents ever.
Let's see President Depends hold the Chinese government's feet to the fire for their
duplicity in the death of over three hundred million people all around the globe.

And the loss of billions of dollars, the disruption of millions of lives, etc.

But Joe is already compromised by China so how can he ever do his job?
He frankly can't!
Biden reveals US Intel suspects Chinese lab accident one of two 'likely' causes of COVID outbreak

Biden reveals US Intel suspects Chinese lab accident one of two 'likely' causes of COVID outbreak

.....which is why I shut down the investigation regarding the CCP creating the virus in a lab.....


"I'm not saying it was aliens....but it was aliens.'

We are all so shocked that the Corrupt Democratic Party would protect the Chinese Communist Party partners

Developed? I heard it was being studied there. Big difference. This is what I need a whole lot more evidence to believe. Evidence by people who know what they're talking about, that is, not screeching rightwingers who for some reason have this hair up their ass about China.
The first people ever to be hospitalized for the covid virus were technicians from the Wuhan Virology
laboratory (November, 2019).

That should tell even an imbecile like you something.

As far as having a "hair up their ass about China" if this is truly a statement made in ignorance and not
just some petty partisan slap, that you couldn't resist, then I have truly underestimated how awesomely stupid and out of touch with the reality of life on planet earth in the year 2021 you must be.

If you don't understand why people fear and revile China as the greatest source of evil and
inhumanity in the world i.e. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union combined and on steroids,
then NOTHING can be explained to you.
But I can't imagine anyone being that stupid.

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