Biden On His Gaffes: ‘Details Are Irrelevant In Terms Of Decision Making’

So, according to Creepy Uncle Joe, if Guatemala attacks us, we might as well nuke China, right???

Or, as Hillary would say, "What difference does it make!!!"
everybody's forgotten details at some point.

i agree with Young Joe!
Reagan was pretty infamous for them. He even created the "welfare queen" in her Cadillac out of his own imagination with absolutely no factual counterpart. Nevertheless, I met several women who collected fed assistance for multiple children, and drove nicer cars than my old pick up. So...….

I think there's a difference between mixing up facts from different incidents that were all sort of the same, or even making up an illustrative story, and flat out lying about your record. Joe hasn't come close to that yet. His brother and living son are pretty slimy, but Trump has set the bar so low that it's literally impossible to be less corrupt in nepotism.

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