Biden one of the unmaskers. Lol

Not supposed to tell who the spies are. Gets them killed. Same for who knows the spies
Good one!

We'll wake you up when it is over.
Explain to me what’s so bad about unmasking Flynn’s name.

I am surprised that you don’t feel conspicuous, marching around in that brown shirt and the helmet with the spike on top….

Ah, nazi references. A real sign of winning an argument.

So unmasking people makes one a nazi?

I already won.

Why are you back?
Good one!

We'll wake you up when it is over.
Explain to me what’s so bad about unmasking Flynn’s name.

I am surprised that you don’t feel conspicuous, marching around in that brown shirt and the helmet with the spike on top….

Ah, nazi references. A real sign of winning an argument.

So unmasking people makes one a nazi?

I already won.

Why are you back?

You think you won because you're so badly informed. And when you are forced to realize how badly informed you are, you resort to Nazi references.

That's not what a winner sounds like. You sound like a hack.
Why? Flynn was having discussions with the Russian government about how they might react to Obama’s sanctions. This was legitimate foreign intelligence and they were completely justified in unmasking Flynn.

You need to kick it DOWN a notch. The requests for the unmasking came between the election and the inauguration. The call in question had not yet taken place. Gen. Flynn was part of the incoming administration and there could be nothing nefarious about him talking to the Russian Ambassador.

You REALLY need to seek information from some other source than CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters, the DailyKOS, and Facebook. Right now you're just starting to see the beginning of a historic scandal that will make Watergate look like a parking ticket by comparison.

This is HUGE!
It really is HUGE. This is the scandal that will finally get the Kenyan locked up.
Good one!

Biden was just doing what his boss told him to do, and I'm not talking about Jill
UNMASKING: a term used when the identity of a U.S. citizen or lawful resident is revealed in classified intelligence reports.

This should disqualify Biden from holding any kind of future Gov't security clearance along with being a nominee for President of these United States!
(Drop the Mic......).


How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

The Obama Administration had every reason to find out the American who was conducting a rogue foreign policy.
“Conducting rogue foreign policy”

You lost all credibility with that statement.

So you say. You have no credibility to begin with.
UNMASKING: a term used when the identity of a U.S. citizen or lawful resident is revealed in classified intelligence reports.

This should disqualify Biden from holding any kind of future Gov't security clearance along with being a nominee for President of these United States!
(Drop the Mic......).


How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

The Obama Administration had every reason to find out the American who was conducting a rogue foreign policy.
What a bunch of horse S.

You need to fly back to your liberal hive and buzz a bit there Skippy.

Anyone who disagrees is a liberal? I think not. That is so much horseshit.
UNMASKING: a term used when the identity of a U.S. citizen or lawful resident is revealed in classified intelligence reports.

This should disqualify Biden from holding any kind of future Gov't security clearance along with being a nominee for President of these United States!
(Drop the Mic......).


How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

The Obama Administration had every reason to find out the American who was conducting a rogue foreign policy.
“Conducting rogue foreign policy”

You lost all credibility with that statement.

So you say. You have no credibility to begin with.
So you think the National security advisor has no right to speak with a foreign leader. LOL. Come on dude! Think. Don’t be a dupe for the establishment.
Good one!

We'll wake you up when it is over.
Explain to me what’s so bad about unmasking Flynn’s name.
Explain to me what this "unmasking" even is. I keep hearing the term but none of this is making sense to me.

What unmasking is:

The US intelligence community commonly uses the term “unmasking” in reference to revealing the identity of someone on a monitored communication.

Under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA, intelligence agents frequently eavesdrop on foreign nationals on US soil, such as businessmen or ambassadors.

But if a foreign agent is speaking with or about a US citizen, information about that person could be uncovered incidentally.

To protect their right to privacy, intelligence agents will “mask” the information, and refer to the citizen by an alias like “U.S. Person One” when they report or transcribe the correspondence.

How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

There is nothing illegal about it.
UNMASKING: a term used when the identity of a U.S. citizen or lawful resident is revealed in classified intelligence reports.

This should disqualify Biden from holding any kind of future Gov't security clearance along with being a nominee for President of these United States!
(Drop the Mic......).


How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

The Obama Administration had every reason to find out the American who was conducting a rogue foreign policy.
“Conducting rogue foreign policy”

You lost all credibility with that statement.

So you say. You have no credibility to begin with.
So you think the National security advisor has no right to speak with a foreign leader. LOL. Come on dude! Think. Don’t be a dupe for the establishment.

He is not the National Security Advisor yet and he has no business talking foreign policy.
Why? Flynn was having discussions with the Russian government about how they might react to Obama’s sanctions. This was legitimate foreign intelligence and they were completely justified in unmasking Flynn.

You need to kick it DOWN a notch. The requests for the unmasking came between the election and the inauguration. The call in question had not yet taken place. Gen. Flynn was part of the incoming administration and there could be nothing nefarious about him talking to the Russian Ambassador.

You REALLY need to seek information from some other source than CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters, the DailyKOS, and Facebook. Right now you're just starting to see the beginning of a historic scandal that will make Watergate look like a parking ticket by comparison.

This is HUGE!
It really is HUGE. This is the scandal that will finally get the Kenyan locked up.

This is scandal 101 that is supposed to do it. Sorry nothing to see here.

This is a joke. They are trying to make it seem as if they went through proper procedures to spy on us. They spies on us as a form of entertainment without a FISA warrant.
They are doing this shenanigan just to keep the trust of the public, that they are not ruthless spies, but spies that has dignity. So that their is no need to remove their 5G's spying equipment all around the nation.
They are watching you all while making love in bed with your partner and or even watching and recording you while you are masturbating while watching porn.
That is why when Obama came into office during a recession. That he turned everything to digital. So that they can use their spying equipment.
But this 5G technology will help them to be able to spy on us with more clarity and track every move we make.
But if they are exposed. Then they will have to shut down these spy agencies, which that is what they don't want.
And so they are going to keep on pretending that they are good corrupted spies that lives by the spy's codes of honor. .

Last edited:
UNMASKING: a term used when the identity of a U.S. citizen or lawful resident is revealed in classified intelligence reports.

This should disqualify Biden from holding any kind of future Gov't security clearance along with being a nominee for President of these United States!
(Drop the Mic......).


How unmasking happens:

In order to learn the information, US officials with proper security clearance to review the report can ask the agency that collected it — such as the FBI, CIA or National Security Agency — to “unmask” the name.

They must provide a reason, such as their need to fully understand the significance or context behind the intelligence.

This is a common process that happens “literally hundreds of times a year across multiple administrations,” according to former CIA deputy director Michael Morell.

If the request is approved, the names are then only shared with the specific individual who asked. Leaking an “unmasked” name to the media or public is illegal.

It is also highly unusual for the names of the officials who requested the “unmasking” to be released.

The Obama Administration had every reason to find out the American who was conducting a rogue foreign policy.
“Conducting rogue foreign policy”

You lost all credibility with that statement.

So you say. You have no credibility to begin with.
So you think the National security advisor has no right to speak with a foreign leader. LOL. Come on dude! Think. Don’t be a dupe for the establishment.

He is not the National Security Advisor yet and he has no business talking foreign policy.
Oh brother! The incoming NSA has every right to speak with foreign leaders. I’m betting your beloved Ears’ NSA did.

Stop being a dumb fuck partisan dupe.
View attachment 336362

This is a joke. They are trying to make it seem as if they went through proper procedures to spy on us. They spies on us as a form of entertainment without a FISA warrant.
They are doing this shenanigan just to keep the trust of the public, that they are not ruthless spies, but spies that has dignity. So that their is no need to remove their 5G's spying equipment all around the nation.
They are watching you all while making love in bed with your partner and or even watching and recording you while you are masturbating while you are watching porn.
That is why when Obama came into office during a recession. That he turned everything to digital. So that they can use their spying equipment.
But this 5G technology will help them to be able to spy on us with more clarity and track every move we make.
But if they are exposed. Then they will have to shut down these spy agencies, which that is what they don't want.
And so they are going to keep on pretending that they are good corrupted spies that lives by the spy's codes of honor. .

So much for the Bill of Rights
Are any of the people calling for Biden’s head regarding ”unmasking” in this thread going to say anything today?

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