Biden pardons Hunter if he is indicted, why wouldn't he? He is the son of the Potus.

Penelope doesn't know it yet, but the other shoe is about to drop. The guy who first reported the laptop story and gave the found info from it to Sen Grassly is saying this.:

"The world is not ready for what my team has found. Fair warning, every person on planet earth with a badge will have access by end of week. My only advice, control your rage and look to the Constitution to save us first."

"People, there are over 100K texts we are curating and 128K emails. Before almost all were hidden in archives and difficult to access without a pertinent search term. We have also found thousands of pictures he "thought" he deleted. Some stuff, I'm uncomfortable even explaining. When I say it is over - I mean it. Please pray and keep your Constitution close. Going to make sure public can crowd source the emails w/ redacted's, bank account numbers etc. and texts less telephone numbers. Trying our best to be responsible and not bring further harm to the victims. Keep all of us in your prayers. #benotafraid #dutyhonorcountry #courageiscontagious Please be patient, we are on the wall. Big love America, all of us have devoted our lives to keeping you safe."

Jack Maxey on Gab: 'People, there are over 100K texts we are curating…'
I don't do Gabs. I have no idea who the people are. Do you do gab, what a joke.

I remember you said about the 5th amendment.
Hunter needs to go to prison for life.......and no, Joe can't pardon him if he is convicted on state child rape crimes...

And we all know that Hunter has raped at least 398 children across 45 states...its all on the laptop..

Trump would have done it; but he wasn't powerful enough to stand up to Hunter and the Dems
^ Poor Troll boy
You're a sick fuck.
So are you when you assume it is all true simply because you hate someone. Child porn is pretty damn serious. If it was on the laptop, Guiliani would have made sure it was publically released and Hunter Biden would have been charged.
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he added a full pardon for Stone and a pardon for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

Trump had already commuted Stone’s sentence and pardoned Flynn, even though both lied to investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins and Steve Stockman. All three abused their privileged positions for their own or their families’ financial gain.

Trump followed up Wednesday with a pardon for Charles Kushner

Trump also pardoned four Blackwater guards convicted in a 2007 shooting that killed 14 Iraqi civilians and wounded 17. Blackwater, of course, was founded by Erik Prince, a prominent Trump backer (who was himself caught up in the Mueller investigation) and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

We have one justice system for his predominantly rich, white and male friends and allies, and another for the rest of America.

Trump pardons: Rewards for his mostly rich, white, male friends & allies (
as long as you were a republican and friends of Donald Trump, no problem you got pardoned.
The same thing that happened last time he was bragging about holding money from Ukraine 🇺🇦 if they dare investigate hunter... give everyone of them democrats a promotion....
In addition to what was already found on it? That hasn't been released yet. But I can direct you to what is already been made public:

Hunter Biden’s Sex Tapes, The CCP’s “BGY” Infiltration in the U.S., Evil Alliance to Dominate the World - TheDonald
This is the same crap you already posted from that crap site.

In other words, you can’t back up your claims so you resort to “hasn’t been released yet”. Believe me, if there was anything to those claims Giuliani would have spread it far and wide.
So are you when you assume it is all true simply because you hate someone. Child porn is pretty damn serious. If it was on the laptop, Guiliani would have made sure it was publically released and Hunter Biden would have been charged.
No, she is requesting pictures Coyote to prove Hunter did it and let be clear if anyone posted a picture of Hunter raping a child on this board should be banned for life.

That is what I am assuming why they are calling her a sick fuck…

tramp pretended he was a king, till they voted him out of office.
Trump hasn’t been President since January of 2021 and what he might have done does not mean Biden should do it!

If proven that Hunter has broken the law and is convicted then Joe should not Pardon his son and make his son face the time!

If you do the crime then you better be able to do the time and you would be howling if Trump had done this for his kids!
No, she is requesting pictures Coyote to prove Hunter did it and let be clear if anyone posted a picture of Hunter raping a child on this board should be banned for life.

That is what I am assuming why they are calling her a sick fuck…

Trump hasn’t been President since January of 2021 and what he might have done does not mean Biden should do it!

If proven that Hunter has broken the law and is convicted then Joe should not Pardon his son and make his son face the time!

If you do the crime then you better be able to do the time and you would be howling if Trump had done this for his kids!
Tramp let of his buddies get pardoned, the least Joe can do if pardon his son IF he gets indicted.
People do anything for their kids.
This is the same crap you already posted from that crap site.

In other words, you can’t back up your claims so you resort to “hasn’t been released yet”. Believe me, if there was anything to those claims Giuliani would have spread it far and wide.

Just sit tight, the Biden story is about to go nuclear. In the mean time, enjoy this video...


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