Biden pardons Hunter if he is indicted, why wouldn't he? He is the son of the Potus.

he added a full pardon for Stone and a pardon for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

Trump had already commuted Stone’s sentence and pardoned Flynn, even though both lied to investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins and Steve Stockman. All three abused their privileged positions for their own or their families’ financial gain.

Trump followed up Wednesday with a pardon for Charles Kushner

Trump also pardoned four Blackwater guards convicted in a 2007 shooting that killed 14 Iraqi civilians and wounded 17. Blackwater, of course, was founded by Erik Prince, a prominent Trump backer (who was himself caught up in the Mueller investigation) and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

We have one justice system for his predominantly rich, white and male friends and allies, and another for the rest of America.

Trump pardons: Rewards for his mostly rich, white, male friends & allies (
as long as you were a republican and friends of Donald Trump, no problem you got pardoned.
Trump's pardons trumped Democrat unfairness, lies, criminal acts against the people Democrats wanted to destroy in a paid-for court? You poor widdle things.
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Tramp let of his buddies get pardoned, the least Joe can do if pardon his son IF he gets indicted.
People do anything for their kids.
Wait, so you are fine with abusing political office as long as your political party is doing the abusing?

Also stop asking for proof of Hunter raping underage children and demanding pictures be posted on this board because let be clear you are baiting poster’s to do something that shouldn’t be done!

Let get back to Joe and your stupidity of using a political office to pardon his son if Hunter is convicted of something, and tell me weren’t you one of those that would have called for Trump impeachment had he done that for his kids?

So let stop with the damn hypocrisy and just admit you love abuse of power just as long as your political party does it!

Also let remember you called a young girl a slut because her father voted for Trump, so I know for a fact you care more about who someone voted for than about what is right or wrong and with that I stand with my comment Joe shouldn’t pardon his son if Hunter is convicted of anything!

Stop using Trump to excuse your wish for abuse of power!
he added a full pardon for Stone and a pardon for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort

Trump had already commuted Stone’s sentence and pardoned Flynn, even though both lied to investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Duncan Hunter, Chris Collins and Steve Stockman. All three abused their privileged positions for their own or their families’ financial gain.

Trump followed up Wednesday with a pardon for Charles Kushner

Trump also pardoned four Blackwater guards convicted in a 2007 shooting that killed 14 Iraqi civilians and wounded 17. Blackwater, of course, was founded by Erik Prince, a prominent Trump backer (who was himself caught up in the Mueller investigation) and the brother of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.

We have one justice system for his predominantly rich, white and male friends and allies, and another for the rest of America.

Trump pardons: Rewards for his mostly rich, white, male friends & allies (
as long as you were a republican and friends of Donald Trump, no problem you got pardoned.
Biden was in with hunter so he will go down with him.
Trump'[s pardons trumped Democrat unfairness, lies, criminal acts against the people Democrats wanted to destroy in a paid-for court? You poor widdle things.
When did he pardon Democrats?
Wait, so you are fine with abusing political office as long as your political party is doing the abusing?

Also stop asking for proof of Hunter raping underage children and demanding pictures be posted on this board because let be clear you are baiting poster’s to do something that shouldn’t be done!

Let get back to Joe and your stupidity of using a political office to pardon his son if Hunter is convicted of something, and tell me weren’t you one of those that would have called for Trump impeachment had he done that for his kids?

So let stop with the damn hypocrisy and just admit you love abuse of power just as long as your political party does it!

Also let remember you called a young girl a slut because her father voted for Trump, so I know for a fact you care more about who someone voted for than about what is right or wrong and with that I stand with my comment Joe shouldn’t pardon his son if Hunter is convicted of anything!

Stop using Trump to excuse your wish for abuse of power!
Hannity said tramp should pardon his kids and himself. No it was expected to pardon his kids.
So are you when you assume it is all true simply because you hate someone. Child porn is pretty damn serious. If it was on the laptop, Guiliani would have made sure it was publically released and Hunter Biden would have been charged.
He said there was child porn on it and the media reported it was Russia misinformation.
So you're admitting that what's on Hunter's laptop was real, and not "Russian disinformation"?

Good for you. Self-honesty is the first step toward recovery.
What is on Hunter's laptop? Have you seen it or is this more speculation and slander?
So what!

Hannity is a paid shill for FOX News and his opinion is like yours and it is worthless as can be!
Hannity has been the most-watched and highest-viewed commentator in the business since the leftist putrid pussy press known as the Main Stream Media (MSM) and their stations developed an addiction to Soros orders that paid them almost as well as their supporters grew more and more leary of the fake narratives pushed daily in the Soros-paid-for Democrat Talking Points branch hell bent on creating chaos in the news to bring about Hillary's it takes a village to erase parental influence off the face of the American map.

Hannity was schooled to be a man of God by his faith. He uncovers lies with his flashlight of truth, and it just makes you mad, mad, mad, doesn't it. /snicker.

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