Biden Posts FAKE Letter From A 'Child' Asking Him To Fix The Wage Gap Problem

A burgey flipper / drive-up window server salary was NEVER meant to pay enough for a family to live on.

Well, yeah ... And it still isn't what anyone should aspire to accomplish as their goal in life.

Granted ... After enough time dealing with people who desire the minimum ... You're not going to find me on either side of a drive-thru window ...
I have the resources, time and talent necessary to flip my own burgers ... And they taste better.

Life is what you make of it ... :thup:

You had two really good thread topics.

You should create threads on them...or even join existing ones as they likely exist in abundance.

Highjacking this thread is not cool.

Did you have any input in regards to the letter in the thread topic?
/——/ My input is mocking Dementia Joe about his fake letter by posting a real letter and suggesting another one.
I am not making a claim that a child did or did not write the letter. You people want to skate on the thin ice of lies that is your problem, not mine.

If that is true
Describe your thinking when writing this sentence-

"Still has zero bearing on the false allegations made by the OP."
/----/ I don't trust anything out of this administration. And no child cares about income inequality. If a child did write it, then she was put up to it by an adult with an agenda.
So it's based on your thoughts and feelings. Got it.

No child cares about income inequality? Lol. That's a bold statement.
True -

in reality there is no actual wage gap.

The story is moot.
A lot of it is just plain hype. There are discrimination laws on the books now if someone is truly discriminated against in pay. Of course, all kinds of things happen to a small degree. This is a moot issue because of laws already in place. It's like democrats wanting to campaign on a slogan of making murder illegal. Well, duh, there are already laws on the books that murder is against the law. But, we're not going to start comparing secretary pay to the pay of those who pick up our garbage.
I started using it with you, and now look, like a sheep would, you are bleating away! NEVER CHANGE YOU ARE MY DAILY ENTERTAINMENT

Not according to search. You used on an individual for first time on Nov 8th. Post 803.

I was flattered you started using it on me but alas you made it up.

Not according to search. You used on an individual for first time on Nov 8th. Post 803.

I was flattered you started using it on me but alas you made it up.

I meant between you and I clown!🐑
So you agree with morons. It's fake news 😂
No, I don't agree, moron.

I believe Biden is a pathological liar who will say anything for political benefit.

Raised in a Jewish, Polish, Puerto Rican neighborhood, attended a black church, a black school (for blacks only), is Irish AND ITALIAN...

Was arrested when he was 21 'committing an Insurrection'...

Was a civil rights activist who was arrested in South Africa trying to march with Mandela while hanging out with his BFF KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd back in the states...

Graduated at the top of his law class, like his crackhead son, with honors and 3 degrees...

...and that's just the tip of the pathological iceberg...


Joe 'Pinocchio' Biden
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'Why did I lie about ALMOST everything?
Because one day I want to be as good at
lying as my all-time hero Joe Biden is!
He's so good he lies about EVERYTHING
and never bats an eyelash!'

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