Biden refused to train Ukrainians in guerrilla warfare because he was afraid to upset Putin.

Biden refused to train Ukrainians in guerrilla warfare because he was afraid to upset Putin.​

How come Trump didn't from 2016-2020?
The evidence Biden is owned by Putin is mounting. What a feckless ”leader” the US has.

Putin and Xi have Biden by the balls. Biden is compromised and has been blackmailed. There is no other excuse or explanation for the pro Russia and China positions in opposition to Americas best interests. Biden is appeasing these tyrants because he is compromised. Biden is a walking cluster F**K. He must be removed from his position of power quickly.
You’re a Russian bot.
I'm of the opinion this one is a homegrown, good old fashioned American idiot. While this board is awash in Russian trolls, I've noticed most of them at least possess some common sense.

Not so with this one.
Weren’t y’all complaining that Biden was trying to provoke Putin? I see this as another example of gaslighting in the hope that we’d forget that right wing flacks were saying the exact opposite a couple of weeks ago.
Who was ever saying that weak ass Biden was trying to provoke PUtin? I think you are gaslighting hun.

I recall distinctly that every one was pretty pissed that Biden was enabling and aiding Putin by telling him that was ok to invade before he invaded.
I'm of the opinion this one is a homegrown, good old fashioned American idiot. While this board is awash in Russian trolls, I've noticed most of them at least possess some common sense.

Not so with this one.
They possess NO common sense: they're lying about our country in order to serve Putin and America's fascist far right wing.
If you're not a Russian troll, which I don't think you are, you are a Putin cock holster, just like your Orange Messiah.
Feel free to quote any post by me saying anything positive about Putin.

Put up, or admit you are the lying sack of shit you are.

Biden refused to train Ukrainians in guerrilla warfare because he was afraid to upset Putin.​

How come Trump didn't from 2016-2020?
Did the Ukraine request it from Trump and get turned down, like with your Vegetable Messiah?
Weren’t y’all complaining that Biden was trying to provoke Putin? I see this as another example of gaslighting in the hope that we’d forget that right wing flacks were saying the exact opposite a couple of weeks ago.
Maybe Old Joe gets a pass for december

but the die is cast

now there is no reason to hold back
Damn, three things Tater did right.

Nixed a "no fly zone", the MIG-29s, and now nixing gop neocon calls for training insurgents.

I'm sure it was just by accident or maybe his handlers were off those days and he had a lucid moment. ;)

That said I would have been fine with the MIGs had it not been handled in such a ham-handed and public way. In fact they should have been transferred on the down-low well before the invasion. It's not like there were these things called clues.
We need to send Ukraine a bunch of Iranian IEDs.
It's funny watching those on the Right rootin' for Putin while dancing on the "not really" line.

Nobody's "rooting for Putin", you idiot. But I will say that if it comes to a dick measuring contest between Putin and Biden, Joe is going to come up woefully short.

You morons had your chance to avoid all this shit back in 2020, but you blew it. You screwed the pooch. You fucked up bigly.

So enjoy the fruits of your stupidity and remember, "Elections have consequences."
Nobody's "rooting for Putin", you idiot. But I will say that if it comes to a dick measuring contest between Putin and Biden, Joe is going to come up woefully short.
Not only do you support Putin, you are also sexually aroused by him.

You are, what we called in the 80's, a "super freak".

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