Biden Regime actively blocking rescue of Americans.

Yet another example of how the Biden Regime puts Americans last. Meanwhile, Joe is on vacation again.


Published 15 hours ago

State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: 'Blood is on their hands'​

Americans involved in private evacuation efforts tell Fox News that the State Department is the only reason their planes haven't left Afghanistan​

FIRST ON FOX: Americans engaged in the rescue of U.S. citizens, SIVs and green card holders left behind by President Biden in Afghanistan are horrified by what they describe as inexplicable delays from the State Department that are preventing evacuation flights from leaving the country.

The State Department's delays are recklessly endangering American lives, three different individuals involved in the private evacuation effort told Fox News.

Rick Clay, who runs the private rescue group PlanB, told Fox News that the State Department is the only thing preventing the flights he's organizing from leaving Afghanistan.

Two other American individuals separately involved in evacuation efforts, whom Fox News is not naming to avoid jeopardizing ongoing rescue efforts, similarly said that the State Department is the sole entity preventing their charter flights from leaving Afghanistan.

"This is zero place to be negotiating with American lives. Those are our people standing on the tarmac and all it takes is a f****ing phone call," one of those individuals, who has been integral to private evacuation efforts from Afghanistan, told Fox News.

"If one life is lost as a result of this, the blood is on the White House's hands. The blood is on their hands," that individual said, adding: "It is not the Taliban that is holding this up – as much as it sickens me to say that – it is the United States government."

That individual suggested that the State Department's obstruction is motivated in part by embarrassment that private individuals are rescuing Americans that the U.S. government left behind.

Those seeking clearance to land in Qatar were informed by military channels that they must first go through the State Department to gain approval, an email reviewed by Fox News shows.

Clay has a manifest of 4,500 names of U.S. citizens, green card holders, SIVs and refugees trying to get state-side. So far, they've given the State Department 800 names for a first round of flights. Fox News has reviewed that manifest, which confirms Clay's account.

State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: 'Blood is on their hands'

State Department obstruction of private rescue flights from Afghanistan revealed in leaked email​

EXCLUSIVE: The State Department refused to grant official approval for private evacuation flights from Afghanistan to land in third countries, even though the department conceded that official authorization would likely be needed for planes to land in those countries, an email reviewed by Fox News shows.

Furthermore, the State Department explicitly stated that charter flights, even those containing American citizens, would not be allowed to land at Defense Department (DOD) airbases.

The Biden administration's delaying of private evacuation efforts has been a widespread source of frustration, infuriating rescue organizers and even a prominent Democratic senator.

Eric Montalvo, who organized a series of private flights evacuating those stranded in Afghanistan, shared that email and others with Fox News after his evacuation efforts were repeatedly hampered by the federal bureaucracy.

A Sept. 1 email that a State Department official sent to Montalvo underscores the extent to which private evacuation efforts have run into bureaucratic roadblocks.

"No independent charters are allowed to land at [Al Udeid Air Base], the military airbase you mentioned in your communication with Samantha Power. In fact, no charters are allowed to land at an [sic] DoD base and most if not all countries in the Middle Eastern region, with the exception of perhaps Saudi Arabia will allow charters to land," the official wrote.

"You need to find another destination country, and it can't be the U.S. either."

The official noted that though some third countries "may require" official approval from the State Department before accepting the private charter flights, the department "will not provide" that approval.

"Truth over facts"?

What the fuck do you think that means?
You tell me, your “great” president said it.


There is no reason for them to block the flights, like it was said they will have blood on their hands, disgusting
EXCLUSIVE: Leaked email reveals Biden admin blocked Afghan rescue flights

EXCLUSIVE: Leaked email reveals Biden admin blocked Afghan rescue flights

This is not just a case of incompetence - this is TREASON. A President attempting to thwart the rescue of US citizens from terrorist-held/run Afghanistan should be an Impeachable offense. At the very least Biden should be called before Congress to explain his reasons for doing so.

"State Department 'will not provide an approval' of charter flights from Afghanistan, leaked email reveals"

Screw your 'approval' - rescuing US citizens Biden left behind doesn't need the permission / approval of the man who left them behind.

'Lead, Follow, or GTFO of the Way!'

Biden is to feeble, frail, dementia-ravaged, liar, and indecisive coward to do any of them.
Yet another example of how the Biden Regime puts Americans last. Meanwhile, Joe is on vacation again.


Published 15 hours ago

State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: 'Blood is on their hands'​

Americans involved in private evacuation efforts tell Fox News that the State Department is the only reason their planes haven't left Afghanistan​

FIRST ON FOX: Americans engaged in the rescue of U.S. citizens, SIVs and green card holders left behind by President Biden in Afghanistan are horrified by what they describe as inexplicable delays from the State Department that are preventing evacuation flights from leaving the country.

The State Department's delays are recklessly endangering American lives, three different individuals involved in the private evacuation effort told Fox News.

Rick Clay, who runs the private rescue group PlanB, told Fox News that the State Department is the only thing preventing the flights he's organizing from leaving Afghanistan.

Two other American individuals separately involved in evacuation efforts, whom Fox News is not naming to avoid jeopardizing ongoing rescue efforts, similarly said that the State Department is the sole entity preventing their charter flights from leaving Afghanistan.

"This is zero place to be negotiating with American lives. Those are our people standing on the tarmac and all it takes is a f****ing phone call," one of those individuals, who has been integral to private evacuation efforts from Afghanistan, told Fox News.

"If one life is lost as a result of this, the blood is on the White House's hands. The blood is on their hands," that individual said, adding: "It is not the Taliban that is holding this up – as much as it sickens me to say that – it is the United States government."

That individual suggested that the State Department's obstruction is motivated in part by embarrassment that private individuals are rescuing Americans that the U.S. government left behind.

Those seeking clearance to land in Qatar were informed by military channels that they must first go through the State Department to gain approval, an email reviewed by Fox News shows.

Clay has a manifest of 4,500 names of U.S. citizens, green card holders, SIVs and refugees trying to get state-side. So far, they've given the State Department 800 names for a first round of flights. Fox News has reviewed that manifest, which confirms Clay's account.

State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: 'Blood is on their hands'

We need Regime Change in the USA
Holding them hostage at an airport 'speaks well fof the Taliban honoring the deal to let people leave"????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::itsok:
But it was supposed to be the State Department that was holding them?

It's not fake news, it's inconvenient news for you.
did you miss the act last week? 13 people died

the taliban has checkpoints and controls who gets in the airport.

xiden’s admin also doesn’t seem to be helping as well

what a cluster
Only 13 is a blessing. The Taliban could have resorted to the tradional way of saying goodbye to a defeated enemy and made it hundreds of thousands.

Obviously America is making friends with the Taliban and the deal Trump cut with them is the first proof.
It's most likely the US purposely left the Taliban with enough military equipment and resources to make them more capable of dealing with ISIS, America's and the Taliban's common enemy.

Some are pushing the rumour that Biden will send in a bombing raid to destroy the larger gifts!
He won't of course.

America is scrambling to make the Taliban their ally in Afghanistan. That fact can't be revealed too soon though.
Sensational stories from Faux News travels all the way around the world before the truth has it's first cup of coffee.......

State Department obstruction of private rescue flights from Afghanistan revealed in leaked email​

EXCLUSIVE: The State Department refused to grant official approval for private evacuation flights from Afghanistan to land in third countries, even though the department conceded that official authorization would likely be needed for planes to land in those countries, an email reviewed by Fox News shows.

Furthermore, the State Department explicitly stated that charter flights, even those containing American citizens, would not be allowed to land at Defense Department (DOD) airbases.

The Biden administration's delaying of private evacuation efforts has been a widespread source of frustration, infuriating rescue organizers and even a prominent Democratic senator.

Eric Montalvo, who organized a series of private flights evacuating those stranded in Afghanistan, shared that email and others with Fox News after his evacuation efforts were repeatedly hampered by the federal bureaucracy.

A Sept. 1 email that a State Department official sent to Montalvo underscores the extent to which private evacuation efforts have run into bureaucratic roadblocks.

"No independent charters are allowed to land at [Al Udeid Air Base], the military airbase you mentioned in your communication with Samantha Power. In fact, no charters are allowed to land at an [sic] DoD base and most if not all countries in the Middle Eastern region, with the exception of perhaps Saudi Arabia will allow charters to land," the official wrote.

"You need to find another destination country, and it can't be the U.S. either."

The official noted that though some third countries "may require" official approval from the State Department before accepting the private charter flights, the department "will not provide" that approval.

Traitor Joe is not allowing these Americans to return to the US at all. He wants them returned to the Taliban.

We are in desperate need of a successful Valkyrie.
Traitor Joe is not allowing these Americans to return to the US at all. He wants them returned to the Taliban.

We are in desperate need of a successful Valkyrie.
Closer to the truth is that those Americans remaining are choosing to stay.

All Americans should be happy they will stay behind as an American influence on the Taliban. And they won't lose their heads if the behave.

Begin to understand that the Taliban is America' new ally in Afghanistan. That's how victory can be snatched out of the jaws of defeat.
Credit Trump or Biden, it makes no real difference.

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