Biden Regime actively blocking rescue of Americans.

Only 13 is a blessing. The Taliban could have resorted to the tradional way of saying goodbye to a defeated enemy and made it hundreds of thousands.

Obviously America is making friends with the Taliban and the deal Trump cut with them is the first proof.
It's most likely the US purposely left the Taliban with enough military equipment and resources to make them more capable of dealing with ISIS, America's and the Taliban's common enemy.

Some are pushing the rumour that Biden will send in a bombing raid to destroy the larger gifts!
He won't of course.

America is scrambling to make the Taliban their ally in Afghanistan. That fact can't be revealed too soon though.
oh yes it cooks have been much worse and no doubt xiden is trying to push this narrative they can be trusted

Trumps deal, is not evidence of trying to be friendly…all that was was proof that trump was attempting to try and leave afghan. Not that he was trying to be there friend.

State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan, organizers say: 'Blood is on their hands'​

The blood in on the hands of rescue flights. Glen Beck comes to mind.
Is Rick Clay vetting them, I bet not.
Did Biden vet the ac130 with over 600 Muslim fighting age men on it?

Go fuck yourself
Trumpettes have no license to claim Biden has blood on his hands. Dear Leader killed a couple hundred thousand with his failed COVID response.
oh yes it cooks have been much worse and no doubt xiden is trying to push this narrative they can be trusted

Trumps deal, is not evidence of trying to be friendly…all that was was proof that trump was attempting to try and leave afghan. Not that he was trying to be there friend.
I'll buy it that way. Blame either Trump or Biden or US military planning. America will soon be 'unofficially' allied with the Taliban in the interest of fighting the common enemy.

No Americans will be able to digest that in the short term, but give it a couple of months.
It will need to be spun as against Biden's will for obvious reasons you're already hinting at.
Trumpettes have no license to claim Biden has blood on his hands. Dear Leader killed a couple hundred thousand with his failed COVID response.
Everything you just said is shit....every bit of it. Remarkable.
Can you be for and against Biden's huge evacuation success at the same time?
Does the fact that we got some Americans out out-weigh all the bad / damage that was done by the failed methods used to do so?

In the end, Biden abandoned /left Americans and allies behind, destroyed his own credibility with allied leaders and American citizens, evacuated and brought to the US at least 100 terrorist-connected Afghanis, is making no effort to rescue Americans he left behind except to seek to pay ransoms for them, is blocking private citizens who ARE going in and rescuing Americans, and almost guaranteed that the US will have to go back into Afghanistan....
Does the fact that we got some Americans out out-weigh all the bad / damage that was done by the failed methods used to do so?

In the end, Biden abandoned /left Americans and allies behind, destroyed his own credibility with allied leaders and American citizens, evacuated and brought to the US at least 100 terrorist-connected Afghanis, is making no effort to rescue Americans he left behind except to seek to pay ransoms for them, is blocking private citizens who ARE going in and rescuing Americans, and almost guaranteed that the US will have to go back into Afghanistan....
I think it's more likely that no Americans were left behind that truly wanted to leave. Regardless of the story that it's the State Dept. that's keeping the planes there.

Get up to speed: The Taliban aren't going to be blamed for any moves against America now, other than Fox news' fake spin.

Give it your best try.
Of all the Bidenista Cultists on the board, you have to be one of the dumbest.
Surrender Joe abandons Americans behind enemy lines.
Private citizens arrange to save Americans Surrender Joe left behind enemy lines.
Surrender Joe prohibits them from rescuing Americans.
And you try to blame those rescuing Americans. You are truly pathetic and disgusting.

almost guaranteed that the US will have to go back into Afghanistan....
To fight against who?

Can't you see yet that the Taliban are becoming America's ally?
Would it be easier if you blame Biden as being a traitor?
Does the fact that we got some Americans out out-weigh all the bad / damage that was done by the failed methods used to do so?

In the end, Biden abandoned /left Americans and allies behind, destroyed his own credibility with allied leaders and American citizens, evacuated and brought to the US at least 100 terrorist-connected Afghanis, is making no effort to rescue Americans he left behind except to seek to pay ransoms for them, is blocking private citizens who ARE going in and rescuing Americans, and almost guaranteed that the US will have to go back into Afghanistan....

Everything you just said is shit....every bit of it. Remarkable. ;)
Closer to the truth is that those Americans remaining are choosing to stay.

All Americans should be happy they will stay behind as an American influence on the Taliban. And they won't lose their heads if the behave.

Begin to understand that the Taliban is America' new ally in Afghanistan. That's how victory can be snatched out of the jaws of defeat.
Credit Trump or Biden, it makes no real difference.
Yeah, that's why they are all loading up on a plane that was ready to leave Afghanistan until Joe's buddies in the Taliban made them hostages.

If you got any dumber you would be moss.
Yet another example of how the Biden Regime puts Americans last. Meanwhile, Joe is on vacation again.
State Dept blocking private rescue flights from leaving Afghanistan

Could we really expect better competency now from a bunch of people who with months of planning and years of experience not only thought an army of cowards could actually defend Afghanistan, but when that failed, had no back-up plan but to leave behind 28 billion dollars worth of guns, rifles, and assorted military combat hardware?

Clearly, the State has a reason for not wanting these people air lifted out of there-- -- -- they have seen things which if they get back here now would be reported to the media very damaging to the Biddum Administration not consistent with the mainstream cover-up press.

I mean, if they were willing to pull the mic on Trump as PRESIDENT, does anyone really think they care about these people left over there?
To fight against who?

Can't you see yet that the Taliban are becoming America's ally?
Would it be easier if you blame Biden as being a traitor?
Can't you see yet that the Taliban are becoming America's ally?

Terrorists who blow up our servicemen and women may become Surrender Joe's ally, but never America's ally.
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Can't you see yet that the Taliban are becoming America's ally?

Joe has picked them as winners just as Obumma used to pick banks and car makers and other businesses as his "winners."

If you play, you get paid.

The Taliban, the Iranians, the Chinese, the Guatemalans, and maybe Hamas are Joe's new BFFs.
Joe has picked them as winners just as Obumma used to pick banks and car makers and other businesses as his "winners."

If you play, you get paid.

The Taliban, the Iranians, the Chinese, the Guatemalans, and maybe Hamas are Joe's new BFFs.

Who proudly negotiated with the Taliban and withdrew most of our forces from the field. Hell, Trumpyberra is still bragging about the setup.

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a shame."

Donald Trump: (22:53)


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