Biden Regime Tortures 1/6 Political Prisoners

This isn’t a racial issue unless you make it about race because you can’t defend the fact that your side -which is supposedly about human rights- just got exposed.

Keep in mind that his side supports the brutal murder of thousands of innocents children every day.

Any creature that supports the savage and murderous practice of abortion completely forfeits all credibility in claiming to give a shit about human rights.
I know it was.
It shows how deranged the left has become. They are OK with the horrible torture going on in the DC jail against non-violent offenders because the victims support Trump.
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The treatment of the trespassers on 1/6 resembles that perpetrated by North Korea. As just one example, the prisoner whose “crime” was to put his feet on Pelosi’s desk has been beaten, put in solitary confinement 109 days, and tortured with sleep deprivation (link below), while stories of other political prisoners have emerged about medical treatment being denied to cancer patients, being thrown into isolation about complaining about chest pains, living in qualified, mold-infested conditions, and being fed spoiled food.

Jail sucks. Welcome to the world
This used to be America


It shows how deranged the left has become. They are OK with the horrible torture going on in the DC jail against non-violent offenders because they support Trump.
Exactly why they can’t be taken seriously when it comes to their anti LO/defund the police crap.

They gave no integrity.
I don’t hate black people. That’s just you, the lib, calling the race card.

I hate the double standards by which blacks are allowed bail for vicious and violent crimes, and whites are denied bond and tortured in jail for non-violent crimes.
It happens to both white and black perps it's not just one side it happens to.
Yup. And the bigot often does it in the same post. He can be railing against racists while calling Judaism a “disgusting” religion, spewing venom for Jews.

Just another liberal hypocrite.

It pretty much considers all religion, and any basic standards of morality, ethics, and decently, or any organization that promotes any such standards, to be “disgusting”.

It is a creature that has made the conscious, knowing, and willing choice to support evil over good, madness over reason. And in so doing, it has forfeited its on humanity.
Keep in mind that his side supports the brutal murder of thousands of innocents children every day.

Any creature that supports the savage and murderous practice of abortion completely forfeits all credibility in claiming to give a shit about human rights.
The Left is all for Blacks, Jews, Women, Gays, Latinos, Asians, Human Rights….. provided all of these people think, feel, and act as the Left tells them too.
The treatment of the trespassers on 1/6 resembles that perpetrated by North Korea. As just one example, the prisoner whose “crime” was to put his feet on Pelosi’s desk has been beaten, put in solitary confinement 109 days, and tortured with sleep deprivation (link below), while stories of other political prisoners have emerged about medical treatment being denied to cancer patients, being thrown into isolation about complaining about chest pains, living in qualified, mold-infested conditions, and being fed spoiled food.

Don't do the crime, if you can't do the crime. The pussy spent 109 days in solitary because he was "skeered".

Too bad we don't execute traitors, save everyone all of this "abuse".
It’s disgusting what the leftists are doing to this country. They do indeed err on the side of criminals.

They don't “err”. They actively, willfully take the side of criminals, against that of human beings.

They know and intend what they are doing.
Can’t answer, eh? You just justified the torture of American citizens upthread, and then drew a comparison of them to Islamic terrorists.

….and you’re going on ignore, so stop your BS.
See ya, racist.
The treatment of the trespassers on 1/6 resembles that perpetrated by North Korea. As just one example, the prisoner whose “crime” was to put his feet on Pelosi’s desk has been beaten, put in solitary confinement 109 days, and tortured with sleep deprivation (link below), while stories of other political prisoners have emerged about medical treatment being denied to cancer patients, being thrown into isolation about complaining about chest pains, living in qualified, mold-infested conditions, and being fed spoiled food.

Well first of all your credibility is destroyed right off the bat the moment you call these people "tresspassers."
Do you not realize this terminology is immediately recognizable as a right-wing talking point?
In other words you are just calling these insurrectionists here what Trump and the right-wing fake media have told you to call them.
It looks like you are a good cultist and you obey well.
Come ON!
"Tresspassing" is not an accurate word for this traitors crime.
He illegally entered The U.S. Capitol armed with a weapon (stun gun) intent upon disrupting the orderly transfer of power following a legitimate and constitutional national election.
The weapon indicates he also intended to harm duly elected government officials to prevent them from carrying out their sworn duty.

Second, this entire article is based upon heresay accusations this guy's lawyer is making.
That should tell you something. That's what lawyers DO!
These guys are seeing dollar signs. That's it.

I mean, it's a prison. I am sure conditions are less than ideal. That is why prisons are places to stay away from.
Did these January 6th terrorists think they were going to get a ticker tape parade for their attempted coup?
Surely they MUST have foreseen a prison cell for themselves at the end of all this right?
So what's with all the WHINING now?
"Prison is no fun!"

Just like Jacob Chansley (remember Buffalo robe boy) who started bitching and lodging protests almost the moment he got locked up.....because the jail didn't have organic, vegan food!

I'll tell ya, if these prissy, whining snowflakes are all you guys have got for "warriors" in your "well armed militia" for your "civil war" you'd better just give up before you start.
It looks like an "army" of cream-puffs!

Well first of all your credibility is destroyed right off the bat the moment you call these people "tresspassers."
Do you not realize this terminology is immediately recognizable as a right-wing talking point?
In other words you are just calling these insurrectionists here what Trump and the right-wing fake media have told you to call them.
It looks like you are a good cultist and you obey well.
Come ON!
"Tresspassing" is not an accurate word for this traitors crime.
He illegally entered The U.S. Capitol armed with a weapon (stun gun) intent upon disrupting the orderly transfer of power following a legitimate and constitutional national election.
The weapon indicates he also intended to harm duly elected government officials to prevent them from carrying out their sworn duty.

Second, this entire article is based upon heresay accusations this guy's lawyer is making.
That should tell you something. That's what lawyers DO!
These guys are seeing dollar signs. That's it.

I mean, it's a prison. I am sure conditions are less than ideal. That is why prisons are places to stay away from.
Did these January 6th terrorists think they were going to get a ticker tape parade for their attempted coup?
Surely they MUST have foreseen a prison cell for themselves at the end of all this right?
So what's with all the WHINING now?
"Prison is no fun!"

Just like Jacob Chansley (remember Buffalo robe boy) who started bitching and lodging protests almost the moment he got locked up.....because the jail didn't have organic, vegan food!

I'll tell ya, if these prissy, whining snowflakes are all you guys have got for "warriors" in your "well armed militia" for your "civil war" you'd better just give up before you start.
It looks like an "army" of cream-puffs!

Your credibility is destroyed right off the bat when you call these people “insurrectionists.” Do you not realize this is a left- wing talking point?

You started off criticizing me for the very thing YOU were doing, and thus I didn’t bother reading the rest of your diatribe. Just couldn’t get past your hypocrisy.
Explain to me what the difference is [between a terrorist and a human being].

The difference is obvious to all sane human beings. If it's not obvious to you, then no attempt by me or anyone else to explain it to you will help.

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