Biden Regime Tortures 1/6 Political Prisoners

I think what you are trying to say here Bob is that you think human beings are white.
In order to be a terrorist your skin has to be darker.

Absolutely wrong.

Where did I say anything about race?

The distinction between human beings and subhuman creatures such as terrorists, perverts, criminals, and such, has nothing at all to do with race, and everything to do with behavior.

Your post is just you trying to project your own racism on me.
Absolutely wrong.

Where did I say anything about race?

The distinction between human beings and subhuman creatures such as terrorists, perverts, criminals, and such, has nothing at all to do with race, and everything to do with behavior.

Your post is just you trying to project your own racism on me.
My apologies for misunderstanding your Meaning.
It looks like you agree then.
The people who allowed Trump to talk them into storming the Capitol broke the law.
That makes them criminals.
According to your own definition here that makes them "sub-human" (your words).
They are not "political prisoners."
They are domestic terrorists.
We are in agreement.
My apologies for misunderstanding your Meaning.
It looks like you agree then.
The people who allowed Trump to talk them into storming the Capitol broke the law.
That makes them criminals.
According to your own definition here that makes them "sub-human" (your words).
They are not "political prisoners."
They are domestic terrorists.
We are in agreement.
Trump didn’t talk them into storming the Capitol, and they are not domestic terrorists.

The true domestic terrorists are:

1) BLM supporters who wreaked havoc on the country for months on end - burning, murdering, and looting

2) The Democrats who have weaponized a government agency to attack the #1 rival, and likely nominee, of the Democrats - thereby trying to deprive 75 million American citizens from voting for the man they want as president
My apologies for misunderstanding your Meaning.
It looks like you agree then.
The people who allowed Trump to talk them into storming the Capitol broke the law.
That makes them criminals.
According to your own definition here that makes them "sub-human" (your words).
They are not "political prisoners."
They are domestic terrorists.
We are in agreement.

I'm not even going to try to discern to what degree you are being willfully dishonest, and to what degree you're just plain stupid. Clearly, there is no point in trying to have any discussion of any kind with you, for whether by intent or stupidity, anything that I say will just be twisted in an absurd mockery of what I actually said.
The treatment of the trespassers on 1/6 resembles that perpetrated by North Korea. As just one example, the prisoner whose “crime” was to put his feet on Pelosi’s desk has been beaten, put in solitary confinement 109 days, and tortured with sleep deprivation (link below), while stories of other political prisoners have emerged about medical treatment being denied to cancer patients, being thrown into isolation about complaining about chest pains, living in qualified, mold-infested conditions, and being fed spoiled food.

By "trespassers," you mean domestic terrorists. It's a shame we can't ship them off to Gitmo to be with foreign terrorists.
I'm not even going to try to discern to what degree you are being willfully dishonest, and to what degree you're just plain stupid. Clearly, there is no point in trying to have any discussion of any kind with you, for whether by intent or stupidity, anything that I say will just be twisted in an absurd mockery of what I actually said.
Well Bob it's like that greasy old windbag Rush Limbaugh used to say;
words mean things.
The treatment of the trespassers on 1/6 resembles that perpetrated by North Korea. As just one example, the prisoner whose “crime” was to put his feet on Pelosi’s desk has been beaten, put in solitary confinement 109 days, and tortured with sleep deprivation (link below), while stories of other political prisoners have emerged about medical treatment being denied to cancer patients, being thrown into isolation about complaining about chest pains, living in qualified, mold-infested conditions, and being fed spoiled food.

This stuff happens all the time. It is the routine harassment of prisoners in most jails. The wake up sleep deprivation is claimed to be safety. Suicide watch. Or it is claimed to be standard security precautions.

None of you complain when it is happening to other prisoners. You all denounce the groups complaining about it. You say the prisoners need to have a rough time in Jail or Prison to deter them from committing more crimes.

Curious that now you are outraged. Now you are furious. What happened to the good. They deserve it. They deserve much more. Our jails and prisons are too soft?
He definitely is. You should hear the venom he spews against Jews!

And to the contrary, the reason they ARE being tortured is because they are white people. Blacks would have been given low bail, and bailed out with Kamala’s raised funds. But whitey can rot.

Most of the BLM suspects just did property damage. Sorry, what happened on 1/6 was a lot worse than property damage. it was an attempt to subvert democracy. It the Jan 6 terrorists had succeeded, Democracy would be over in this country. Elections would be decided by the largest, angriest mob.
Yup. And the bigot often does it in the same post. He can be railing against racists while calling Judaism a “disgusting” religion, spewing venom for Jews.

Your religion is based on screwing over people who belong to other religions because you are God's chosen people.

Draw your own conclusions.

So you’re opposed to waterboarding Islamic Terrorists, but OK with torturing American citizens who committed no violent crime?

Except no one is torturing them... they are getting the same treatment in prison that POOR PEOPLE OF COLOR regularly get... and it's kind of awful.
pretty much considers all religion, and any basic standards of morality, ethics, and decently, or any organization that promotes any such standards, to be “disgusting”.

It is a creature that has made the conscious, knowing, and willing choice to support evil over good, madness over reason. And in so doing, it has forfeited its on humanity.

Frankly, if the only thing that makes you moral (you know, wanting to murder women for having abortions, etc.) is your fear of an imaginary sky man... that's kind of messed up.

I mean, don't get me wrong, you're a hate crime looking for a place to happen, it would be terrifying what you would do if you realized there is no fairy on Planet Kolob.
They didn’t. They wanted to delay the certification until a very questionable and unprecedented election was heard by courts - and not dismissed on procedural grounds.

The courts heard the challenges, and rejected them 56 times.

And it’s disgusting that you think that it is OK that someone who didn’t injure anyone, didn’t attempt to Injure anyone, didn’t have a weapon should be thrown in isolation, beaten, forced to live in unsanitary conditions, and denied medical treatment - while murderers, like the black racist who killed six white people in a racist rage, get treated decently.

Um, 5 people died, and 140 Capitol Police Officers were injured in this insurrection. It was hardly harmless.

Prisons ARE horrible places... but you are fine with millions of people being locked up in them for mostly NON-VIOLENT offenses.

Sorry, but people who are upset by an unfair election are not worse than murderers of numerous, innocent people. That you think so, based on your political bias, shows how much the regime has poisoned your mind.

Uh, the election was TOTALLY Fair. You just didn't get the result you wanted.

This used to be America. None of the trespassers should have been in jail at all. Violent offenders and sexual abusers get off on minimum bail.

That you try to downplay what the Jan 6 Terrorists did as "trespassing" shows your dishonesty.

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