Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

Then you should be over on the other side telling the dems they should stop, rather than criticizing the repubs for trying to even the odds. Granted, I don't follow anyone on these forums, but, where are your posts admonishing dems for their role in the past 7 years?
I generally refrain from trying to educate sheep on how to be something other than sheep. It pisses them off, frustrates me, and doesn’t do either of us any good.

The Democrat/Progressive end of the political spectrum here in the USA are sheep. There is no point in trying to educate or influence them. As a life-long New Englander I see this in real life every single day. It’s a lost cause.

I had hoped that maybe there were some on the Right/Republican end of the spectrum who might still be able to learn and evolve beyond what they currently are. Our conversation here has made me seriously rethink that position.

Good day, Sir; and a very happy and healthy holiday season to you and yours.
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I generally refrain from trying to educate sheep on how to be something other than sheep. It pisses them off, frustrates me, and doesn’t do either of us any good.

The Democrat/Progressive end of the political spectrum here in the USA are sheep. There is no point in trying to educate or influence them. As a life-long New Englander I see this in real life every single day. It’s a lost cause.

I had hoped that maybe there were some on the Right/Republican end of the spectrum who might still be able to learn and evolve beyond what they currently are. Our conversation here has made me seriously rethink that position.

Good day, Sir; and a very happy and healthy holiday season to you and yours.
Well, I'm sorry I had to let you down. Trust me, I'd like to be able to just ignore them, but aside from giving them an invitation to keep on the attack, they are not going to let the repubs forget. You've seen what's been going on. There are repubs who are trying to distance themselves from trump, but the left won't let them. No matter what, the left will continue to throw "trumpism" in their face and will continue to keep associating everyone on the right as a "trumper".

So, what you are asking is for those on the right to let it go, while the dems continue to attack. That just doesn't work.

Also, while I do lean to the right, I don't necessarily align myself strictly to the republican party.

Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

4 Nov 20232 ~~ By Solange Reyner

President Joe Biden on Thursday warned that Republicans will seek to impeach him if they win the House majority next week.
“I’m already being told if they win back the House and Senate, they’re going to impeach me,” Biden told a crowd at MiraCosta College near San Diego, California, while stumping for the reelection of Rep. Mike Levin. “I don’t know what the hell they’re going to impeach me for.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced five articles of impeachment against Biden. Ten House Republicans have either introduced or sponsored 21 articles of impeachment against Biden and his top officials, according to the The New York Times.

Indeed, there's a hundred good reasons to impeach The Big Guy. But I think a better strategy would be to repeatedly demand that he be removed under the 25th Amendment. Of course there's no way te DNC Party headquarters would allow that...unless Kamaltoe Harris resigned and was replaced with someone who had a chance of being *elected* President.
Although it may be a great idea. the consequences' may be worse than the cure.
With a majority in both House's of Congress Joe Biden will become ineffective and just a lame duck. He would only do much more than drool on and sign EOs.
Then again you reap what you sow!
Maoist Democrats went all in with repeated impeachments on Trump regardless of how trivial, then seeing this come around to you should be no surprise, but not practicable.
Sure they can do that in an afternoon, for policies that have ruined America whatever the hell that means.
So, what you are asking is for those on the right to let it go, while the dems continue to attack. That just doesn't work
Until the Republican Party as a whole puts Trump in the rear view mirror they deserve to continue being reminded of him. Not necessarily in the way it’s happening, but when you lay down with clowns, you have to expect to wake up in a circus. Being the “adult” in the room is the only reasonable way to eventually distance themselves from the circus
Also, while I do lean to the right, I don't necessarily align myself strictly to the republican party
The three words I’d use to describe myself politically are: Traditional, Conservative & Authoritarian.
Until the Republican Party as a whole puts Trump in the rear view mirror they deserve to continue being reminded of him. Not necessarily in the way it’s happening, but when you lay down with clowns, you have to expect to wake up in a circus.

How do you propose they do that when most of Trump's primary picks won and most of those won their general election? Five million more Republicans came out to vote over Democrats. If the party abandons Trump supporters, they may make people like you happy, but most of their constituency will be pissed.
How do you propose they do that when most of Trump's primary picks won and most of those won their general election? Five million more Republicans came out to vote over Democrats. If the party abandons Trump supporters, they may make people like you happy, but most of their constituency will be pissed
You’re right, it’s not going to be easy. In fact it’s going to be incredibly difficult.

Especially since it will require someone convincing Donald J Trump to rescind his already announced candidacy. Until that happens the Republican Party has no chance in 2024.

After that it’s a two-pronged strategy…

1. REFUSE to discuss DHT with the press, Democrats, etc… Don’t mention his name. Don’t take questions about him. Don’t acknothim in the media or campaigns at all.

2. Make it clear to the Trump supporters that the split is with the MAN, not the majority Of his policies.

If that doesn’t happen (and I don’t think it will) the Republicans have no chance in 2024.
You’re right, it’s not going to be easy. In fact it’s going to be incredibly difficult.

Especially since it will require someone convincing Donald J Trump to rescind his already announced candidacy. Until that happens the Republican Party has no chance in 2024.

After that it’s a two-pronged strategy…

1. REFUSE to discuss DHT with the press, Democrats, etc… Don’t mention his name. Don’t take questions about him. Don’t acknothim in the media or campaigns at all.

2. Make it clear to the Trump supporters that the split is with the MAN, not the majority Of his policies.

If that doesn’t happen (and I don’t think it will) the Republicans have no chance in 2024.

There are a lot of "ifs" being two years away. For instance who are the Democrats going to run? If Biden refuses to leave it would be between him and Trump, and the way things are looking now, this country is only going to get worse as time moves on. It's also under the assumption that nobody can beat Trump in the primaries. If DeSantis does run, he may be the next Republican nominee. If Trump does get it, both contenders are up in age, anything can happen to their health or mental health at this point in their lives.
. We can transition to renewables by 2030 should we choose to do so.

There are a lot of "ifs" being two years away. For instance who are the Democrats going to run? If Biden refuses to leave it would be between him and Trump, and the way things are looking now, this country is only going to get worse as time moves on. It's also under the assumption that nobody can beat Trump in the primaries. If DeSantis does run, he may be the next Republican nominee. If Trump does get it, both contenders are up in age, anything can happen to their health or mental health at this point in their lives
There are a lot of “ifs”. The one thing I feel 100% confident about is this:

On February 1, 2025 Donald J Trump will STILL be a FORMER (not current) President of the United States.
How do you propose they do that when most of Trump's primary picks won and most of those won their general election? Five million more Republicans came out to vote over Democrats. If the party abandons Trump supporters, they may make people like you happy, but most of their constituency will be pissed.
That's exactly what the left is aiming at..

but I say the group most responsible for so many Rs coming out to vote

is the dims


People see how insane they are.. not hard to see, for sure
That's exactly what the left is aiming at..

but I say the group most responsible for so many Rs coming out to vote

is the dims


People see how insane they are.. not hard to see, for sure

It will be a battle between people who vote on personalities and people that vote on issues and results. Unfortunately, it's the personality people that screw up our elections so bad. That's why the founders didn't think it was a good idea for everybody to vote.
Until the Republican Party as a whole puts Trump in the rear view mirror they deserve to continue being reminded of him. Not necessarily in the way it’s happening, but when you lay down with clowns, you have to expect to wake up in a circus. Being the “adult” in the room is the only reasonable way to eventually distance themselves from the circus

The three words I’d use to describe myself politically are: Traditional, Conservative & Authoritarian.
So you subscribe to the idea that everyone is lumped together? As I've stated, there are people who are trying to move away from trump, but the left won't let them. So, whats the answer to that?

Even if the entire repub party said "were done with trump!", that wouldn't matter. Trump is such a good target to hang on the backs of all repubs, the dems don't want to lose that, which is why they won't LET people move away from him. No, the dems want to keep ALL those repubs right there next to trump, so they can use it as a weapon.
There are a lot of “ifs”. The one thing I feel 100% confident about is this:

On February 1, 2025 Donald J Trump will STILL be a FORMER (not current) President of the United States.
So, you're a never trumper? You say part of your political identity is conservative. If you are conservative, then are you also so hateful of trump that you would avoid voting for him should he be the nominee? Your stance in this means that you would essentially help put a dem back I office for 4 more years.

In that lies an issue that many people don't understand. Just because you voted for trump doesn't make you a trump supporter, it just means you'll take him over whatever the dems are offering. Call it the lesser of two evils if you will.

Take me for example, I really don't care who the candidate is, I don't put my support behind any person, but behind a party, or the ideology. As long as they are going to adhere to Republican principles, and do their job, it doesn't matter to me who it is.
So, you're a never trumper? You say part of your political identity is conservative. If you are conservative, then are you also so hateful of trump that you would avoid voting for him should he be the nominee? Your stance in this means that you would essentially help put a dem back I office for 4 more years
I’m a Never-Again-Trumper. I voted for him in 2016. I didn’t in 2020 and I won’t in 2024. I like much of what he has to say… I abhor the clown show that comes with him, personally; and as much of that is self-generated as thrust upon him.
In that lies an issue that many people don't understand. Just because you voted for trump doesn't make you a trump supporter, it just means you'll take him over whatever the dems are offering. Call it the lesser of two evils if you will
I’m an ideologue. I have certain standards and expectations that must be met before I can vote for a candidate. I violated those standards to vote for Trump in 2016, with the hope that he would/could learn to be Presidential and surround himself with good people. He didn’t. I won’t make that mistake again.
Take me for example, I really don't care who the candidate is, I don't put my support behind any person, but behind a party, or the ideology. As long as they are going to adhere to Republican principles, and do their job, it doesn't matter to me who it is.
Again, I’m an ideologue. I’d rather vote for nobody and see a real enemy who I know is honestly my enemy elected thsn to vote for a man whose competence and loyalties I question.
So you subscribe to the idea that everyone is lumped together? As I've stated, there are people who are trying to move away from trump, but the left won't let them. So, whats the answer to that?
I subscribe to the idea that a mutual defensive network is far better than a dozen individual outposts trying to protect themselves.

What the party and the candidates need to do is simply refuse to answer questions about Trump. Don’t even say his name. Do not react to anything related to him. Unfortunately that not possible until he’s been removed from the party as a candidate, or any sort of power/financing source.
Again, I’m an ideologue. I’d rather vote for nobody and see a real enemy who I know is honestly my enemy elected thsn to vote for a man whose competence and loyalties I question.

You and millions like you. That's why the country is in the trouble we are in.
You and millions like you. That's why the country is in the trouble we are in
Or maybe the Republican Party needs to start coming up with better candidates. Individuals who actually mean what they say and LIVE the principles they claim to hold dear. Until then, the Republicans can expect to be a minority party in government permanently.
Or maybe the Republican Party needs to start coming up with better candidates. Individuals who actually mean what they say and LIVE the principles they claim to hold dear. Until then, the Republicans can expect to be a minority party in government permanently.

So what is the Republican party to do, select who is allowed to run in their primaries and who is not? Think that will fly with Republican voters?

Okay, the Republican party tells Trump he can't run. Now they pissed off most of their constituents. Trump (in revenge) decides to run as an Independent. You might as well hand Biden or Harris a free pass to the White House.
So what is the Republican party to do, select who is allowed to run in their primaries and who is not? Think that will fly with Republican voters?
I’ve always felt that the Republican Party needs to purge its ranks of those candidates AND voters who don’t live up to the supposed principles of the party. That’s part of the reason I’m not a member of the party.

Those who are more interested in voting for the man rather than an ideology are no loss to the party.

You’re focused on winning elections. I’m focused on ideology. We don’t have the same goal.
I’ve always felt that the Republican Party needs to purge its ranks of those candidates AND voters who don’t live up to the supposed principles of the party. That’s part of the reason I’m not a member of the party.

Those who are more interested in voting for the man rather than an ideology are no loss to the party.

You’re focused on winning elections. I’m focused on ideology. We don’t have the same goal.

Correct, we don't have the same goal. My goal is to put in who can do the best job and has a track record of actually doing it. Look at Biden. Spent nearly his entire adult life in federal politics. Never had any major accomplishments, known for his lies and plagiarism, never been right on any foreign policy issues which he displayed by the Afghanistan failure, and we elected him. We got what we voted for.

If both of us owned companies and were looking for a CEO, and you based the hiring of a CEO on their ideology, and I base the hiring of mine on past performance and success on the job, my company is going to do much, much better than yours. In fact if we were both in the same line of work, my company will likely put yours out of business.

That's the way I look at voting. I'm hiring somebody to work for me, so I'm going to hire the person that will do the best job.
Correct, we don't have the same goal. My goal is to put in who can do the best job and has a track record of actually doing it. Look at Biden. Spent nearly his entire adult life in federal politics. Never had any major accomplishments, known for his lies and plagiarism, never been right on any foreign policy issues which he displayed by the Afghanistan failure, and we elected him. We got what we voted for.
I am a major proponent of term limits (individual office and overall) as well as banning current and former public employees from running for office.

You’re right that we got what the public voted for. That’s why I am not a fan of any form of Democratic Government. I’m an Authoritarian.
If both of us owned companies and were looking for a CEO, and you based the hiring of a CEO on their ideology, and I base the hiring of mine on past performance and success on the job, my company is going to do much, much better than yours. In fact if we were both in the same line of work, my company will likely put yours out of business
I would never own/run a Compsny. Not my interest. I’m more than content to be an employee and work for someone else. Of course I do utilize my ideological values to determine who I will work for, and Whst I will do. I almost lost my current job about a decade and a half ago because I refused to work in a specific project.

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