Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

first, other countries had previously asked for Shokin to be removed. Later Biden also re-enforced this.

and then Trump's false narrative on this subject. Aid delayed for several months, causing deaths.

And the other subject of stolen dairy, its an invasion of privacy of a little girl, not monetary value. Project varitas has been nailed for its dirty tricks before. And fabricating voter fraud claims.

Until DumBama, the FBI was a federal agency that investigates federal crime. Somebody taking a diary is not a federal crime. But this dictator used that federal agency for his personal reasons to avoid embarrassment about his perverted lifestyle. They also went after right-wing groups like pro-life people and organizations. Nazis are against free speech but they don't have the right to send federal agencies to retaliate against their political foes.

Our representatives do not work for other countries, they work for us. If another country wanted Shoken fired, they should have done it, not the US. Dope head loser was hired by Burisma as an insurance policy, and that's all he was. When Shoken was on their ass, Dementia threatened their US aid (yes, the exact same thing the commies accused Trump of) to get him fired.

The problem with you leftists is you'll stick up for your criminals in our government right or wrong even with clear evidence right in front of your face. That's why the biggest threat to this country is not Iran, China or Russia. The biggest threat to this country is the corrupt Democrat party.
Correct, but all Democrats are slimeballs. If they weren't they wouldn't have pulled the stunts they did. Now is payback time. We don't need a valid reason to impeach. The Communists changed the rules with Trump. They want to make new rules when the opposition is in power and change them back when they get power. I say no go, or as Rambo said in the first movie "I didn't draw first blood sir!"

The Democrats have been doing their job in accordance with their oaths of office. It's the republicans that have grossly failed to live up to their oaths of office by not removing Trump from office when they all know he was guilty as charged.

The 'rules' are that a President be impeached when he's committed "high crimes and misdemeanors", which Trump obviously did. It's the job of the Senate to remove him from office if he is guilty as charged.

The spineless Republican weenies refused to remove him from office which was a severe violation of their oath of office - and cause for them to be removed.

The Democrats are not changing any rules - the Republicans are. If they were real Republicans - like we had for the entire history of this country until the cult of minions of the anti-American orange god, he would have been removed from office.

Now, you're suggesting that a Republican House impeach Biden just as a childish tit-for-tat. That would also be in violation of their oath of office.

But I'm not looks like the Democrats may yet win the house!!!
The Democrats have been doing their job in accordance with their oaths of office. It's the republicans that have grossly failed to live up to their oaths of office by not removing Trump from office when they all know he was guilty as charged.

The 'rules' are that a President be impeached when he's committed "high crimes and misdemeanors", which Trump obviously did. It's the job of the Senate to remove him from office if he is guilty as charged.

The spineless Republican weenies refused to remove him from office which was a severe violation of their oath of office - and cause for them to be removed.

The Democrats are not changing any rules - the Republicans are. If they were real Republicans - like we had for the entire history of this country until the cult of minions of the anti-American orange god, he would have been removed from office.

Now, you're suggesting that a Republican House impeach Biden just as a childish tit-for-tat. That would also be in violation of their oath of office.

But I'm not looks like the Democrats may yet win the house!!!

Asking a leader of another country to look into the corruption of the last administration is not a high crime or misdemeanor. In fact it's not any crime at all.

Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury with hard core evidence and the Democrats refused to impeach or throw him out of office. Yes, perjury is a more serious crime than a misdemeanor. See, that's what impeachment is for. It's in our US Constitution. If anybody violated their oath of office, it was the Communists when they leveled a phony impeachment charge for a non-impeachable offense.

As for Dementia, he should be impeached for attempted election tampering.
Asking a leader of another country to look into the corruption of the last administration is not a high crime or misdemeanor. In fact it's not any crime at all.

Bill Clinton was guilty of perjury with hard core evidence and the Democrats refused to impeach or throw him out of office. Yes, perjury is a more serious crime than a misdemeanor. See, that's what impeachment is for. It's in our US Constitution. If anybody violated their oath of office, it was the Communists when they leveled a phony impeachment charge for a non-impeachable offense.

As for Dementia, he should be impeached for attempted election tampering.

Trump didn't just ask Zelensky to look into possible corruption. He threatened to withhold military aid - which is a crime.

Second, Trump obviously incited the J6 attempt to stop Democracy. Even McConnel said he was guilty.

Clinton's denial about having an affair with Lewensky was not pertinent to the White Water investigation and would not have been considered perjury. That whole episode belongs in a Goldie Hawn movie. It was pure partisan nonsense. Even Republicans voted to acquit him. Of course, back then, there were some Republicans that had integrity.

And finally, there was no election tampering in 2020. You can jump up and down and scream it from the top of your lungs, but it will NEVER change reality.

"You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

-Abraham Lincoln

Until DumBama, the FBI was a federal agency that investigates federal crime. Somebody taking a diary is not a federal crime. But this dictator used that federal agency for his personal reasons to avoid embarrassment about his perverted lifestyle. They also went after right-wing groups like pro-life people and organizations. Nazis are against free speech but they don't have the right to send federal agencies to retaliate against their political foes.

Our representatives do not work for other countries, they work for us. If another country wanted Shoken fired, they should have done it, not the US. Dope head loser was hired by Burisma as an insurance policy, and that's all he was. When Shoken was on their ass, Dementia threatened their US aid (yes, the exact same thing the commies accused Trump of) to get him fired.

The problem with you leftists is you'll stick up for your criminals in our government right or wrong even with clear evidence right in front of your face. That's why the biggest threat to this country is not Iran, China or Russia. The biggest threat to this country is the corrupt Democrat party.
FBI has jurisdiction when crimes cross state lines. It was a stolen diary. Investigating a crime isnt political retaliation.

The pressure to fire Shokin came more from the EU, but additional pressure was needed from the US. The firing of Shokin in no way benefited Biden. By contrast, the pressure that Trump applied to ukraine by withholding aid was for personal benefit to Trump.

On the subject of biggest threat, its actually the republican break with reality.
Trump didn't just ask Zelensky to look into possible corruption. He threatened to withhold military aid - which is a crime.

Second, Trump obviously incited the J6 attempt to stop Democracy. Even McConnel said he was guilty.

Clinton's denial about having an affair with Lewensky was not pertinent to the White Water investigation and would not have been considered perjury. That whole episode belongs in a Goldie Hawn movie. It was pure partisan nonsense. Even Republicans voted to acquit him. Of course, back then, there were some Republicans that had integrity.

And finally, there was no election tampering in 2020. You can jump up and down and scream it from the top of your lungs, but it will NEVER change reality.

"You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

-Abraham Lincoln


Where did you learn law from? When you lie to a federal judge or grand jury (under any circumstance) its perjury. That's exactly what Bill Clinton did.

The phone transcript of the conversation between Trump and Zelenskyy is all over the internet. Show me where Trump ever threatened to withhold military aid like Biden did. His exact words were "do me a favor."
Where did you learn law from? When you lie to a federal judge or grand jury (under any circumstance) its perjury. That's exactly what Bill Clinton did.

The phone transcript of the conversation between Trump and Zelenskyy is all over the internet. Show me where Trump ever threatened to withhold military aid like Biden did. His exact words were "do me a favor."

Clinton's affair with Lewensky had NOTHING to do with White Water:
  • The false statements must also be material. A statement is material if it is capable of influencing the decision of the decision-making body to which it is addressed. To meet this requirement, the statement does not need to actually influence the decision; it is enough if the statement is merely capable of having such influence.
FBI has jurisdiction when crimes cross state lines. It was a stolen diary. Investigating a crime isnt political retaliation.

The pressure to fire Shokin came more from the EU, but additional pressure was needed from the US. The firing of Shokin in no way benefited Biden. By contrast, the pressure that Trump applied to ukraine by withholding aid was for personal benefit to Trump.

On the subject of biggest threat, its actually the republican break with reality.

Of course it benefited Biden, his son worked for the company that was under investigation by Shoken. It's the only reason he was hired in the first place.

Riddle me this: The United States has 1.4 million attorneys. Why in the world out of all those 1.4 million would they choose a wiped out drug addict kicked out of the military? There is only ONE reason.

Now why don't you Google around and find me an instance where the FBI got involved in a case where a five or ten dollar diary crossed state lines. GO!
Clinton's affair with Lewensky had NOTHING to do with White Water:
  • The false statements must also be material. A statement is material if it is capable of influencing the decision of the decision-making body to which it is addressed. To meet this requirement, the statement does not need to actually influence the decision; it is enough if the statement is merely capable of having such influence.

It was a separate case they came across while looking for instances of Clinton using his authority to pressure underlings for sex. In the Paula Jones case he denied he ever did such a thing, so they went looking for situations where they could prove that was his MO. They found it in Lewenski. It was related to the Jones case. But that still doesn't matter. Lying to a federal grand jury or judge is perjury.

Definition of perjury​

noun, plural per·ju·ries.Law.
the willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation, before a competent tribunal, upon a point material to a legal inquiry.

It was a separate case they came across while looking for instances of Clinton using his authority to pressure underlings for sex. In the Paula Jones case he denied he ever did such a thing, so they went looking for situations where they could prove that was his MO. They found it in Lewenski. It was related to the Jones case. But that still doesn't matter. Lying to a federal grand jury or judge is perjury.

Definition of perjury​

noun, plural per·ju·ries.Law.
the willful giving of false testimony under oath or affirmation, before a competent tribunal, upon a point material to a legal inquiry.

No, the special prosecutor's mandate was to investigate White Water, not to go down any rabbit hole he wanted.

BTW - The people that write dictionary definitions are not legal scholars, they're linguistic scholars. Learn the difference.
No, the special prosecutor's mandate was to investigate White Water, not to go down any rabbit hole he wanted.

BTW - The people that write dictionary definitions are not legal scholars, they're linguistic scholars. Learn the difference.

Except it wasn't related to white water, it was related to the Paula Jones suit, therefore fair game.
It’s not okay, but doing the same thing back makes you no better than them. Never get into an argument with a fool, they drag you down to their level and best you with experience.

You seem hung up on Trump and revenge. That bird flew the coop for me long ago. I’m far more interested in finding better candidates and running better campaigns.

By reacting in kind you fall into their trap. That’s exactly what they want… so they call you a hypocrite for doing the same thing you complained about them doing. You beat the bully by walking away and not reacting (except in extreme circumstances). You lose when you allow them to see they’re getting to you.

The Democrats will not be turned away from their playbook. No matter what. You don’t fix an injustice by committing another one.
You beat the bully by walking away and not reacting

Ok, but what if you try walking away, and the bully hits you again? I was always told the way to stop the bully is to stand up to them and let them know you're not going to take it, and if needs be, pop them squarely in the nose.

Walking away implies you are weak and that empowers the bully, and they are going to keep bullying you. This applies exactly to the dem party. You think if they turned their back and walked away that the dems would be kind. No, the first chance they get to do this again, they will not hesitate to do so.

Yes, I cannot deny that a part of me wants this for payback reasons, for what the dems are doing, but, if the right doesn't push back, the left will continue their antics.
Ok, but what if you try walking away, and the bully hits you again? I was always told the way to stop the bully is to stand up to them and let them know you're not going to take it, and if needs be, pop them squarely in the nose
You walk away again. Nine out of Ten times the bully is looking for ATTENTION. If you don’t give them the ATTENTION, they tend to go looking for other targets relatively quickly.

Trump gave them the ATTENTION they wanted, so they kept pushing his buttons.
Walking away implies you are weak and that empowers the bully, and they are going to keep bullying you. This applies exactly to the dem party. You think if they turned their back and walked away that the dems would be kind. No, the first chance they get to do this again, they will not hesitate to do so.
Walking away implies that they’re not worth your ATTENTION.

In my entire 48+ years of life I’ve only ever found two situations where I had to seriously react. One was a phone harassment issue that required police intervention. The other was a multi-year issue with physical injury. When I finally lost my cool I broke the SOBs nose with a single punch. It did the job but almost earned me a two week suspension from high school as well.
Yes, I cannot deny that a part of me wants this for payback reasons, for what the dems are doing, but, if the right doesn't push back, the left will continue their antics
Let them continue their antics. Be above that sort of shit. That’s why I have so much trouble with both Trump and Republicans in general… they allow themselves to be dragged into the hog’s wallow then can’t figure out why they’re covered in as much mud as the hogs.
Ok, but what if you try walking away, and the bully hits you again? I was always told the way to stop the bully is to stand up to them and let them know you're not going to take it, and if needs be, pop them squarely in the nose.

Walking away implies you are weak and that empowers the bully, and they are going to keep bullying you. This applies exactly to the dem party. You think if they turned their back and walked away that the dems would be kind. No, the first chance they get to do this again, they will not hesitate to do so.

Yes, I cannot deny that a part of me wants this for payback reasons, for what the dems are doing, but, if the right doesn't push back, the left will continue their antics.

One of the first things Trump did after moving to the White House was invite leaders of the Democrat party over for a bowling match. Yes, they have a bowling alley there. In the end, this is what happened.

Of course it benefited Biden, his son worked for the company that was under investigation by Shoken. It's the only reason he was hired in the first place.

Riddle me this: The United States has 1.4 million attorneys. Why in the world out of all those 1.4 million would they choose a wiped out drug addict kicked out of the military? There is only ONE reason.

Now why don't you Google around and find me an instance where the FBI got involved in a case where a five or ten dollar diary crossed state lines. GO!

Yeah, Vanity Fair, a real reliable unbiased source.

First of all they didn't give him anything, they invested in a company he runs. Secondly, that didn't happen until Donald Trump was out of office where no influence could be bought. Third, the Communists looked into it and found nothing illegal or immoral in the deal.
Yeah, Vanity Fair, a real reliable unbiased source.

First of all they didn't give him anything, they invested in a company he runs. Secondly, that didn't happen until Donald Trump was out of office where no influence could be bought. Third, the Communists looked into it and found nothing illegal or immoral in the deal.
And no one has found anything illegal about Hunter Biden's deal.

So there you go!
Ok, but what if you try walking away, and the bully hits you again? I was always told the way to stop the bully is to stand up to them and let them know you're not going to take it, and if needs be, pop them squarely in the nose.
The second-best way to stop a bully is to put him in the hospital. That is why every child should know how to make and use a garotte by age ten.

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