Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

No it won’t. All it will do is exacerbate the discontent between the two parties. Neither side is going to have their minds changed. That’s just the truth. All this would do is to push the dwindling segment of “unaligned” voters towards the Democrats.
Nonsense, the unaligned are selfish, they don't care about politics. They care about what benefits them now. Liberals will always turn them away because liberals have no concept of moderation.
You walk away again. Nine out of Ten times the bully is looking for ATTENTION. If you don’t give them the ATTENTION, they tend to go looking for other targets relatively quickly.

Trump gave them the ATTENTION they wanted, so they kept pushing his buttons.

Walking away implies that they’re not worth your ATTENTION.

In my entire 48+ years of life I’ve only ever found two situations where I had to seriously react. One was a phone harassment issue that required police intervention. The other was a multi-year issue with physical injury. When I finally lost my cool I broke the SOBs nose with a single punch. It did the job but almost earned me a two week suspension from high school as well.

Let them continue their antics. Be above that sort of shit. That’s why I have so much trouble with both Trump and Republicans in general… they allow themselves to be dragged into the hog’s wallow then can’t figure out why they’re covered in as much mud as the hogs.
That would work if we were dealing with people who didn't have an agend, the dems have an agenda, and this is political. I'm sorry, but walking away just doesn't work here. If you walk away, it's not like the dems are going to be like "huh, wow, ok, I guess we'll leave them alone now", no, they are going to keep doing what they do.
That would work if we were dealing with people who didn't have an agend, the dems have an agenda, and this is political. I'm sorry, but walking away just doesn't work here. If you walk away, it's not like the dems are going to be like "huh, wow, ok, I guess we'll leave them alone now", no, they are going to keep doing what they do
Then let them keep doing what they do. Most reasonable people will see the crap for what it is. Those who don’t wouldn’t likely have voted for your candidate anyway.

Personally, I don’t think either party can claim any Moral high ground at this point. They’ve both been bereft of such things for many years.
And no one has found anything illegal about Hunter Biden's deal.

So there you go!

Really? You think the Communists would look into one of their own with a fine tooth comb? And now that the FBI is part of the Democrat party, they would do an depth investigation on it?

Tony Bobulinski, a successful businessman and military vet, was a business partner of the Biden crime family. When he found out what they were up to, he wanted no part of it. He did a couple of interviews with Tucker Carlison, has emails and phone messages from Hunter to back up his claims, went to the FBI to tell his story, and nothing.

Well I have a feeling that Mr. Boblinski will be testifying under Congress now since the last leadership didn't pay any attention to him. And I hope they drag in Wray once again to find out why his testimony and proof were ignored.
Then let them keep doing what they do. Most reasonable people will see the crap for what it is. Those who don’t wouldn’t likely have voted for your candidate anyway.

Personally, I don’t think either party can claim any Moral high ground at this point. They’ve both been bereft of such things for many years.
No, you're right. There is no moral high ground, but if the dems are going to try and attack and ruin the republican presidents by running sham investigations and impeachments...which CAN have an effect on election outcome, the repubs need to make sure they use those same tactics.
No, you're right. There is no moral high ground, but if the dems are going to try and attack and ruin the republican presidents by running sham investigations and impeachments...which CAN have an effect on election outcome, the repubs need to make sure they use those same tactics
Reacting to the Democrats childish behaviors with the same childish behaviors is just as likely to drive people like me away from the Republicans.

If the Republicans waste their time on all these supposed investigations and impeachment they aren’t going to have any time to do the things they should be focused on… crime, inflation, immigration, energy, etc… That’s going to make me far less likely to vote for ANY Republican in 2024.
Reacting to the Democrats childish behaviors with the same childish behaviors is just as likely to drive people like me away from the Republicans.

If the Republicans waste their time on all these supposed investigations and impeachment they aren’t going to have any time to do the things they should be focused on… crime, inflation, immigration, energy, etc… That’s going to make me far less likely to vote for ANY Republican in 2024.

What do you think the Democrats have been doing for the last four years? Didn't seem to harm them any. In fact last election amid the second phony impeachment they kept the House, and this year amid the phony 1/6 scam, they barely lost it, even against the research of every single polling agency in the country. So your theory is flawed with evidence to back it up. People do not look down on a party conducting political attacks.
No, you're right. There is no moral high ground, but if the dems are going to try and attack and ruin the republican presidents by running sham investigations and impeachments...which CAN have an effect on election outcome, the repubs need to make sure they use those same tactics.

Anybody that thinks the Communists will back away because the Republicans decided to turn the other cheek and treat them like buddies doesn't know that party very well. Even after DumBama got in the Republicans tried their best to meet him half-way on certain items once they took leadership of the House and then Senate later on. And what did they do after Trump won? Viciously attacked him even before he entered the White House itself.

Democrats are the disciples of Satan. They conduct themselves by his rules and carry out his will. Therefore it doesn't matter how much you try to show friendship. Trump tried it and got kicked square in the ass. If Republicans sit back thinking they will try it again and get different results, all they will do is piss off their constituents.

What do you think the Democrats have been doing for the last four years? Didn't seem to harm them any. In fact last election amid the second phony impeachment they kept the House, and this year amid the phony 1/6 scam, they barely lost it, even against the research of every single polling agency in the country. So your theory is flawed with evidence to back it up. People do not look down on a party conducting political attacks
You missed a factor in your evidence. A key factor, to be honest… Democrat/Liveral voters are immoral, brainless zombies, They have no conscience and will vote for anyone with a (D) next to their name on the ballot.,

On the other hand, a large portion of Right-wing, Conservative and Republican voters actually have at least some morality and intelligence. Moreover we generally have some amount of ideology that we expect candidates to at least acknowledge if not agree with.

This difference allows Democrats to get away with stuff their Republican counterparts would be eviscerated for.
You missed a factor in your evidence. A key factor, to be honest… Democrat/Liveral voters are immoral, brainless zombies, They have no conscience and will vote for anyone with a (D) next to their name on the ballot.,

On the other hand, a large portion of Right-wing, Conservative and Republican voters actually have at least some morality and intelligence. Moreover we generally have some amount of ideology that we expect candidates to at least acknowledge if not agree with.

This difference allows Democrats to get away with stuff their Republican counterparts would be eviscerated for.

I don't think it's as large of a portion as you think. Trump gained a lot of popularity by going after his attackers like the MSM. In fact gained 7 million more voters than he did the first election which is pretty impressive considering the covid situation we were under.

It is true that in general, Republican voters are much more logical and civilized than Democrats. But if we don't show them there's a price to pay for their sleezy politics, they will never stop with their attacks on us when we get into power. We will never see Hunter in prison, at least not for another two years, but we can show how corrupt the DOJ and FBI actually are. We can impeach Dementia to show them we're not sitting on the sidelines and taking abuse without anything in return.
It is true that in general, Republican voters are much more logical and civilized than Democrats. But if we don't show them there's a price to pay for their sleezy politics, they will never stop with their attacks on us when we get into power
What you fail to understand is that NOTHING is going to change what the Democrats do. You’re naive if you believe their playbook will ever change, no matter what Republicans do to them. By reacting in kind you fail to change your enemy and you alienate your potential Allie’s.
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Anybody that thinks the Communists will back away because the Republicans decided to turn the other cheek and treat them like buddies doesn't know that party very well. Even after DumBama got in the Republicans tried their best to meet him half-way on certain items once they took leadership of the House and then Senate later on. And what did they do after Trump won? Viciously attacked him even before he entered the White House itself.

Democrats are the disciples of Satan. They conduct themselves by his rules and carry out his will. Therefore it doesn't matter how much you try to show friendship. Trump tried it and got kicked square in the ass. If Republicans sit back thinking they will try it again and get different results, all they will do is piss off their constituents.

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Do you hide under your bed at night scared that the "commies" are coming to get you?
Reacting to the Democrats childish behaviors with the same childish behaviors is just as likely to drive people like me away from the Republicans.

If the Republicans waste their time on all these supposed investigations and impeachment they aren’t going to have any time to do the things they should be focused on… crime, inflation, immigration, energy, etc… That’s going to make me far less likely to vote for ANY Republican in 2024.
If the dems can be focused on constant investigations, why can't the repubs?

I just don't agree with you. Inaction isn't going to make the dems stop doing what they do, and your suggestion is that the right just let them keep doing it, and get away with it? Are the right supposed to be the ones who just sit there and take it? Is that what is supposed to happen? Just let them dems keep attacking, impeaching, and the repubs just keep turning their back on it? Is that what you expect they should do?
Just let them dems keep attacking, impeaching, and the repubs just keep turning their back on it? Is that what you expect they should do?
Yes. Why? For the simple reason that nothing positive is going to come from crawling down into the muck with the Dems. They are far more adept at maneuvering in that environment and using it to their advantage.

The Republican playbook needs to be one focused on issues, ideology, and what they can do to improve things. They need to talk their ideas up instead of trying to talk their opponents down. Be above the petty insults and personal attacks.
Yes. Why? For the simple reason that nothing positive is going to come from crawling down into the muck with the Dems. They are far more adept at maneuvering in that environment and using it to their advantage.

The Republican playbook needs to be one focused on issues, ideology, and what they can do to improve things. They need to talk their ideas up instead of trying to talk their opponents down. Be above the petty insults and personal attacks.
Ok, so, talk up their ideas, with the dems clawing at their backs every step of the way trying to knock them down and reshape the narrative. Remember, the dems control most of the media, and nearly all of social media. Their reach and influence by way of spreading their agenda, and being able to control the narrative, and in effect, influence the lives of every day people, through the manipulation and control of social media, which is tied to nearly every business and corporation on the planet, and to 50% of the people.

So, while the repubs are trying to talk up their agenda, the liberal media and social media will be behind them every step of the way trying to tell people how bad their ideas are, and how their whole agenda is anti this, or pro that, and using their control of social media to suppress information and stop information unless it comes from the left.

Let's put it like this, if Trump does happen to win in '24, and the dems retake the house, they will be back to investigations and impeachments.

Your optimism is nice, but it's misplaced if you think the repubs can ever get equal footing while the dems are digging the dirt out from underneath them.

Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

4 Nov 20232 ~~ By Solange Reyner

President Joe Biden on Thursday warned that Republicans will seek to impeach him if they win the House majority next week.
“I’m already being told if they win back the House and Senate, they’re going to impeach me,” Biden told a crowd at MiraCosta College near San Diego, California, while stumping for the reelection of Rep. Mike Levin. “I don’t know what the hell they’re going to impeach me for.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced five articles of impeachment against Biden. Ten House Republicans have either introduced or sponsored 21 articles of impeachment against Biden and his top officials, according to the The New York Times.

Indeed, there's a hundred good reasons to impeach The Big Guy. But I think a better strategy would be to repeatedly demand that he be removed under the 25th Amendment. Of course there's no way te DNC Party headquarters would allow that...unless Kamaltoe Harris resigned and was replaced with someone who had a chance of being *elected* President.
Although it may be a great idea. the consequences' may be worse than the cure.
With a majority in both House's of Congress Joe Biden will become ineffective and just a lame duck. He would only do much more than drool on and sign EOs.
Then again you reap what you sow!
Maoist Democrats went all in with repeated impeachments on Trump regardless of how trivial, then seeing this come around to you should be no surprise, but not practicable.
And what else would this wreaking ball expect. The executive branch is to secure our border making what he has done on our dime out right treasonous. He took us from oil independence to five dollar a gallon over night. He is right he doesn't know what he will be impeached for because there are so many reasons. Impeachment is the easy part. Removing both him and the VP from office will be the hard part but it is something that needs to be done. The bigger problem are the brainless that would even consider putting this crazed idiot in power in the first place. Face it! When people as this vote it will only get worse as no one in their right mind vote for pure treasonous crap. They only vote for what's in it for them. 31 trillion in debt, printing money hand over fist and no sign of slowing down, the dollar becoming more useless by the hour. When the media was shoring up Hillary I seriously tried to find another country to move to and I looked hard. What I found is no matter how bad America is it is still the freest nation on this Earth. But it won't last and when it falls I pray these ones voting for what they can get feel the full effect of their stupidity and greed. There will be no more cowboy in the white hat and the world will be on it's last leg. Prepare your children well with the tools they need as only the strong with a lot of luck will survive.
if Trump does happen to win in '24
Trump is not winning in 2024. Just accept it. If he is the Republican nominee he will not get the votes of Any Dems, Most Independents, and a sizable number of Republicans/Conservatives. That’s not a winning equation.
Your optimism is nice, but it's misplaced if you think the repubs can ever get equal footing while the dems are digging the dirt out from underneath them
All I can do is tell you what I believe and what others tell me. That is… We’re sick and tired of the childish BS from BOTH parties. We don’t like clowns or jesters. We want SUBSTANCE, not attacks. Tell us what YOU believe, not what you think your opponent believes.
Yes. Why? For the simple reason that nothing positive is going to come from crawling down into the muck with the Dems. They are far more adept at maneuvering in that environment and using it to their advantage.

The Republican playbook needs to be one focused on issues, ideology, and what they can do to improve things. They need to talk their ideas up instead of trying to talk their opponents down. Be above the petty insults and personal attacks.

I think that's pretty much what they did this last election. Didn't have the impact you were expecting I'm sure.

What you don't realize is a lot of voters don't even pay attention to the things you outlined. Look at Festerman in PA. WTF would vote for that if they knew how messed up that guy really is? It didn't matter to them. He looks cool with his hoodie, bald head and jeans. He looks like a bar bouncer.

Okay, how about his message? Let at least a third of our prison population out from behind bars including murderers, wanting the creation of heroin injection sites on the street, a huge increase in violent crime in Philli, in fact the highest it's ever been with him in charge, anti-energy including fracking, legalization of all drugs.
Trump is not winning in 2024. Just accept it. If he is the Republican nominee he will not get the votes of Any Dems, Most Independents, and a sizable number of Republicans/Conservatives. That’s not a winning equation.

All I can do is tell you what I believe and what others tell me. That is… We’re sick and tired of the childish BS from BOTH parties. We don’t like clowns or jesters. We want SUBSTANCE, not attacks. Tell us what YOU believe, not what you think your opponent believes.
Then you should be over on the other side telling the dems they should stop, rather than criticizing the repubs for trying to even the odds. Granted, I don't follow anyone on these forums, but, where are your posts admonishing dems for their role in the past 7 years?

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