Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

I am a major proponent of term limits (individual office and overall) as well as banning current and former public employees from running for office.

You’re right that we got what the public voted for. That’s why I am not a fan of any form of Democratic Government. I’m an Authoritarian.

I would never own/run a Compsny. Not my interest. I’m more than content to be an employee and work for someone else. Of course I do utilize my ideological values to determine who I will work for, and Whst I will do. I almost lost my current job about a decade and a half ago because I refused to work in a specific project.

I was just making a point. When we elect a rep, we are hiring somebody to run our country, or at least part of our country. As if I were an employer hiring a worker, I don't care if they are stubborn, I don't care what they Tweet, I don't care if they are offensive to some people. I want to hire an employee that's going to make me the most money. My goal is the success of my company, just like it's my goal to have the most successful country we can have.
I was just making a point. When we elect a rep, we are hiring somebody to run our country, or at least part of our country. As if I were an employer hiring a worker, I don't care if they are stubborn, I don't care what they Tweet, I don't care if they are offensive to some people. I want to hire an employee that's going to make me the most money. My goal is the success of my company, just like it's my goal to have the most successful country we can have
If I were (theoretically) hiring someone for a job the first thing I would be looking at is their competency to do the job. If they are competent then they would undergo background checks and drug testing to ensure they’re a decent person.

You seem to believe tge Government has things it should be doing. My viewpoint is that elected officials exist to manage the Government inside the limits deters by the Constitution; nothing more. So it seems we are looking for very different types of people in our elected officials.
If I were (theoretically) hiring someone for a job the first thing I would be looking at is their competency to do the job. If they are competent then they would undergo background checks and drug testing to ensure they’re a decent person.

You seem to believe tge Government has things it should be doing. My viewpoint is that elected officials exist to manage the Government inside the limits deters by the Constitution; nothing more. So it seems we are looking for very different types of people in our elected officials.

A good movie usually has the most successful actor(s). A great sports team has the best players. In order to have the best country we can have, we need the best people to run it. In fact if it were up to me, every voter would have to take a very simple written test to assure they have the minimum knowledge of issues and understanding of our government. Think how much better our country would be if only informed voters were allowed to vote.
A good movie usually has the most successful actor(s). A great sports team has the best players. In order to have the best country we can have, we need the best people to run it. In fact if it were up to me, every voter would have to take a very simple written test to assure they have the minimum knowledge of issues and understanding of our government. Think how much better our country would be if only informed voters were allowed to vote
I have advocated a 50 question multiple-choice exam every year for voters (passing grade of 80% or better) for many years.

I don’t think we need the “best” people. We need people who will follow the rules of Government (the Constitution) and enforce them as required and intended.
I’m a Never-Again-Trumper. I voted for him in 2016. I didn’t in 2020 and I won’t in 2024. I like much of what he has to say… I abhor the clown show that comes with him, personally; and as much of that is self-generated as thrust upon him.

I’m an ideologue. I have certain standards and expectations that must be met before I can vote for a candidate. I violated those standards to vote for Trump in 2016, with the hope that he would/could learn to be Presidential and surround himself with good people. He didn’t. I won’t make that mistake again.

Again, I’m an ideologue. I’d rather vote for nobody and see a real enemy who I know is honestly my enemy elected thsn to vote for a man whose competence and loyalties I question.
Ok, I can respect that. Your opinion is your opinion, but that also means you reside yourself to elect another dem president. Do you think the compromise of your values is worthy of electing someone else who's values you also don't support?

Also, and i have to disagree with you on this, but, as I've stayed before, most of what follows Trump is media sensationalized. Trump isn't perfect, bit he's not as bad as the left wing media portrays him to be.

Yeah, his cander is a bit offputting sometimes. I also agree that he doesn't act very presidential, but, look at every story that the left has run about Trump, if it's not lies, it's over exaggerated and out if context spin.
Ok, I can respect that. Your opinion is your opinion, but that also means you reside yourself to elect another dem president. Do you think the compromise of your values is worthy of electing someone else who's values you also don't support?

Also, and i have to disagree with you on this, but, as I've stayed before, most of what follows Trump is media sensationalized. Trump isn't perfect, bit he's not as bad as the left wing media portrays him to be.

Yeah, his cander is a bit offputting sometimes. I also agree that he doesn't act very presidential, but, look at every story that the left has run about Trump, if it's not lies, it's over exaggerated and out if context spin.

Mind you these articles were written before covid during the best economy this country had in 50 years.

If we allow our media and the Democrat party to select our candidates, we are sunk because they will only select people that present no real threat to them or their party.

Mind you these articles were written before covid during the best economy this country had in 50 years.

If we allow our media and the Democrat party to select our candidates, we are sunk because they will only select people that present no real threat to them or their party.
Yeah, i listen to a bit of progressive radio several days a week, so, I know what they are saying, what they are claiming, the lies they tell, the spin they use and the hate they spew....which is BY FAR, much more than anything said on right wing talk radio.
Ok, I can respect that. Your opinion is your opinion, but that also means you reside yourself to elect another dem president. Do you think the compromise of your values is worthy of electing someone else who's values you also don't support?
Two candidates who don’t support my ideology means neither of them are worthy of my vote. I almost prefer the one whose actions I know I will disagree with. It means I have to do less digging to find the truth.
Also, and i have to disagree with you on this, but, as I've stayed before, most of what follows Trump is media sensationalized. Trump isn't perfect, bit he's not as bad as the left wing media portrays him to be.
His attitude. His bombastic character. His whole schtick. it’s just not Presidential. It’s not something we should accept.
I’m a Never-Again-Trumper. I voted for him in 2016. I didn’t in 2020 and I won’t in 2024. I like much of what he has to say… I abhor the clown show that comes with him, personally; and as much of that is self-generated as thrust upon him.

You likely don't even know even know a fraction of what Trump did.. or you would vote for him in 2024. I myself have been following Trump and his accomplishments and could write from memory so many, it would make your head swim...

clown show?

Is that kind of comparable to the baby killing show of the dimrats (just not as funny?)? To not vote for the R is to vote for the perverse, baby killing dimrat

you are illogical
You likely don't even know even know a fraction of what Trump did.. or you would vote for him in 2024. I myself have been following Trump and his accomplishments and could write from memory so many, it would make your head swim
I know plenty of what he did. I voted for him in 2016. I like his ideas. I can’t vote for the shit show and circus that he surrounds himself with.
Is that kind of comparable to the baby killing show of the dimrats (just not as funny?)? To not vote for the R is to vote for the perverse, baby killing dimrat
The Democrats (not dimrats) are their own clown show. That’s why I won’t vote for them either.

You must have two things for me to consider voting for you… Ideology and character. The Democrats don’t have either. The Republicans fall short on character (and ideology at times).
His attitude. His bombastic character. His whole schtick. it’s just not Presidential. It’s not something we should accept.

Well if you're going to use the same criteria to vote for a President as you used to use for your favorite American Idol contestant, then you really can't complain much when you end up with what we have now.

There are only two choices in any presidential election. No, third party is not a choice because it's simply throwing your vote away. So you can either vote for which one is best for the country or which one puts on a show you approve of.

Several weeks ago my father came over with my cousin for a visit. My cousin and I are both conservative and Pop changed from Republican to Democrat during the Bush years. We always talk about politics when we get together. After some going back and forth, I finally told my father "Pop, you have always looked out for me and my sister; giving us money even when we don't need it. But because the way you voted and millions like you, my sister and I lost tens of thousands of dollars. I know you don't like Trump, but you have to think about people other than yourself when you vote."

Pop just stared out into space for about 30 seconds. In spite of helping us financially throughout the last several years afraid of the possibility of a nursing home getting his money, that help was totally wiped out and more by the way he voted.
Well if you're going to use the same criteria to vote for a President as you used to use for your favorite American Idol contestant, then you really can't complain much when you end up with what we have now
I don’t watch reality tv. I have a consistent way of looking at the world. Morals, standards, and values that I will not compromise on. I understand that’s not a common concept these days, but some of us do still believe in them.
There are only two choices in any presidential election. No, third party is not a choice because it's simply throwing your vote away. So you can either vote for which one is best for the country or which one puts on a show you approve of.
Generally, I tend not to vote. I live in DEEP BLUE New England. My vote isn’t even a loss is the ocean compared to the Deep Blue voters in this area. I’ll vote on the ballot questions but it’s rare I can find a candidate worth voting for.
But because the way you voted and millions like you, my sister and I lost tens of thousands of dollars. I know you don't like Trump, but you have to think about people other than yourself when you vote."
My job is to worry about ME and MINE. You, and anyone else are not my problem or concern.
My job is to worry about ME and MINE. You, and anyone else are not my problem or concern.

I can't speak for your situation. Mine is I do care about those left behind like my nephew and niece. The people before me worked like hell to make a better life for me than they had themselves, and it's my duty to do the same for others.
I can't speak for your situation. Mine is I do care about those left behind like my nephew and niece. The people before me worked like hell to make a better life for me than they had themselves, and it's my duty to do the same for others
I totally respect that philosophy and mindset, Ray. It’s quite commendable. In my experience it’s also more than a little naive.

I learned very early in my life that nobody else was looking out for MY best interests other than ME. If I’m looking out for ME and MINE, I don’t have the time, energy, or money to look out for anyone else. SELF-reliance and personal responsibility are what I believe in.

Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

4 Nov 20232 ~~ By Solange Reyner

President Joe Biden on Thursday warned that Republicans will seek to impeach him if they win the House majority next week.
“I’m already being told if they win back the House and Senate, they’re going to impeach me,” Biden told a crowd at MiraCosta College near San Diego, California, while stumping for the reelection of Rep. Mike Levin. “I don’t know what the hell they’re going to impeach me for.”
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has introduced five articles of impeachment against Biden. Ten House Republicans have either introduced or sponsored 21 articles of impeachment against Biden and his top officials, according to the The New York Times.

Indeed, there's a hundred good reasons to impeach The Big Guy. But I think a better strategy would be to repeatedly demand that he be removed under the 25th Amendment. Of course there's no way te DNC Party headquarters would allow that...unless Kamaltoe Harris resigned and was replaced with someone who had a chance of being *elected* President.
Although it may be a great idea. the consequences' may be worse than the cure.
With a majority in both House's of Congress Joe Biden will become ineffective and just a lame duck. He would only do much more than drool on and sign EOs.
Then again you reap what you sow!
Maoist Democrats went all in with repeated impeachments on Trump regardless of how trivial, then seeing this come around to you should be no surprise, but not practicable.
There is nothing to impeach Biden over.
There is nothing to impeach Biden over.

I would say there is. Election tampering. He asked Saudi to keep their oil reduction under their turban until after the election to benefit candidates in his party. They told him to go beat a salt bag but he tried to do it.
I totally respect that philosophy and mindset, Ray. It’s quite commendable. In my experience it’s also more than a little naive.

I learned very early in my life that nobody else was looking out for MY best interests other than ME. If I’m looking out for ME and MINE, I don’t have the time, energy, or money to look out for anyone else. SELF-reliance and personal responsibility are what I believe in.

Oh, I believe in that as well. But creating an environment that's conducive with self-reliance is just as important.

In all of my life I never heard of such a thing as a labor shortage. We've allowed these Democrats to condition people not to work, and it took the drive of success out of a lot of people. They kept making social programs more livable by increasing benefits while at the same time, creating even more programs. Today we have 7 million men of working age no longer working. How does that happen?

My father and his brothers all fought in wars either WWII or the Korean war. They all worked hard to provide a safe place to live and save up to pass along what they made to their children and grandchildren. Even if my IRA wasn't so badly damaged because of this dementia patient in office, I would avoid withdrawing any of it so I can pass it along to my niece and nephew. They will continue to work their lives to pass their wealth to their children if they have any.

But all this is in vain if we don't elect the right people to run our government.
Oh, I believe in that as well. But creating an environment that's conducive with self-reliance is just as important
I agree. I believe we do that by returning to the Constitutional limits on Government. NEITHER party is interested in doing that.
Two candidates who don’t support my ideology means neither of them are worthy of my vote. I almost prefer the one whose actions I know I will disagree with. It means I have to do less digging to find the truth.

His attitude. His bombastic character. His whole schtick. it’s just not Presidential. It’s not something we should accept.
I almost prefer the one whose actions I know I will disagree with. It means I have to do less digging to find the truth.

Ok, that doesn't make sense. So, you're saying, your rather vote for Biden, because you know the wrong he will do, as opposed to voting for a republican because you're not sure of what they will do?

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