Biden: Republicans Will Impeach Me If They Win

I don’t suggest repayment. Consider it a tax on the stupidity of paying into an illegal, immoral and unconstitutional program for all those years.
But you'll have to repay those who have already paid into social security it's their money.
He's not alone. There are a lot of Americans that feel if a politician doesn't perform 100% to their satisfaction, it's not worth voting for them to stop the other side from making things worse.

As for myself, finding the perfect politician is like finding the perfect woman (or mate) or that perfect job. It doesn't exist except for a few people. Since it doesn't exist, the best you can do is get as close as you can.

When issues are being discussed like the border, inflation, interest rates, labor shortage, I feel no guilt because as a voter, I did everything possible to make sure this didn't happen. Does that mean I thought Trump was my perfect politician? Not at all. There are several things he didn't do and several things he could have done I would have liked to see. But I thank God and voters like me for not getting into a covid crisis with somebody like Hillary leading the charge.
Ray you got it.
But you'll have to repay those who have already paid into social security it's their money
Says who? The program is already illegal, immoral and unconstitutional; why would you expect it to act morally or rationally at this point?
Says who? The program is already illegal, immoral and unconstitutional; why would you expect it to act morally or rationally at this point?
Says all those who have paid into social security you got that right. You must be really young
Says all those who have paid into social security you got that right. You must be really young
48+ with zero intention of ever retiring. They’re either gonna carry me out of the office feet first OR if they throw me out before then, I’ve got a .45ACP with my initials engraved on it tucked away in the safe.
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Yes you're young
Please tell that to my body. It disagrees, vehemently.

I’d happily give up what I’ve put into the system to not have to donate another penny to Social Security or Medicare; since I’ll never use either one.
Please tell that to my body. It disagrees, vehemently.

I’d happily give up what I’ve put into the system to not have to donate another penny to Social Security or Medicare; since I’ll never use either one.

You really don't know that. I was taken out of work at the age of 60 because of medical conditions. I thought I would work all of my life as well. But things don't always work out as you planned, especially long term.

So I collect from SS and Medicare because I paid into them all of my life. Nobody asked me if I wanted to be in those programs, but you have no choice if you want to work for a living.
You really don't know that. I was taken out of work at the age of 60 because of medical conditions. I thought I would work all of my life as well. But things don't always work out as you planned, especially long term.

So I collect from SS and Medicare because I paid into them all of my life. Nobody asked me if I wanted to be in those programs, but you have no choice if you want to work for a living
Actually I do know that. I almost lost my ability to work in 2020 due to epileptic issues. To the point that I had the gun loaded, waiting for the doctor to tell me I wasn’t going to be allowed to go back to work. If I’m not productive there’s no point in me hanging around.

I WILL NOT take Government handouts. Never. I’ll die first.,
Please tell that to my body. It disagrees, vehemently.

I’d happily give up what I’ve put into the system to not have to donate another penny to Social Security or Medicare; since I’ll never use either one.
When you get closer to retirement you'll understand and want your money you put into social security. And some wet behind the ear 40 something will have the same view on social security that you have now.
Actually I do know that. I almost lost my ability to work in 2020 due to epileptic issues. To the point that I had the gun loaded, waiting for the doctor to tell me I wasn’t going to be allowed to go back to work. If I’m not productive there’s no point in me hanging around.

I WILL NOT take Government handouts. Never. I’ll die first.,

Handouts are something you get for nothing. When you get back what you pay into is yours and rightfully so. Those are not handouts, they're programs you were forced to pay into all of your life.

Talking suicide is easy until you actually confront it. So also be ready in case you don't pull that trigger. When I was younger I used to think the same way. I figured if I ever ended up the way I am today, I would sooner end it. You change your mind even if you decide to go one more day. It will lead to the next day, and the next.

Now I realize a lot of people depend on me being here for them, and I have no plans to disappoint them if I can help it. I'm fighting to outlive my parents so they don't have to bury another child. One is more than enough. It almost totally destroyed them the last time. I worry about what's going to happen to my tenants in this rental war going on in this country. I want to make sure I can provide them an affordable home for as long as I can. Yes, I'm leaving my properties to my family, but they are not landlords by nature as I am.

Last but not least I don't want to disappoint my God. He put me here for a reason, and whatever that reason is, I must have completed my mission. But I'm also going to fight him every step of the way for as long as he lets me. When he decides no more, that will be his decision and not mine.
Handouts are something you get for nothing. When you get back what you pay into is yours and rightfully so. Those are not handouts, they're programs you were forced to pay into all of your life
These people are getting back far more than they put in. That’s a handout in my mind.
Talking suicide is easy until you actually confront it. So also be ready in case you don't pull that trigger
Nope. I have no retirement savings. If I don’t pull the trigger I’ll be on the street shortly thereafter. Excellent motivation to pull the trigger.,
When you get closer to retirement you'll understand and want your money you put into social security. And some wet behind the ear 40 something will have the same view on social security that you have now
That would be a problem since I’ve already sent certified letters to both the Social Security Administration and Medicare declining any/all benefits.
That would be a problem since I’ve already sent certified letters to both the Social Security Administration and Medicare declining any/all benefits.
And you'll still be paying into it. You got issues bro
Yep. Unfortunately it’s a tax one cannot avoid. That doesn’t mean I have to accept the poisoned dividend at the other end of the equation.

No, you don't. Let me ask: If your house burned down tomorrow, would you file a claim with your insurance company; you know, the insurance company you paid for coverage since you bought the place?

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