Biden rewrites his own comments from 2012


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Looks like he's thinking about running. Why else would he need to start rewriting history to make himself look better to the public? The loyal media won't contradict him by looking back a few years to see what they reported then. Now he says he was in favor of going after bin Laden, but before he stated he was against it.

Biden's account changed over the years. Of course, the WH account was changing drastically in the days immediately following the SEALS' successful mission.

How does anyone know when to believe them and when not to? Or do libs just believe the version they finally settle on? Is today's story more credible than yesterday's story?

Biden's latest account on the decision whether or not to go after Osama bin Laden:

"It’s been held up as one of the starkest differences between Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden: She decisively supported the raid to take out Osama bin Laden, and he opposed it.

But on Tuesday, Biden altered his account of what happened in the lead-up to the 2011 operation, telling an audience that he gave his direct support to President Barack Obama after a cabinet meeting, and notably omitting Clinton’s name from the list of people who were definitively in favor of it — amid sky-high speculation that he is poised to challenge her for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

"It was something that was a difficult call for the president. So, we sat in the cabinet room at the end of the day making the decision. He said, ‘I want everybody’s opinion.’ Everybody went around the room," Biden said at George Washington University.

"There were only two people who were definitive and absolutely certain: Leon Panetta said go and Bob Gates said don’t go, and others were 51-49, some ended up saying go, but it was such a close call," he continued. "I joked and I said, ‘You all sound like 17 Larry Summers,’ the economist, on one hand then on the other. They said, ‘Joe, what would you do?’ There was a third option I didn’t really think we should do. I said, I think we should make one more pass with a UAV to see if it is him."

"The reason I did that is because I didn’t want to take a position to go if that was not where [Obama] was going to go. So as we walked out of the room and walked upstairs, I told him my opinion that I thought he should go, but follow his own instincts," Biden added. "But it would have been a mistake – imagine if I had said in front of everyone, don’t go or go, and his decision was different. It undercuts that relationship. I never say what I think finally until I go up into the Oval with him alone.""

His account back in 2012:

"Every single person in that room hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. Leon said go. Everyone else said, 49, 51," Biden said in 2012. "He got to me. He said, ‘Joe, what do you think?’ And I said, ‘You know, I didn’t know we had so many economists around the table.’ I said, ‘We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go. We have to do two more things to see if he’s there.’"
From the OP link:

PSA for those questioning Biden on account of OBL raid, several of us spoke with Bill Daley afterward, he backs up @VP 100 percent (1/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

Daley: “I think the way he articulated it was absolutely the truth. I was in the room and I saw him walk out with the president 
” (2/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

More Daley: “His explanation of that is absolutely on point.” (3/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015
Looks like he's thinking about running. Why else would he need to start rewriting history to make himself look better to the public? The loyal media won't contradict him by looking back a few years to see what they reported then. Now he says he was in favor of going after bin Laden, but before he stated he was against it.

Biden's account changed over the years. Of course, the WH account was changing drastically in the days immediately following the SEALS' successful mission.

How does anyone know when to believe them and when not to? Or do libs just believe the version they finally settle on? Is today's story more credible than yesterday's story?

Biden's latest account on the decision whether or not to go after Osama bin Laden:

"It’s been held up as one of the starkest differences between Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden: She decisively supported the raid to take out Osama bin Laden, and he opposed it.

But on Tuesday, Biden altered his account of what happened in the lead-up to the 2011 operation, telling an audience that he gave his direct support to President Barack Obama after a cabinet meeting, and notably omitting Clinton’s name from the list of people who were definitively in favor of it — amid sky-high speculation that he is poised to challenge her for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination.

"It was something that was a difficult call for the president. So, we sat in the cabinet room at the end of the day making the decision. He said, ‘I want everybody’s opinion.’ Everybody went around the room," Biden said at George Washington University.

"There were only two people who were definitive and absolutely certain: Leon Panetta said go and Bob Gates said don’t go, and others were 51-49, some ended up saying go, but it was such a close call," he continued. "I joked and I said, ‘You all sound like 17 Larry Summers,’ the economist, on one hand then on the other. They said, ‘Joe, what would you do?’ There was a third option I didn’t really think we should do. I said, I think we should make one more pass with a UAV to see if it is him."

"The reason I did that is because I didn’t want to take a position to go if that was not where [Obama] was going to go. So as we walked out of the room and walked upstairs, I told him my opinion that I thought he should go, but follow his own instincts," Biden added. "But it would have been a mistake – imagine if I had said in front of everyone, don’t go or go, and his decision was different. It undercuts that relationship. I never say what I think finally until I go up into the Oval with him alone.""

His account back in 2012:

"Every single person in that room hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. Leon said go. Everyone else said, 49, 51," Biden said in 2012. "He got to me. He said, ‘Joe, what do you think?’ And I said, ‘You know, I didn’t know we had so many economists around the table.’ I said, ‘We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go. We have to do two more things to see if he’s there.’"

Yo, bet money, we will hear him say this Lie again? Don`t vote for Republicans, they will put you back in Chains!!!

Clinton has a problem. Given the choice America would have to guess which one is lying 60% of America would pick her as the liar.
From the OP link:

PSA for those questioning Biden on account of OBL raid, several of us spoke with Bill Daley afterward, he backs up @VP 100 percent (1/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

Daley: “I think the way he articulated it was absolutely the truth. I was in the room and I saw him walk out with the president 
” (2/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

More Daley: “His explanation of that is absolutely on point.” (3/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015
So are YOU now admitting Hillary is a liar?
From the OP link:

PSA for those questioning Biden on account of OBL raid, several of us spoke with Bill Daley afterward, he backs up @VP 100 percent (1/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

Daley: “I think the way he articulated it was absolutely the truth. I was in the room and I saw him walk out with the president 
” (2/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

More Daley: “His explanation of that is absolutely on point.” (3/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015
So are YOU now admitting Hillary is a liar?
By quoting a link?
It's gotta be tough for Biden. He's the ultimate Washington insider. He's been an elected politician for 45 years.

45 years!

The prospect of retiring and becoming a nobody must scare the shit out of him. Better to go down in flames trying to get the Top Dog spot than go out with a whimper.
From the OP link:

PSA for those questioning Biden on account of OBL raid, several of us spoke with Bill Daley afterward, he backs up @VP 100 percent (1/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

Daley: “I think the way he articulated it was absolutely the truth. I was in the room and I saw him walk out with the president 
” (2/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

More Daley: “His explanation of that is absolutely on point.” (3/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015
So are YOU now admitting Hillary is a liar?
By quoting a link?
Who do YOU think is lying? Go ahead call it. Could be interesting.
"Biden rewrites his own comments from 2012"

Are you saying Biden is plagiarizing himself? Shade of John Fogerty! :eek:

Say it ain't so, Joe....
From the OP link:

PSA for those questioning Biden on account of OBL raid, several of us spoke with Bill Daley afterward, he backs up @VP 100 percent (1/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

Daley: “I think the way he articulated it was absolutely the truth. I was in the room and I saw him walk out with the president 
” (2/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

More Daley: “His explanation of that is absolutely on point.” (3/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

Which version are they saying was 100 percent correct?

Biden stated that he told Obama that he didn't think they should go back in 2012. Now he says he told Obama that they should go.
From the OP link:

PSA for those questioning Biden on account of OBL raid, several of us spoke with Bill Daley afterward, he backs up @VP 100 percent (1/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

Daley: “I think the way he articulated it was absolutely the truth. I was in the room and I saw him walk out with the president 
” (2/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015

More Daley: “His explanation of that is absolutely on point.” (3/3)

— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) October 20, 2015
So are YOU now admitting Hillary is a liar?
By quoting a link?
Who do YOU think is lying? Go ahead call it. Could be interesting.
I don't really give a shit who is lying about such an insignificant matter. If anyone is stupid enough to vote for Clinton or Biden based on whether they were a green light or a red light at that meeting, or whether they lied about being a red light or green light, that person is more retarded than this topic.
Biden OR Clinton, whose lying. ONE of them HAS to be? Which? You call.

They won't tell us until they know who will get the nomination and then the person they pick will be the one who is correct.
I don't really give a shit who is lying about such an insignificant matter. If anyone is stupid enough to vote for Clinton of Biden based on whether they were a green light or a red light at that meeting, they are more retarded than this topic.

It's not about what was actually said in the meeting. It's the public statement where we were informed of their decision. Means you can't take them at their word, ever.
I am curious. How does Biden say he told Obama in a private meeting to go make Clinton a liar?

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