Biden said he would end the Nordstream Pipeline. Other admin officials and allies admit U.S. blew it up.

are you suggesting obama never placed sanctions on russia?
Nope. I’m suggesting that sanctions were applied after Russia committed transgressions. They were punitive, not preventative.

Trump was trying to use sanctions to prevent an action. It’s different. It also failed.

Application of sanctions (which were barely noticed in the first place) wouldn’t stop the invasion. The sanctions already having been applied can’t be used as a threat.

You’re illogical because you worship Trump.
Irrelevant. All Russia had to do to turn off their own gas line was to just close a valve. It was JOE BIDEN and his administration who on TWO OCCASIONS stated clearly that they would blow up the pipe line if Russia invaded Ukraine, moron.
This isn’t about turning off a gas line. It’s about using the supposed attack as an excuse to retaliate.

It’s a false flag attack. Something they’ve done before.
See? That wasn't hard now was it?

Biden Administration Traded National Interest for Worthless Agreement

The U.S.–German agreement promises “unspecified actions” if Russia once again ramps up its energy coercion. This language assures Putin that any new aggression will receive no response, or a merely symbolic one.

Apparently that agreement was worthless. It didn't work......So Biden blew it up. He should have just kept his big gab shut about it but, as Obam said, Biden always fucks things up.
Nordstream 2 was put on ice in February.

The thing that you guys are freaking out about Biden saying, he already did it. Months ago.

You morons didn’t know because the TV didn’t tell you.
This isn’t about turning off a gas line. It’s about using the supposed attack as an excuse to retaliate. It’s a false flag attack. Something they’ve done before.

Now all you need is a shred of evidence to support your stupid rantings. Putin didn't promise to blow it up, Uncle Festus did. And if Putin destroyed his own pipeline rather than just shut it off to spite Europe, not only has he cut himself out of any future earnings from it, but what reason would he have not to just come forward and SAY he did that?

Answer me that quizz kid.
Now all you need is a shred of evidence to support your stupid rantings. Putin didn't promise to blow it up, Uncle Festus did. And if Putin destroyed his own pipeline rather than just shut it off to spite Europe, not only has he cut himself out of any future earnings from it, but what reason would he have not to just come forward and SAY he did that?

Answer me that quizz kid.
Literally the answer to your question was in my last post. Apparently you didn’t read it, so I’ll write it again.

It could be a false flag attack. The purpose of a false flag attack is to justify retaliation.

It’s possible. I wouldn’t dismiss it as a possibility. Your excuses for why it’s not a possibility all fail.
Nordstream 2 was put on ice in February.

The thing that you guys are freaking out about Biden saying, he already did it. Months ago.

You morons didn’t know because the TV didn’t tell you.
Did what? Make a stupid statement about stopping the pipeline? Made a useless agreement with Germany with no guarantees about overland delivery?
Literally the answer to your question was in my last post. Apparently you didn’t read it, so I’ll write it again.

It could be a false flag attack. The purpose of a false flag attack is to justify retaliation.

It’s possible. I wouldn’t dismiss it as a possibility. Your excuses for why it’s not a possibility all fail.
A false flag attack would have been useless if Biden hadn't opened his gab.
Did what? Make a stupid statement about stopping the pipeline? Made a useless agreement with Germany with no guarantees about overland delivery?
Did you not read the article I linked to? Biden already stopped Nordstream 2. In February.

I swear, you children really can't think for yourselves.
Xiden is on video praising Xi and literally asking for his help if he ran for President…Xiden ran…China interfered in the election on his behalf
Most likely China will take over Taiwan while Joe Biden is our President. Joe is the weak President China has been waiting for.

Joe did say he would sent our military to Taiwan if China tries an invasion. Joe says a lot of stuff he doesn’t mean as he really isn’’t all there.
Most likely China will take over Taiwan while Joe Biden is our President. Joe is the weak President China has been waiting for.
Right. Because things are going so well for the Russian takeover of Ukraine.
Trump was trying to use sanctions to prevent an action. It’s different. It also failed.
No, that was Biden, when he threatened to pull a billion in aid if they didn’t stop their investigation on the company Hunter worked for.

But you’re a Biden worshipper.

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