Biden, Sanders and Warren are the only D Candidates with a Chance

Until they have an actual debate, these comments are meaningless. Remember Trump was just one of what 17 or 18? And no one gave Obama a chance at all at this point in his first election.

This is all being stirred up by the media. Because they’re looking for something to make news. This isn’t it.

Yep, then after the debates, the democrat candidates will be meaningless.
They have money and good polling numbers to go the convention. None of the others do. If any of the blue states default or China comes to the table to end the trade war no running mate any of these three pick will be enough to put them in contention in the general election. How did even the Ds paint themselves in this corner?

Sanders is already out, Biden is physically to weak to campaign and will be out in a few months really all he is there for is to raise money for the DNC, and Warren will collapse and fold up like a lawn chair by the end of the summer.

Are you confusing Sarah with Berne, because Sarah Sanders did not want the extra work involved with even a reelection and tendered her resignation. But last I heard Berne was still running.
How can you be "stuck" with a winner? Please explain this to me.

Because that is the one you're stuck with no matter what..

If you want something are you still "stuck" with it?

I'm assuming Moon is making reference to 1) the fact that he's an incumbent, and 2) current polling projections.
It is stuck to us because the only ones that can run are monied candidates selected by monied men, companies, women or PACs...Not just anyone can run and be seen in large enough quantities to win, si, comprende este la noches?
The headline of this topic was written by....

one of President Trump's advisors...

Those three are all toast. If the Dems want to have a chance, they'd better nominate someone else....
It doesn't matter who the dems nominate, the MSM will paint them in glowing contrast to the evil Trump. Then on election day the voters will decide who they trust to run the country. IMHO the stealthy Trump voters will do in 2020 what they did in 2016...

It wasn't the "stealthy Trump voters" who gave Trump the Presidency. It was the Democratic voters who stayed home and didn't vote. Trump won the Presidency with FEWER votes than Romney received in losing to Barrack Obama. And 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton.

Black voters, in particular, stayed home. They won't do that this time. White suburban women, who voted for Trump in 2016, will not vote for him again.
It doesn't matter who the dems nominate, the MSM will paint them in glowing contrast to the evil Trump. Then on election day the voters will decide who they trust to run the country. IMHO the stealthy Trump voters will do in 2020 what they did in 2016...

It wasn't the "stealthy Trump voters" who gave Trump the Presidency. It was the Democratic voters who stayed home and didn't vote. Trump won the Presidency with FEWER votes than Romney received in losing to Barrack Obama. And 3 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton.

Black voters, in particular, stayed home. They won't do that this time. White suburban women, who voted for Trump in 2016, will not vote for him again.

Assuming you're correct, you're also assuming that the 2020 democratic nominee will be more popular than Hillary was in 2016. The women were VERY motivated in 2016. Will they be as motivated for Joe Biden, or Butterbutt?
The women I know don't like open borders, they like the wall, they like the war on opioids, they like the economy and job market.
In 2016 union guys told me that they were Trump voters because the dems stopped too much work, like Obama said, "some jobs are not coming back"

A difference of opinion is what makes a horse race interesting. We'll see in 2020.
It takes a majority of delegates in Milwaukee to get the nomination, however. and with as many candidates as the D's have, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to win on the 1st ballot. On subsequent ballots, the delegates will be looking for a consensus candidate, and this is where the real hope for Kamala and Hickenlooper and the rest is.
By balloting time the field will be down to 3 or 4, max.
How can you be "stuck" with a winner? Please explain this to me.

Because that is the one you're stuck with no matter what..

If you want something are you still "stuck" with it?

I'm assuming Moon is making reference to 1) the fact that he's an incumbent, and 2) current polling projections.
It is stuck to us because the only ones that can run are monied candidates selected by monied men, companies, women or PACs...Not just anyone can run and be seen in large enough quantities to win, si, comprende este la noches?

Trump was a non politician and still won. Raised a lot less in terms of $$ than his competitors.
Black voters, in particular, stayed home. They won't do that this time.

Face it, Black Democrats are the worst bigots in the US today. They aren't going to vote unless another white hating black bigot like O is on the ticket.

Harris and Booker qualify fully.... as BIGOTS.
How can you be "stuck" with a winner? Please explain this to me.

Because that is the one you're stuck with no matter what..

If you want something are you still "stuck" with it?

I'm assuming Moon is making reference to 1) the fact that he's an incumbent, and 2) current polling projections.
It is stuck to us because the only ones that can run are monied candidates selected by monied men, companies, women or PACs...Not just anyone can run and be seen in large enough quantities to win, si, comprende este la noches?

Trump was a non politician and still won. Raised a lot less in terms of $$ than his competitors.
Yet needed to shoot off to work to earn enough money to eat on..
Whatever else Republicans do or say, Hillary Clinton will go down in history as the first woman to win the popular vote in the presidential election in the United States.

And Donald Trump will go down in history as the first president to ever end up in prison.
That's pretty funny.

Hillary = murderer, liar, perjurer, enabler of sex predator "husband," closeted DYKE, thief who walked off with WH furniture, admitted billing fraud in court and was never punished, looted Vince Foster's office the night of his bogus "suicide...."

Trump = rich, and friends with Putin

Democrats = always lying to enable more stealing
Beto could run an ad with weeds blowing in the wind and that would be all that's needed to describe himself and what he stands for.
With a chance? Sure... in the case of Warren the chance is lower than the percentage of her Indian genes.
Whatever else Republicans do or say, Hillary Clinton will go down in history as the first woman to win the popular vote in the presidential election in the United States.

And Donald Trump will go down in history as the first president to ever end up in prison.

History will record the deep state's involvement in the 2016 election. Giving Hillary a pass on mishandling classified information, illegally spying on Trump, attempting a coup against Trump, and maybe Obama will be the first president to end up in prison? We shall see, won't we?
I remember when they said Obama didn’t have a chance. Then he turned out to be one of our greatest presidents.
And sadly, his election exposed the Republicans for being racist.
It took Obama for us to understand the depth of Republican racism and how much they hate minorities.
What Obama did in office won't put him in prison.

It will put him in front of a firing squad.

Ditto for W.
Then he turned out to be one of our greatest presidents

"greatest" = he ran up more Federal Debt than any other President.... really any 3 Presidents summed together

"greatest" = he told "state legal" marijuana users they would not be prosecuted during the campaign... and then, once in office, packed them in prison.... because they were WHITE

"greatest" = having Joan Rivers MURDERED for telling the truth and OPENING THE CLOSET DOOR

"greatest" = being a closeted homosexual with a man as First "Lady," which means promises like "closing Gitmo" get sold out as soon as THE MEDIA threatens to OPEN THE CLOSET DOOR

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