Biden says he intends to run for reelection. not all Democrats believe him. Nor are they convinced Kamala would be the clear heir if he did opt out

Doesn’t matter
84 million Americans rejected Trump last time

Anyone Dems run can beat Trump
Maybe Republicans will figure it out and run someone else

84 million Americans were lied to by you people. Just a few percent of them realize that, and things can change fast.
I myself couldn't care less what ByeDim does

since Trump is gone, the news is barely interesting... esp when no news people want to address Story of the Century... or more like Story of US History: the lawless 2020 election that few believe the results of

I already know what that senile baby killer is going to do anyway...

it's simple: Trump did ABC so ByeDim is bent on undoing ABC and instituting XYZ

last letters of the alphabet... how apropos
We all know where the BIG LIE came from don’t we?

Yes. People like you. America is not a w.s. society, the President did not say that w.s. were "very fine people". Trump supporters are not wacist. and you people are lying, traitorous scum.
Yes. People like you. America is not a w.s. society, the President did not say that w.s. were "very fine people". Trump supporters are not wacist. and you people are lying, traitorous scum.

He looked the people attending a white supremacy rally and said some were very fine people

You draw your own conclusions
They hated each other from the start. The only reason he picked Kamala is because he thought blacks would be more likely to come out and vote if a black woman was on the ballot. Quite an insulting comment toward blacks, if you think about it.

Especially since she's at most 1/4 black. She's mostly Indian, just plays up being black for the political capital.
He looked the people attending a white supremacy rally and said some were very fine people

You draw your own conclusions

He assumed that not everyone there, was a w.s. and he explicitly excluded the w.s. from his comment.

You know this. You are LYING right now, just like the media lied.

Hence my point. If only a small percentage of people realize that the the claim that the President is w.s or at least sympathetic to w.s. is a LIE, then those votes could flip very quickly.

That is why you filthy liberals keep lying, even when it is has been made painfully clear that you are lying scum of the earth.
Correll wrote: He assumed that not everyone there, was a w.s. and he explicitly excluded the w.s. from his comment. 21NOV16-POST#32

NFBW wrote: Correll can’t accept the reality that DJT’s exclusion of the white Supremacists organizers of the rally does not make the “Unite the Right” fascists disappear from the scene of Nazis marching through the streets with so-called “fine (rightwing) people” united with them over Confederate era statues. 21NOV16-POST#33

NFBW wrote: Excuse me Correll it’s a free country and I am a fine American but If I were a rightwinger attending a protest against removing confederate statues and white supremacists were the dominant force and organizers - I stay away. I do not want to be seen in the same news footage with Nazis using the statue issue to ignite a race war to achieve a white ethno state in America. Fine people are not there alongside Nazis. Trump is an asshole for saying there’s fine people on both sides. 21NOV16-POST#33

“”””” UNITE THE RIGHT Jason Kessler, a onetime gadfly conservative journalist and neo-Confederate activist who convened an array of violent white nationalist groups under the banner of the Unite the Right rally in 2017, took the witness stand in a federal courtroom in Charlottesville, Va. on Monday.

'Unite the Right' defendants wanted a violent 'battle of Charlottesville' -- and lawyers just showed the receipts to prove it

Plaintiffs' counsel confronted Kessler with a tranche of planning documents suggesting the Confederate monuments at the center of the rally were little more than a pretext for an effort to harness the energy from a series of confrontations with leftist counter-protesters that the organizers hoped would bring a violent, fascist movement intent on creating a white ethno-state into full bloom. “”””
Last edited:
NFBW wrote: Excuse me @Correll it’s a free country and I am a fine American but If I were a rightwinger attending a protest against removing confederate statues and white supremacists were the dominant force and organizers - I stay away. I do not want to be seen in the same news footage with Nazis using the statue issue to ignite a race war to achieve a white ethno state in America. Fine people are not there alongside Nazis. Trump is an asshole for saying there’s fine people on both sides.

I see your chain of logic. I do not share it, nor does Trump. Obviously, as he clearly stated.

Do you understand that?

He clearly did NOT say what you leftards claim he said. That is the point.
Correll wrote: He clearly did NOT say what you leftards claim he said. That is the point 21NOV16-POST#34

NFBW wrote: Point #1 - I am not a leftard or any of the fictionalized characters that exist in your tribal, cultural Christian, DJT imbibed and therefore imbalanced belief system as shown in all your writing. 21NOV16-POST#35

NFBW wrote: Point #2 You Correll have challenged my post which is fundamentally and exactly based on exactly what DJT has said about the people who were protesting the removal of white confederate traitor statues from the public square in Charlottesville Va. 21NOV16-POST#35

NFBW wrote: The following is my understanding of what DJT said:

“””” Speaking in the lobby of Trump Tower at what had been billed as a statement on infrastructure, a combative Trump defended his slowness to condemn white nationalists and neo-Nazis after the melee in central Virginia, which ended in the death of one woman and injuries to dozens of others, and compared the tearing down of Confederate monuments to the hypothetical removal of monuments to the Founding Fathers. He also said that counterprotesters deserve an equal amount of blame for the violence.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at, as you say, at the alt-right?” Trump said. “Do they have any semblance of guilt?”

“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me,” he said.

“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists,” Trump said. “The press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

“You also had some very fine people on both sides,” he said.

The Unite the Right rally that sparked the violence in Charlottesville featured several leading names in the white-nationalist alt-right movement, and also attracted people displaying Nazi symbols. As they walked down the street, the white-nationalist protesters chanted “blood and soil,” the English translation of a Nazi slogan. One of the men seen marching with the fascist group American Vanguard, James A. Fields, is charged with deliberately ramming a car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old counterprotester Heather Heyer. “”””

NFBW wrote: is that a correct version of what DJT said, Correll ? 21NOV16-POST#35
Correll wrote: He clearly did NOT say what you leftards claim he said. That is the point 21NOV16-POST#34

NFBW wrote: DJT’s spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway said on CNN's "State of the Union." When mentioning the "very fine people on both sides," her boss "was talking about the debate over removing statues." - - - So according to DJT’s gifted spokesperson on CNN, DJT never meant to suggest there were fine people at the protest on the ‘save the traitor statues’ side . - - - That is my point in my preceding post, - - - Why do you disagree Correll? Are you saying there were fine people in the the group of Nazis that ended up killing Heather Hoyer when one of the Nazis plowed his car into the group of peaceful protesters that she was with.. I’m saying “fine oeople” don’t march with Nazis just because they are on the same side of a debate. 21NOV17-POST#37

“””” April 28, 2019, 1:34 PM EDT By Allan Smith - - - White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Sunday defended President Donald Trump's remarks on the 2017 violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, saying that he had condemned white nationalism and that his comments have been misconstrued.

Conway: Trump's Charlottesville remarks 'darn near perfection'

Trump "condemned white nationalism and neo-Nazis and the KKK during the Charlottesville incident," Conway said on CNN's "State of the Union." When mentioning the "very fine people on both sides," a remarks for which Trump was widely criticized, she said Trump "was talking about the debate over removing statues." “”””
Correll wrote: He clearly did NOT say what you leftards claim he said. That is the point 21NOV16-POST#34

NFBW wrote: Point #1 - I am not a leftard or any of the fictionalized characters that exist in your tribal, cultural Christian, DJT imbibed and therefore imbalanced belief system as shown in all your writing. 21NOV16-POST#35

NFBW wrote: Point #2 You Correll have challenged my post which is fundamentally and exactly based on exactly what DJT has said about the people who were protesting the removal of white confederate traitor statues from the public square in Charlottesville Va. 21NOV16-POST#35

NFBW wrote: The following is my understanding of what DJT said:

“””” Speaking in the lobby of Trump Tower at what had been billed as a statement on infrastructure, a combative Trump defended his slowness to condemn white nationalists and neo-Nazis after the melee in central Virginia, which ended in the death of one woman and injuries to dozens of others, and compared the tearing down of Confederate monuments to the hypothetical removal of monuments to the Founding Fathers. He also said that counterprotesters deserve an equal amount of blame for the violence.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at, as you say, at the alt-right?” Trump said. “Do they have any semblance of guilt?”

“I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me,” he said.

“You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists,” Trump said. “The press has treated them absolutely unfairly.”

“You also had some very fine people on both sides,” he said.

The Unite the Right rally that sparked the violence in Charlottesville featured several leading names in the white-nationalist alt-right movement, and also attracted people displaying Nazi symbols. As they walked down the street, the white-nationalist protesters chanted “blood and soil,” the English translation of a Nazi slogan. One of the men seen marching with the fascist group American Vanguard, James A. Fields, is charged with deliberately ramming a car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old counterprotester Heather Heyer. “”””

NFBW wrote: is that a correct version of what DJT said, Correll ? 21NOV16-POST#35

What is your point in posting this? I am not going to compare this post to the actual transcripts to check for accuracy.

You have made no point, and not addressed my point. As a "reply" goes, this fails on all counts.

My point stands. Trump clearly did not say what you leftards claim he said. He furthermore EXPLICITY excluded w.s. from his comment.

That you people claim he said what he did not say, is you being liars.

EVERY FUCKING I have this conversation with people like you, the next point is, where you start to argue that he was wrong about who was there.

Which, is a completely different discussion, which has NO IMPORTANCE.

At that point, you have given up proving that he said what you claimed he said and the new discussion is about how good Trump is in judging who is in a crowd.

Which is an irrelevant discussion.
@Correll wrote: He clearly did NOT say what you leftards claim he said. That is the point 21NOV16-POST#34

NFBW wrote: DJT’s spokesperson, Kellyanne Conway said on CNN's "State of the Union." When mentioning the "very fine people on both sides," her boss "was talking about the debate over removing statues." - - - So according to DJT’s gifted spokesperson on CNN, DJT never meant to suggest there were fine people at the protest on the ‘save the traitor statues’ side . -

Wow. That is incredible. You completely failed to understand what she said.

You understanding level was zero percent. I have talked in the past about your autism, and this is a fine example of your inability to understand normal humans.
Correll wrote: You completely failed to understand what she said. 21NOV17-POST#39

NFBW wrote: I understand Conway is expressing her displeasure with the way DJT’s political and moral opposition misconstrued her bosses comment regarding fine people being literally there in person assembled within and in support of the Unite the Right protest which was organized by let’s just call them white supremacy oriented Nazis. Is that your understanding of Conway’s communication on CNN as mentioned in a preceding post? If not please explain. 21NOV17-POST#40

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