Biden says military action is Syria unconstitutional


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Gold Supporting Member
Sep 13, 2012
VP Biden said in a 1998 speach "After studying the constitutional language governing the use of military force and the debates that the Framers had on the issue, Joe Biden determined that the Founding Fathers had vested the power to authorize even the limited use of military force in the Congress not the president---unless it was necessary for the president to act swiftly to repel an attack on the United States or to rescue U.S. citizens."

Biden derided the opposite position—that the president could use military force without congressional authorization—as a “monarchist” view of presidential power.

So we now have the opinion of the VP that what POTUS is contemplating is a violation of the constitution and an impeachable offense. Your thoughts?

FLASHBACK--Joe Biden: ?Framers Intended to Grant Congress Power to Initiate All Hostilities, Even Limited Wars? | CNS News
We shall see...

I mean, Kerry is famously anti-war, yet there he was today making the case for attacking Syria...

I believe it was Nelson Mandela who said, "Where you stand depends on where you sit."

I think we have seen, and will be seeing in the coming days and weeks, evidence of the truth of this statement.
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Oh it's some much easier for the likes of Biden and Barry to bitch from the sidelines, but, gee, when they finally get in the game they find it's a whole lot different world out there.

Sleep tight, boys. The problems will still be there tomorrow though.
Oh it's some much easier for the likes of Biden and Barry to bitch from the sidelines, but, gee, when they finally get in the game they find it's a whole lot different world out there.

Sleep tight, boys. The problems will still be there tomorrow though.

Yep, we've known for years now that dear leader maobama has a monarchist view of presidential powers, but anyone who says so is a racist, just ask Chirsy hissy fit Matthews.
I hope all these people who are suddenly so concerned about Congressional approval for a missile attack remember where they set this bar when a Republican is back in the White House.

But...based on the mountain of evidence of their selective amnesia of the Bush years, I don't have much hope of that.
The Hypocrisy of the Left is out there for all to see..

But you won't find ABC, NBC, CBS, The New York TImes, or Washington Post talking about it.
I hope all these people who are suddenly so concerned about Congressional approval for a missile attack remember where they set this bar when a Republican is back in the White House.

But...based on the mountain of evidence of their selective amnesia of the Bush years, I don't have much hope of that.

Bush had congressional authority for both Afghanistan and Iraq, what did he do that was not directly connected to that authority?
VP Biden said in a 1998 speach "After studying the constitutional language governing the use of military force and the debates that the Framers had on the issue, Joe Biden determined that the Founding Fathers had vested the power to authorize even the limited use of military force in the Congress not the president---unless it was necessary for the president to act swiftly to repel an attack on the United States or to rescue U.S. citizens."

Biden derided the opposite position—that the president could use military force without congressional authorization—as a “monarchist” view of presidential power.

So we now have the opinion of the VP that what POTUS is contemplating is a violation of the constitution and an impeachable offense. Your thoughts?

FLASHBACK--Joe Biden: ?Framers Intended to Grant Congress Power to Initiate All Hostilities, Even Limited Wars? | CNS News

You're forgetting Washingtonian Hyper-Partisan Rule#1:

"This kind of thing is only unconstitutional when the OTHER party does it"

Also known as the U.S. Constitution's Partisan Hypocrisy Clause, just ask any politician from the party in power, they'll happily point it out to you.
hope I'm not derailing your thread dear...but just ran across another goody..


Video: Biden Threatening to Impeach President If He Launches an Attack Without Congressional Authority

by John Sexton 27 Aug 2013 977 post a comment View Discussion

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Following up on Ace's post here is Biden telling Chris Matthews back in 2007 that he is deadly serious about attempting to impeach Bush if he goes to war in Iran without congressional authorization:

video and the rest here
Video: Biden Threatening to Impeach President If He Launches an Attack Without Congressional Authority
hope I'm not derailing your thread dear...but just ran across another goody..


Video: Biden Threatening to Impeach President If He Launches an Attack Without Congressional Authority

by John Sexton 27 Aug 2013 977 post a comment View Discussion

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Following up on Ace's post here is Biden telling Chris Matthews back in 2007 that he is deadly serious about attempting to impeach Bush if he goes to war in Iran without congressional authorization:

video and the rest here
Video: Biden Threatening to Impeach President If He Launches an Attack Without Congressional Authority

Not at all, it goes to the supreme hypocrisy of this administration and how the promised change and transparency have never materialized. Also how the lefts do as I say and not as I do attitude is steadily eroding our influence in foreign affairs.
hope I'm not derailing your thread dear...but just ran across another goody..


Video: Biden Threatening to Impeach President If He Launches an Attack Without Congressional Authority

by John Sexton 27 Aug 2013 977 post a comment View Discussion

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Following up on Ace's post here is Biden telling Chris Matthews back in 2007 that he is deadly serious about attempting to impeach Bush if he goes to war in Iran without congressional authorization:

video and the rest here
Video: Biden Threatening to Impeach President If He Launches an Attack Without Congressional Authority

Not at all, it goes to the supreme hypocrisy of this administration and how the promised change and transparency have never materialized. Also how the lefts do as I say and not as I do attitude is steadily eroding our influence in foreign affairs.

I thought so, thanks..
hard to tell where this thing with Syria is going...not a good feeling about it though....Obama approvals down, wag the dog?
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