Biden Says People Unwilling to Get Covid Vaccine Are “Lazy” and Will Cause Others to Die

I have to disagree with Biden. I don’t think people not getting the vaccine are “lazy”, I think they’re “terrorists”. They’re purposely not getting the vaccine knowing very well that theyre spreading Covid and killing people. These people are a danger to society.

We’re so close to ending this thing, but thanks to all the Trumptards we’ll be locked down forever.

If you've been vaccinated you're safe.... right? Lol
I can still get it from unvaccinated people!

If all of the government media and businesses are telling you to get it, then it’s a no brainer

I can’t wait until vaccine passports come into play and you’re all either forced to get vaccinated or move off grid somewhere in freezing Alaska.
If the vaccines are over 99% effective, what are you worried about?
Good Boy.....but talk about dumb anti-science idiocy
Haha...sure, cultist. Boy you swallowed the orange slob's package wholesale, didn't ya?
Not Trumpism

its empirical data....
Says the Rube
Whining is not empirical data.
Been posted multiple times by multiple people from multiple sources....cant help you love your lies
If you don't want to die then wear your mask or get the vaccine. It's that simple.

For people like myself I don't want to do either so the only person I'm endangering is myself.

But let's face it, this isn't going anywhere. Covid is 2 very powerful things.

1 it's a political tool. It's used to drive agendas and push narratives. You don't even really need to explain things, you can just say "because covid". You can use it to back up your agenda or use to attack your political opponents. It's also an easy out when you need an excuse. And if the chance arrives it will be the excuse to take away more freedoms and instill more control.

2 covid is a huge industry making huge amounts of money by big business and they don't want to stop making money off it. Everything from masks, to cleaners, hand wipes, to the stupid social distancing stickers and signs that you see in stores and restaraunts, and the billion dollar vaccine industry for it. Covid makes people a lot of money. And the companies making all this money have politicians ears. Amazon, target, WalMart, McDonald's, etc don't want it to end either because they been making record profits off the destroyed small businesses that were shut down.

So yes, Biden is going to say anything he can to scare or guilt people into doing what he says they should. And if gets the chance he will force them to do it.
If the vaccines are over 99% effective, what are you worried about?
99% effective...against what? Do you even know? Did you make that number up? No and yes. And smellyirishass couldn't be more impressed.

Gawd you're stupid. If you want the vaccine get it but stop your infantile ankle snapping at those that don't ya little bitch
If you don't want to die then wear your mask or get the vaccine. It's that simple.
No, that's stupid is what it is. How does a functional adult not get this a year into the pandemic?
When I was a kid, there were certain days at school when vaccines were administered. I remember ones for Polio, Small Pox, and MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella). I remember a lot of kids who were hesitant, but only because no kid looks forward to getting a shot. I sure as hell don't remember parents rejecting vaccines until recent years.
I am in total agreement. I don't see how they can say that their rushed vaccine is more effective than my bodies proven ability to defeat the same virus. The argument that the vaccine "teaches" your body how to fight the virus and is more effective is asinine.
Tell that to 592,000+ dead Americans. Twit.

The flu, heart disease, bacterias, protozoans, viruses kill more than that every year. Spare us your little emotional tantrum because we don't care about your junk science emergency use authorized snake juice.
Every time Mentally Challenged Joe opens his mouth you can see why he spent 36 years in the senate (1973-2009) and didn't achieve a damned thing! (except make himself and his family rich)
What an idiotic thing to say! So many faulty and stupid assumptions. He boggles the mind.
When I was a kid, there were certain days at school when vaccines were administered. I remember ones for Polio, Small Pox, and MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella). I remember a lot of kids who were hesitant, but only because no kid looks forward to getting a shot. I sure as hell don't remember parents rejecting vaccines until recent years.
Can you blame people who don't have any faith in what the government says?
Or notice how the government seems willing to punish those not vaccinating? "Laziness" has nothing to
do with it, jackass!
I just refuse to get an experimental one that isn’t even approved by the FDA yet. No long term studies done either.
That isn't rational. The FDA full approval will be in place for them within a month or two. Its just slow red tape, at this point. And if you apply the same logic and caution to the covid virus, i imagine you are hiding in your basement inside a plastic bubble right now. But you don't. So i am not buying your act. This is just another artifact of the orange slob's mentally ill behavior.
It isn’t rational? It’s rational to let a multinational corporation that has already been fined millions of dollars for ethics violations to inject their experimental juice into my perfectly normal body? I’m not a senior citizen nor do I have some condition which might make the virus worse for me if I got it. The vast majority of healthy people get over it with no issues, so there is zero reason to risk my health with an experimental vaccine.

Your idea of rationality is quite skewed. Then again you are a leftwing nut job, so you are bereft of rationality to begin with.
I just refuse to get an experimental one that isn’t even approved by the FDA yet. No long term studies done either.
That isn't rational. The FDA full approval will be in place for them within a month or two. Its just slow red tape, at this point. And if you apply the same logic and caution to the covid virus, i imagine you are hiding in your basement inside a plastic bubble right now. But you don't. So i am not buying your act. This is just another artifact of the orange slob's mentally ill behavior.
It isn’t rational? It’s rational to let a multinational corporation that has already been fined millions of dollars for ethics violations to inject their experimental juice into my perfectly normal body? I’m not a senior citizen nor do I have some condition which might make the virus worse for me if I got it. The vast majority of healthy people get over it with no issues, so there is zero reason to risk my health with an experimental vaccine.

Your idea of rationality is quite skewed. Then again you are a leftwing nut job, so you are bereft of rationality to begin with.
Indiana? Bootyjudge for governor? What could go wrong?
When I was a kid, there were certain days at school when vaccines were administered. I remember ones for Polio, Small Pox, and MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella). I remember a lot of kids who were hesitant, but only because no kid looks forward to getting a shot. I sure as hell don't remember parents rejecting vaccines until recent years.
Can you blame people who don't have any faith in what the government says?
Or notice how the government seems willing to punish those not vaccinating? "Laziness" has nothing to
do with it, jackass!
I don't think it's laziness. I think it's sheer stupidity being sold as some kind of erudition.

The fact of the matter is that human history has been full of plagues which resulted in streets littered with dead bodies due to viruses, and bacteria which were easily passed on due to a combination of poor sanitation, and sewage in the streets, and contaminated water, and infected farm animals, and rats, and fleas, and contaminated food.

And what made it all the easier for these diseases to flourish? It was thousands of years of human ignorance and superstition which has only started to lift with the birth and advancement of modern medicine which has only existed for a little over 100 years.

And after thousands of years of ignorance, and 100 + years of medical and scientific advancement, now we have to worry about ignorant conservatives who don't trust the gov't? I would say that's one hell of a giant step backward.

Perhaps the most maddening element of this whole thing is that I don't think it would be unfolding this way if it wasn't for another modern day advancement. It's the Internet which has allowed so much misinformation and disinformation to travel everywhere around the world with little more than a few keystrokes with some links embedded in emails and on message boards and the social media sites which seemingly gives credence to what would otherwise be viewed as nonsense 30 years ago,
Here is what this boils down to:

In the US the survival rate is ove 98%, including the elderly. This is prior to the Trump vaccines.

The Trump vaccines are over 99% effective.

So, if you have had a 99% effective vaccine to guard against a virus with a 98% survival rate, and you are still wearing a face diaper you are the biggest moron to ever live and will die of stupidity soon.

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