Biden Says Putin Will Pay A Price For Election Meddling

Apparently you would rather fight the last war than defend the country in the current one.
Apparently you do not believe in accountability, justice, or equal justice.
I believe Putin should be accountable, which is why we threw Russia out of the G8. Only a moron would want Putin back in, without giving back what he stole.
EXACTLY. Barry helped lead a coup attempt on 45. He should be tried and executed for treason.

Funny, Trump incited an insurrectionist coupe against 46, that we saw live on TV January 6th.

Are you suggesting executing Trump? We have enough evidence (from the impeachment trial) to convince a Washington DC jury.

Let’s have a trial. You call it a coup. Was Biden in danger of not being inaugurated by those tresspassers?

Did the insurrectionists try to gain control of the military?

If that was a coup, you and your tribe are a bunch of cowardly faggots.
I dont like our elections interfered with, but it is funny that we do it all the time.

Funny how many men take that attitude with their wives.
They'll be for adultery when they do it, but against it for their wives.

We're funny that way.
Apparently you would rather fight the last war than defend the country in the current one.
Apparently you do not believe in accountability, justice, or equal justice.
I believe Putin should be accountable, which is why we threw Russia out of the G8. Only a moron would want Putin back in, without giving back what he stole.
What makes you think he wants back in?
He's doing fine outside.
Biden talks like a tough guy. Putin is a tough guy. Fortunately Russia is not the old USSR.

Biden is a senile old corrupt politician who will soon be replaced by Kamala Harris who will likely screw things up so badly that she will be our first and last female president.
I dont like our elections interfered with, but it is funny that we do it all the time.

Funny how many men take that attitude with their wives.
They'll be for adultery when they do it, but against it for their wives.

We're funny that way.

Biden and Obama couldn't even topple President Assad, nor stop the annexation of Crimea, nor crush ISIS, nor end the North Korean missile testing........
You better pray there is no war with Russia given the state of U.S morale right now.
Who here would charge a machine gun pillar for Biden and his Woke, anti-white Regime??

How exactly was Obama supposed to "topple Assad" or "stop the annexation of Crimea", when the Republican Congress refused to pass a "use of force" authorization, in the case of Syria.

But your lie that Obama failed to "crush ISIS" is utterly false. Despite Congressional limitations, the USA did form an alliance and provide logistical assistance, training and support to the coalition which ultimately defeated ISIS. Trump was left with a mop up operation, and he never once deviated from the successful Obama plan in that regard.

Trump failed to stop any aggression on the part of any foreign entity throughout his administration. He failed to stop the bounties on US troops in Afghanistan, Turkish agression against the Kurds, and let Russia expand its influence in the Middle East.

Trump went into negotiations with Kim and Kim came out of it with a thermo-nuclear arsenal, while Trump got a box of old bones!!! Kim didn't have an ICBM system until Trump allowed him to complete testing without blowing up his missles on the launchpad. Well done Trump!!!

Then there's the hacking of the US government by Russia. Something else Trump never even mentioned in public. Why wouldn't Trump ever call out Putin for his despicable behaviour. Putin's Puppet never once uttered a single word of criticism against Putin, but Kamala Harris he called a "monster".
Let’s have a trial. You call it a coup. Was Biden in danger of not being inaugurated by those tresspassers?

Did the insurrectionists try to gain control of the military?

If that was a coup, you and your tribe are a bunch of cowardly faggots.

We know those "trespassers" were outfitted to take congressmen hostage. Had they succeeded it kidnapping or killing half of either chamber, and no new president could be certified, and the government would have been brought to a stand-still once the current appropriations ran out.
Let’s have a trial. You call it a coup. Was Biden in danger of not being inaugurated by those tresspassers?

Did the insurrectionists try to gain control of the military?

If that was a coup, you and your tribe are a bunch of cowardly faggots.

We know those "trespassers" were outfitted to take congressmen hostage. Had they succeeded it kidnapping or killing half of either chamber, and no new president could be certified, and the government would have been brought to a stand-still once the current appropriations ran out.

The entire USA military and its nuclear arsenal was run by these guys for a few hours.


AOC was shitting her pants from half a mile away! So scary!
Biden talks like a tough guy. Putin is a tough guy. Fortunately Russia is not the old USSR.

Biden is a senile old corrupt politician who will soon be replaced by Kamala Harris who will likely screw things up so badly that she will be our first and last female president.

Trump talks like a tough guy, but he's a coward and a bully. And he's absolutely terrified of Nancy Pelosi. So scared, he won't even be in the same room with her. It's so funny.
I believe Putin should be accountable, which is why we threw Russia out of the G8. Only a moron would want Putin back in, without giving back what he stole.
What makes you think he wants back in?
He's doing fine outside.
Russia is falling apart.

As a consequence of the declining GDP and a lower exchange rate, Russia's GDP in current dollars, which peaked at $2.3 trillion in 2013, is now set to decline from $1.64 trillion in 2019 to approximately $1.3 trillion in 2020, assuming a GDP decline of 9 percent and an average exchange rate of 75 rubles per US dollar
The USA nearly fell to a unarmed shirtless guy in a Viking hat. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:


The USA nearly fell to a unarmed shirtless guy in a Viking hat. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:



Read history. A Russian mob armed only with weapons they could find, defeated the Germans operation Barbarossa. In what should have been Godzilla vs Bambi.
Lets look at a real coup attempt.....2016, Turkey. Erdogan‘s regime was attacked by factions WITHIN THE TURKISH ARMED FORCES!

That is a coup attempt....not tresspassing without lying faggot liberals.

EXACTLY. Barry helped lead a coup attempt on 45. He should be tried and executed for treason.

Funny, Trump incited an insurrectionist coupe against 46, that we saw live on TV January 6th.

Are you suggesting executing Trump? We have enough evidence (from the impeachment trial) to convince a Washington DC jury.

Let’s have a trial. You call it a coup. Was Biden in danger of not being inaugurated by those tresspassers?

Did the insurrectionists try to gain control of the military?

If that was a coup, you and your tribe are a bunch of cowardly faggots.

Yes he was. The goal was to decapitate the government. Take out the Congressional Leadership of both parties, and Mike Pence, and the line of succession is taken out. No Pence, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, or McCarthy, and Trump declares Martial Law, and the Inauguration is cancelled.

That's why Trump put his people in at the Pentagon after the Election was called for Biden, and why he pardoned Flynn and Stone, both of whom were deeply involved in the insurrection. It's why Gen. Flynn (the felon Gen. Flynn's brother), refused to allow the National Guard to go to the Capitol.
Biden says Putin will 'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling
Biden says Putin will 'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling

All existing evidence proved the Obama administration acquired Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) through a foreign ex-spy and knowingly, intentionally used that propaganda as the basis for Obama's failed attempted political coup, an attempt to overthrow the United States Government by treasonously, illegally removing the newly elected President of the United States from office.

After the FBI, DHS, and Treasury Department publicly declared they have physical evidence -consisting of financial records, documents, whistle blowers, and official testimony - proving the Bidens have engaged in criminal and treasonous financial scams - to include Influence peddling, Russian Money Laundering, and taking over $1 BILLION from the CCP....I guess the next thing Biden will do is declare Xi and the CCP will 'pay a price' for election meddling....

Biden says Putin will 'pay a price' for 2020 election meddling
BS. Breitbart and other conspiracy site, much? Or is it a slow day at the St Petersburg troll farm today?
We told you 5 yrs ago this was all a scam.....An Obama scam. Everything about you GD libturds is a scam
Problem was, every intelligence agency, every house and senate committee (including Republican controlled) from back then, through to last fall and even this year say there was interference by your boy, Putin in favor of your other boy trump. I don't think much of either of those guy, and you slinging goofy libtard labels doesn't support me changing a mind due to reasonable mindset our your part. The man is out of here and no chance of re-election, but Russia is a continuing problem as they have been as far back as shortly after WWII. Nothing changes about them except tactic based on opportunity and resources available. Tell them at the troll farm you tried, but couldn't sell it.
Biden talks like a tough guy. Putin is a tough guy. Fortunately Russia is not the old USSR.

Biden is a senile old corrupt politician who will soon be replaced by Kamala Harris who will likely screw things up so badly that she will be our first and last female president.

Trump talks like a tough guy, but he's a coward and a bully. And he's absolutely terrified of Nancy Pelosi. So scared, he won't even be in the same room with her. It's so funny.

Perhaps the fault lies with Nancy who refuses to talk to Trump.

The USA nearly fell to a unarmed shirtless guy in a Viking hat. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:



Read history. A Russian mob armed only with weapons they could find, defeated the Germans operation Barbarossa. In what should have been Godzilla vs Bambi.

Your history is WAY out of date. The regular Russian army has yet to defeat the Ukrainian army, in the armed conflict in the Ukraine.
Biden talks like a tough guy. Putin is a tough guy. Fortunately Russia is not the old USSR.

Biden is a senile old corrupt politician who will soon be replaced by Kamala Harris who will likely screw things up so badly that she will be our first and last female president.

Trump talks like a tough guy, but he's a coward and a bully. And he's absolutely terrified of Nancy Pelosi. So scared, he won't even be in the same room with her. It's so funny.

Perhaps the fault lies with Nancy who refuses to talk to Trump.

I don't consider it a "fault". I consider it hillarious. This 6' 2" 300 lb. pig of a man, trembling in terror of this 5' 0", 100 lbs. with rocks in her pockets, slip of a woman, has completely humiliated Trump every time she gets in the same room with him.

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