Biden says trans people ‘made in image of God,’ parents must ‘affirm’ identity

Yes, God has allowed people to live with a mental illness.
God also created psychopaths and child molesters.

Doesn't mean we have to accept them.

But trannies are the ones who think they can improve on God's design.
Weird, the typical 'separation of church and state' folks seemed to have missed this thread. Go figure. Those folks have a hissy fit if even one conservative mentions God in the public square.
President Biden released a video message to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility

What can I say, Joe is in his special foggy senile zone--- Let's let him be. I'll try not to heave too hard as I at least take solace in the fact that while engaged with that crap, at least he can't be starting anymore wars, selling the Federal Reserve to China, or signing an EO making all cars EV by end of year. :smoke:
The latest Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5, has changed the term from "gender identity disorder" in DSM-4 to "gender dysphoria". Still classified as a mental disorder, but the President says it is to be celebrated as God's image.

Is this a mental disorder or completely normal and to be celebrated? Insurance companies want to know.

By the way, is it God's image before the gender re-assignment surgery or after?

President Biden released a video message to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility on Thursday, saying that transgender people are “made in the image of God” and that their parents should affirm their gender identity.

Biden, who as a senator backed an array of anti-LGBT legislation, slammed what he called “hateful bills” in several states that restrict transgender participation in girls’ sports and limit discussion of sexuality and gender identity.

“To everyone celebrating Transgender Day of Visibility, I want you to know that your president sees you — Jill, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration sees you — for who you are: made an image of God and deserving of dignity, respect and support,” Biden said in a video message name-checking the first lady, vice president and second gentleman

What a load of crap.

Well we're all born in god's image and given the choice of free will. They chose to be trannies.

By his logic a pedophile rapist and child murdering heroine shooting Satan worshipping drug dealing mass murder would be made in the image of god because they were simply born.

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