Biden scolds reporter who asks about his son's business


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
I knew that Creepy Joe was putting on an act. He was making too many mistakes. But he always stayed on script about Pres.Trump being a Russian agent. But he pretends to be senile so that Pres.Trump will have sympathy for them. That he will drop the idea of having them to be investigated. There is nothing wrong with Creepy Joe. He is still wicked as the day he was born. People should not fall for that sad puppy dog look that they uses all of the time on the public. These people will never change their spots. Pres.Trump needs to start adding more rooms to Gitmo.

The best defense is a good offense. That coupled with playing down their crimes is a tactic that always worked for the corrupt Clintons and their cover up artists in the DOJ. So it's not surprising that Biden would try the same thing when it comes to his families criminality. The Bidens, like the Clintons and the DOJ criminals, are all fighting for their lives.
Biden may be a gaffe machine and senile, but he is every bit a traitor and corrupt as the Clintons and the Hussein.
I knew that Creepy Joe was putting on an act. He was making too many mistakes. But he always stayed on script about Pres.Trump being a Russian agent. But he pretends to be senile so that Pres.Trump will have sympathy for them. That he will drop the idea of having them to be investigated. There is nothing wrong with Creepy Joe. He is still wicked as the day he was born. People should not fall for that sad puppy dog look that they uses all of the time on the public. These people will never change their spots. Pres.Trump needs to start adding more rooms to Gitmo.

I knew that Creepy Joe was putting on an act. He was making too many mistakes. But he always stayed on script about Pres.Trump being a Russian agent. But he pretends to be senile so that Pres.Trump will have sympathy for them. That he will drop the idea of having them to be investigated. There is nothing wrong with Creepy Joe. He is still wicked as the day he was born. People should not fall for that sad puppy dog look that they uses all of the time on the public. These people will never change their spots. Pres.Trump needs to start adding more rooms to Gitmo.


Jaundice yellow, bland and stale.
I knew that Creepy Joe was putting on an act. He was making too many mistakes. But he always stayed on script about Pres.Trump being a Russian agent. But he pretends to be senile so that Pres.Trump will have sympathy for them. That he will drop the idea of having them to be investigated. There is nothing wrong with Creepy Joe. He is still wicked as the day he was born. People should not fall for that sad puppy dog look that they uses all of the time on the public. These people will never change their spots. Pres.Trump needs to start adding more rooms to Gitmo.

I didn't think so. Who is the reporter? Oh Peter Doocy. Tramps treats CNN and MSNBC reporters very bad. He does nothing but to discredit them and treats Fox news like gold.
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The best defense is a good offense. That coupled with playing down their crimes is a tactic that always worked for the corrupt Clintons and their cover up artists in the DOJ. So it's not surprising that Biden would try the same thing when it comes to his families criminality. The Bidens, like the Clintons and the DOJ criminals, are all fighting for their lives.
Biden’s actually got two fronts to worry about with his kid’s company’s China windfall after his daddy sitting trip with old Joe.
I’ll beat ya like a drum lol who said that? Haha bully
That's funny. Biden has been playing Superman forever. Just ask old Corn Pop. When Biden told him he was going to drag him off of that diving board and beat the hell out of him, old Corn Pop hightailed it.
Obama was a corrupt President. Outside of LBJ and Slick Willy the most corrupt President we ever had. He hired a corrupt piece of shit to be his VP.

This whistle lower bullshit is nothing more than Democrat dirty tricks to cover up the blatant corruption by Creepy Joe to protect his asshole son.

"You're damn right I violated the Emoluments Clause!" - Biden

Why is every right wing post based on made up shit?

I didn't know Biden's words from his own mouth were right wing!

Good to know!!!

Credible link, or admit the quote was a lie.

A VERY credible link WAS provided.

It was Biden during a televised interview.

If you want the 30 minute interview use Google and find it yourself.


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