Biden Sends B-52 Bombers to Afghanistan- To Bomb Our Own Planes

You STILL have not read the linked article? They were NOT our aircraft as they were given to the Afghans to use. They were then captured by the Taliban. Ever try flying an aircraft that doesn't belong to you? They have a tendency to shoot you, dumbass!
What part of flying allied aircraft out instead of spending millions blowing them up is so difficult for you to grasp, Admiral Gilligan?
Spending millions to blow up perfectly good aircraft instead of just flying them out would be a sound plan to you.
It is tactically correct. The military is not ever going to risk personnel for the sake of surplus equipment.
Says Dufus claiming spending millions to blow up planes instead of flying them out is sound military doctrine.
What a pathetic Biden beta boy you are.
Hey you incredible pile of shit! From the OP's link:

"The BBC report here that Taliban fighters recently captured Mazar-e-Sharif, the last major city in northern Afghanistan which was still under government control."

They are not out planes, and they are not Afghan planes. They are in the possession of the Taliban,.

Now, what part of that did you not understand, you pathetic fucktard?
Way shorter timeline and no visas for our Afghan collaborators is a better plan? Trump is a tactically ignorant boob that understood very little about how the military works. The withdrawal we have is the one the generals certainly tried to tell Trump was the fastest possible.

Stop being a piece of shit.

You idiot Moon Bats allowed this Joe Dufus clown to steal the election knowing that he had a 40 year record of incompetency. The sonofabitch has never got anything right in his life and wasn't going to do any better if he was President.

This is not a Trump failure. It is a Joe Dufus failure and you Moon Bats can't run away from it or blame it on anybody else like you always try to do.

You own this shit sandwich. We Americans tried to warn you stupid uneducated Libtards that Joe Dufus was a fucking moron but you didn't want to hear it.

Now the Chinese have Afghanistan and Dufus has dishonored all those brave men and women that sacrificed so much in that war. He has also sent a message to our allies that the US can't be trusted.

Enjoy your shit sandwich Moon Bat. You deserve it.
Were you somehow ignorant of what a withdrawal from Afghanistan would cost? Last month you people were complaining about weapons falling into Taliban hands but now you are complaining about denying them our leftover stuff?
This isn't leftover stuff. This is what the Afghan forces were suppose to use. We should have brought them out with our troops. Biden is the Mother Of All Clusterfucks.
It is tactically correct. The military is not ever going to risk personnel for the sake of surplus equipment.

You dumb Moon Bat.

Why didn't Joe Dufus in his role as Commander in Chief order them to be flown out sooner?

Didn't the idiot even think of that or was he too busy planning his vacation for this week?

Does he even know where Afghanistan is on a map?
Joe Dufus not having a clue

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This isn't leftover stuff. This is what the Afghan forces were suppose to use. We should have brought them out with our troops. Biden is the Mother Of All Clusterfucks.

Only the Blackhawks are aircraft that we use. Everything else is apparently small attack aircraft and helicopters, some of which are Russian built, which tells you how old they are! We probably don't even have the pilots for those type of aircraft.

Do you realize that during WWII we sank one of our own aircraft carriers? We didn't want the Japanese getting their hands on it.
This isn't leftover stuff. This is what the Afghan forces were suppose to use. We should have brought them out with our troops. Biden is the Mother Of All Clusterfucks.
Every piece of equipment in the Afghan theater is surplus. What comes back will mostly be junked. The military already has more equipment then they will ever need. For the sake of keeping defense plants open the military must accept a lot of equipment it does not need or will ever use unless we decide to occupy some other lawless shithole in the near future.
The Trumpbots thought suddenly pulling out was a wonderful idea last year. What happened?
There is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. Pedo Joe always....ALWAYS....chooses the wrong way.
Just when you thought Joe hit bottom he grabs a shovel.

Dunkirk 2 in full operation now.
Your tax dollars at work.
Those aren't our planes, you twit. They're low maintenance low speed prop powered cheap junk for third world countries. The AC 208 is a two seater Cessna with hard points under the wings and the a 29 is a WWII era fighter.
Were you somehow ignorant of what a withdrawal from Afghanistan would cost? Last month you people were complaining about weapons falling into Taliban hands but now you are complaining about denying them our leftover stuff?
Anyone with any sense would have flown all those assets out.
How many hours advance notice of this bombing did the "Tollybon" get from this leak from the Clusterfuck Administration?

I wonder how many aircraft will still be sitting at the airport when the B-52s finally get there.

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