Biden Sends B-52 Bombers to Afghanistan- To Bomb Our Own Planes

Some organized withdrawal. Blowing up billions of dollars in equipment instead of just taking them out.
Dunkirk 2.
The military routinely blows up billions of dollars of equipment just because they don't need it anymore. They use it for target practice or just sell it for junk.
Wow.... Josef Stolen even stutters when it comes to foreign policy. What a dumb fucking animal.

The kenyan lawn jockey's SoDefense says the ignorant racist "has been on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue for 40 years".

I hope we never see the likes of this bed-wetting shit clown again, after we burn Dominion to the ground. Somebody do the country a solid and post the screams on TikTok.
Shitforbrains doesn’t think flying out aircraft and equipment in a withdrawal is possible.
Biden’s epic failure - Dunkirk 2
maybe it's me and rest assured I am NOT a Biden fan, but I do believe we leave shit like this behind all the time because of the cost of moving it back out.

stupid, yes. but who actually decides what to leave? I don't think its Biden.


all this said, the decisions that are his are pretty bad so far. first and formost, being on vacation.
The Trumpbots thought suddenly pulling out was a wonderful idea last year. What happened?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump has a competent plan and this idiot Joe Dufus fucked it up. Joe Dufus has a record of fucking up everything he touches. He has been doing that for 40 years.

Just like The Worthless Negro fucked up Bush's plan for troop withdrawal from Iraq and allowed ISIS to take over 90% of the country.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch.

Only idiots vote for Democrats. We get confirmation on that every day.
Gabe Lackmann got any pics? ..I've got a coworker that's been to Vietnam for tourism
Not at the ready, I will see if I can dig em up. Yeah Vietnam is cool, and cheeeap. Three Star Hotel was $40, fifty cent beers everywhere, a meal for two at a sit down was like $8...this was 2017. No crime, the Vietnamese are sweethearts. The women are beautiful too. I told my Mrs. I was gonna drop her there and pic up a new model. Didn't laugh. lol!
You are confused Moon Bat.

Trump has a competent plan and this idiot Joe Dufus fucked it up. Joe Dufus has a record of fucking up everything he touches. He has been doing that for 40 years.

Just like The Worthless Negro fucked up Bush's plan for troop withdrawal from Iraq and allowed ISIS to take over 90% of the country.

Democrats fuck up everything they touch.

Only idiots vote for Democrats. We get confirmation on that every day.
Way shorter timeline and no visas for our Afghan collaborators is a better plan? Trump is a tactically ignorant boob that understood very little about how the military works. The withdrawal we have is the one the generals certainly tried to tell Trump was the fastest possible.
It's laughable how the moonbats are flocking here to defend the Fucktard....

Especially after the Magical Muslim Faggot even pointed out Biden's incompetence!!!!

What a retard. I think you’ve taken the lead in the USMB asshole race.
What part of blowing up aircraft instead of just flying them out is so difficult for you to grasp?

You STILL have not read the linked article? They were NOT our aircraft as they were given to the Afghans to use. They were then captured by the Taliban. Ever try flying an aircraft that doesn't belong to you? They have a tendency to shoot you, dumbass!

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