*Biden Sent The Goons To Mar-Largo*

By decree or mumbling?
I must have missed this.
Biden is now a dic-tater?

Are you high?
As current president, Biden exercises complete authority over classification of material.

As current president, Biden exercises complete authority over classification of material.

And so did Trump. Here we go round the mulberry bush. Keep grasping.
By decree or mumbling?
I must have missed this.
Biden is now a dic-tater?

Are you high?
Extended security clearance is granted by the sitting president...they lose all clearance when they leave office...

Also, an official security clearance approval is never run on a sitting president. They just have it, due to their position.

Trump would never qualify due to his bankruptcies, his foreign business relationships with enemy countries, his filandering and hush money payoffs, his crimes...trump university and his charity, his trump organization business wrong doings which his cfo is serving tme in prison for etc etc etc....

All weaknesses...
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Biden turned them over
He never had authority to have them in the first place. He was not POTUS. Your own post says Trump had authority as POTUS over classification. Round and round and round we go. You just refuse to admit that your fair-haired democrats are as crooked or more so than you claim Trump is without any justification beyond innuendo.
Trump would never qualify due to his bankruptcies, his foreign business relationships with enemy countries, his filandering and hush money payoffs, his crimes...trump university and his charity, his trump organization business wrong doings which his cfo is serving in prison for etc etc etc...
Says you.
He never had authority to have them in the first place. He was not POTUS. Your own post says Trump had authority as POTUS over classification. Round and round and round we go. You just refuse to admit that your fair-haired democrats are as crooked or more so than you claim Trump is without any justification beyond innuendo.
Biden had equal clearance under president Obama, as Obama.

President trump lost his clearance the day he left office.
He had no knowledge of the DOJ search and seizure at Mara Lago in August 2022.

What weaponization?

Crooked Donald stole government owned, presidential records and refused to return them, until a partial return of 15 cases in January 2022. When NARA went through them to sort and archive, the cases were filled with top secret and classified documents. The archive then sent a referral to the FBI of them finding top secret documents their archivists had no security clearance to go through, so the FBI with clearance sorted through them and found over 100 CLASSIFIED documents spread out in the 15 cases...

At that point, the doj's FBI were called in to investigate.... Same thing happened to Hillary.

The National archives went through her emails turned over to them and the archivists found 4 emails with top secret classified status documents so they gave a referral to the FBI.... which was REQUIRED under the Law and the FBI took over and opened an investigation in to her emails....

The FBI worked for months with Trump trying to get them all returned, got subpoenas, for records they knew Trump still had, in May and June....Trump lawyers returned a few more, then swore on an affidavit that all records were returned.

Fbi knew there were more and suspected they lied on the sworn affidavit so they got a court ordered subpoena for Trump security video.

When they went through the security video it showed Trump going through cases of records he lied about returning and moving some of them to hide them....

They called in Trump staff who moved the records, and one of them told the FBI where to search for them.

The FBI returned to court, and got a court ordered search and seizure, to go to Trump's house/resort, to retrieve them, in August.
Trump keeps mentioning Nixon being paid $17 million for docs he had in his possession. That's one of the reasons he ripped off those top secret docs & hauled ass to MAL with them. That fuck figured he could shake down NA for a few million. Trump is nothing but a two bit lowlife criminal extortionist looking for a payoff. As a matter of fact he whined to Hannity about Nixon in their last interview.

Lock his ass up. For good.

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