Biden Signs Executive Order To End Private Prison Contracts

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

Private prisons go back to 1984. The big investors were Evangelical Christians like Hobby Lobby.. and I think Chick Filet.. They made a fortune in huge profits. The problem with prisons for profit is that they had to fill a bed quota. They hired the cheapest guards and served the cheapest food, but it has been a money maker. Its a horror story.

MotherJones? You're an idiot

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

Private prisons go back to 1984. The big investors were Evangelical Christians like Hobby Lobby.. and I think Chick Filet.. They made a fortune in huge profits. The problem with prisons for profit is that they had to fill a bed quota. They hired the cheapest guards and served the cheapest food, but it has been a money maker. Its a horror story.

You mad your stay in the pen wasn’t a five star hotel experience?
We never should have gone to for profit Prisons

So who's going to pay for the new prisons that will be needed?

We have 2.5 million in prison right now. A higher percentage than anywhere else in the world. But there is money to be made.

View attachment 448901

You didnt answer the question.
Do you think Xidens crime bill might have helped raise those numbers?
He sure was gung ho on putting blacks in prison.
Biden really doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. He just goes against everything Trump did and expects his mentally touched followers to clap like the brainless seals they are. This guy really needs to be impeached for incompetence before he wrecks anything else.
Trump did private prisons??

Biden is going to end Federal executions next
That's crazy talk.....

He may have another DC riot on our hands...

You know how those "anti-establishment/anti-government" types hate when the federal government stops executing people in their name

Biden will commute the sentence of all Federal Death Penalty prisoners

Cant risk another Trump
Lol, he help write the crime bill in the 90's that incarcerated hundreds of thousands of blacks. Yeah he cares about minorities alright.
We never should have gone to for profit Prisons

So who's going to pay for the new prisons that will be needed?

We have 2.5 million in prison right now. A higher percentage than anywhere else in the world. But there is money to be made.

View attachment 448901

You didnt answer the question.
Do you think Xidens crime bill might have helped raise those numbers?
He sure was gung ho on putting blacks in prison.

if I were a criminal, I believe I would rather be in a private prison. Than a state run, we have perry a state run prison in Greenville County. I heard they don't have air conditioning or heat. Here in South Carolina you want both. I'm sure private prisons are required to have both.
Looking at his record, I think Biden probably favors hard time.
Meh, He just signed another blank piece of paper. He hasn't signed an executive order since he took up residency.
We never should have gone to for profit Prisons

So who's going to pay for the new prisons that will be needed?
The prisons still belong to the government, the employees and operation will just be under government management now. New employees, same inmates, same bottom line. No change, just democrat smoke and mirrors--just like Biden and Clinton's crime bill of the 90's.
if I were a criminal, I believe I would rather be in a private prison. Than a state run, we have perry a state run prison in Greenville County. I heard they don't have air conditioning or heat. Here in South Carolina you want both. I'm sure private prisons are required to have both.
Looking at his record, I think Biden probably favors hard time.
For blacks, come to think of it. I've never seen Biden molest a back child, only white.
if I were a criminal, I believe I would rather be in a private prison. Than a state run, we have perry a state run prison in Greenville County. I heard they don't have air conditioning or heat. Here in South Carolina you want both. I'm sure private prisons are required to have both.
Looking at his record, I think Biden probably favors hard time.
You're a lying dog faced pony soldier, we can take it outs---you know the thing. I don't work for you!---Joe Biden 2020.

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

I'm so glad Biden did that.

I don't believe anyone should make a profit from incarcerating American citizens.

I hope all the investors lose everything they put into it. I hope the owners are left bankrupt.
WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons
Why do you think anyone should profit from incarcerating people many of whom never had a jury trial?
I'm sure this isn't likely as clean cut and clear as it's made out to be but I absolutely support ending private prisons.
We never should have gone to for profit Prisons

So who's going to pay for the new prisons that will be needed?
The prisons still belong to the government, the employees and operation will just be under government management now. New employees, same inmates, same bottom line. No change, just democrat smoke and mirrors--just like Biden and Clinton's crime bill of the 90's.

Do taxpayers foot the bill for private run prisons to be built?
WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons
Why do you think anyone should profit from incarcerating people many of whom never had a jury trial?

As I said, the DemoKKKrats want a monopoly on putting black people in cages. I see you concur.

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...
"Private prisons" or however one wants to title this abortion of a government policy were a bad idea from the beginning.

Part of Reagan's "privatization" efforts the very concept opens the door to putting people in prison, and keeping them there, so as to insure corporate profits and, since corporate profits must grow to justify increasing stock prices and massive executive salaries it necessarily means prison populations must grow and prison sentences must grow as well. "Justice" is no longer a matter of the law but of corporate profits.

This is the ugliest part of capitalism and the capitalist's corrupted relationship with government.

"President Joe Biden on Tuesday will order the Department of Justice to end its reliance on private prisons [as well as] acknowledge the central role the government has played in implementing discriminatory housing policies, White House officials say. The order to end the reliance on privately run prisons directs the attorney general not to renew Justice Department contracts with privately operated criminal detention facilities. The latest executive actions come after Biden signed an order Monday reversing a Trump-era Pentagon policy that largely barred transgender people from serving in the military."

WTF?? Do you know how much money you costing investors in the private prison industry by doing this?? The private prison industry shot up like a rocket during the Trump admin; now these thug fascists are attacking private prisons?? This is obviously proof that BLM controls Biden; because this was the crap they were advocating for along with judicial, police and prison reform...

Why can't they just do what Trump did?? Just release a few people early here and there so you can claim that you are doing justice reform; but you aren't supposed to ACTUALLY do something..especially something like this that causes investors to lose money...It was bad enough we can no longer ban a bunch of cross dressing fags and queers from the military...but this attack on private prisons is even worse...

Private prisons go back to 1984. The big investors were Evangelical Christians like Hobby Lobby.. and I think Chick Filet.. They made a fortune in huge profits. The problem with prisons for profit is that they had to fill a bed quota. They hired the cheapest guards and served the cheapest food, but it has been a money maker. Its a horror story.

Wow. Cheap food? HOw horrible.

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