Biden Slips Up Again...Cognitive Problems


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Joe Biden just cant control what he says to people. That's why Democrats had him locked up in a basement for 3 months. This time it's about China. A country that everybody in America has become averted to, and rightly sees as a villain. Everybody but the Biden family that is.

Looks like Trump just got more ammunition to boost his campaign. With Biden around, who needs a campaign staff ? Just let Jabberin Joe keep on talking.

Biden says, "We want China to grow" while telling Americans their jobs are gone forever and not coming back. :disbelief:Which country does Biden want to be president of??
Good question, and it really comes back to exactly what it is that Democrats actually are. They are communists, which in contrast to Trump's nationalism, communists are internationalist. GLOBALISTS. That's why these un-American leftist loons support things that go against AMERICANS, such as trade agreements like NAFTA, WTO, and TPP, all supported by Democrats.

That's why during the Obama/Biden administration US trade was globalist , with companies and jobs leaving the US and going overseas. That is all in conformance with the quote by Kark Marx > "Workers of the WORLD unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains."

That's why Democrats often speak of doing what's good for "workers" (but they don't say AMERICAN workers).

That's why Democrats are for open borders. Allowing caravans of foreigners to come stampeding into the country, legally or not, and then protect the illegal ones in sanctuary cities.

And that's why in a speech in Germany, Obama declared >> "I am a citizen of the WORLD", which is why he was sharply criticized by 2012 conservative presidential candidate Virgil Goode, who said "You're supposed to be a citizen of the United States, and as a US president, representing the American people, not the world."
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OP not in English Language! Link Is this:
Biden Slips Up—Reveals Sinister Link To China In Stunning Interview
BY SONS OF 1776 SEPTEMBER 11, 2020

There is nothing more cognitive than supporting Free Trade, and even the Disaster of the Trumped-Up tarriffs. Any cognitive problems are not show, but policy matters are shown--opposed by the organization in the link.

Policy is welcome, since it is cerebral, and not about recent "Morning Business!"

Protectionist Poster allows no English language in his posts, anywhere!
Protectionist Poster allows no English language in his posts, anywhere!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Then see the Trumped-Up base at prayers, of origins in the Imperial Roman era of Baby Abandonment--Matt 25: 14-30! No Lives Matter, in the religion of that story-teller, just like in the original Brand from Pharaoh's Egypt!)
OP not in English Language! Link Is this:
Biden Slips Up—Reveals Sinister Link To China In Stunning Interview
BY SONS OF 1776 SEPTEMBER 11, 2020

There is nothing more cognitive than supporting Free Trade, and even the Disaster of the Trumped-Up tarriffs. Any cognitive problems are not show, but policy matters are shown--opposed by the organization in the link.

Policy is welcome, since it is cerebral, and not about recent "Morning Business!"

Protectionist Poster allows no English language in his posts, anywhere!
Protectionist Poster allows no English language in his posts, anywhere!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Then see the Trumped-Up base at prayers, of origins in the Imperial Roman era of Baby Abandonment--Matt 25: 14-30! No Lives Matter, in the religion of that story-teller, just like in the original Brand from Pharaoh's Egypt!)
Is there a doctor in the house ? (or at the very least an English teacher) This poor soul needs immediate help.

And Free Trade has nothing to do with "cognitive". It has to do with being an AMERICAN, or being a NON-AMERICAN, GLOBALIST idiot.

And you mispelled tariffs. Back to the 6th grade for you.
Right now even left-wing, China-loving, news media NBC is reporting that China is growing fast in its Navy and nuclear weaponry. This is a distinct threat to the US and other nations (especially in Asia) - and Biden says "We want China to grow."

Whaaaat? WHO the hell is this "WE" he's yammering about ? Does this man have ANY idea what he's talking about ? Every time he opens his mouth, Trump goes up in the polls.
Biden Didn't slip! The OP is not in English language, even! Posted is, "And Free Trade has nothing to do with 'cognitive.'"

Then for complete gibberish: "It has to do with being an AMERICAN, or being a NON-AMERICAN, GLOBALIST idiot."

Posting as a Trumped-Up Illiterate, protectionist poster makes no point! Illiterate protectionist poster has no basis contention in opposition to the election of Joe Biden for President, USA!

Even the use of a fact-checker / spell-checker is supported!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then see the Trumped-Up base at prayers, of origins in the Imperial Roman era of Baby Abandonment--Matt 25: 14-30! No Lives Matter, in the religion of that story-teller, just like in the original Brand from Pharaoh's Egypt!)
Biden Didn't slip! The OP is not in English language, even! Posted is, "And Free Trade has nothing to do with 'cognitive.'"

Then for complete gibberish: "It has to do with being an AMERICAN, or being a NON-AMERICAN, GLOBALIST idiot."

Posting as a Trumped-Up Illiterate, protectionist poster makes no point! Illiterate protectionist poster has no basis contention in opposition to the election of Joe Biden for President, USA!

Even the use of a fact-checker / spell-checker is supported!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Then see the Trumped-Up base at prayers, of origins in the Imperial Roman era of Baby Abandonment--Matt 25: 14-30! No Lives Matter, in the religion of that story-teller, just like in the original Brand from Pharaoh's Egypt!)

How will protectionist ever manage to come back from this substantive, illustrious, profound post ?


Not to be overlooked, at the same time Biden, as US Vice-President, was responsible for negotiating with China, a Chinese business dumped hundreds of millions of dollars into Hunter Biden’s—Joe’s son—lap. Yet despite this shocking conflict of interest, not a word was said in protest by Barrack Obama.
Also not to be overlooked, were numerous international deals, all in conflict of interest, that got made benefitting members of Joe Biden's family.

Examples of beneficiaries of Joey's corruption are >>

James Biden, Frank Biden, Howard Krein (Joe's son-in law), Hunter Biden, and Valerie Biden Owens.

Here's How Joe Biden's Family Got Rich While He Was Vice-President
So maybe all these examples of Biden family enrichment corruption now become BIG-TIME SLIPS compounded upon MORE SLIPS, as President Trump is sure to use all of these examples of terrible conduct to his advantage, in the debates,

We can be sure that Trump will pound on Biden, with every one of these nepotisms, like a sledgehammer. (as well he should)
And that's why in a speech in Germany, Obama declared >> "I am a citizen of the WORLD", which is why he was sharply criticized by 2012 conservative presidential candidate Virgil Goode, who said "You're supposed to be a citizen of the United States, and as a US president, representing the American people, not the world."
But Obama was too GLOBALIST-STUPID to even comprehend what Virgil Goode was telling him. Globalist loons lost in a fog of globalist lunacy.
This is suppose to be the DNC's foreign policy expert. Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy decision he has made for the last 40+ years. From extorting the former Ukraine PM - which he admitted to, to opposing the life-saving travel ban, to his senior moment a week ago when during an interview he said NORTH KOREA IS CLOSER TO GETTING NUCLEAR WEAPONS (they have had them since 2006), and now openly declaring he WANTS TO SEE CHINA GROW (when his son is tied to an infamous Chinese Military technology thief), Joe Biden is a treasonous, self-enriching disaster for the United States!

While Biden's influence peddling, foreign policy nightmare road show continues across the country, Donald Trump continues to make history by negotiating another peace deal in which a 4th Middle Eastern nation accepts Israel's existence and begins normalization of relations with Israel. While Biden demonstrates he can't remember the difference between North Korea and Iran, President Trump has been nominated for a 2nd (SECOND) Nobel Peace Prize...for actually negotiating peace around the world, not for 'POTENTIAL', as was the case with Barry.

The Democrats running dementia-suffering, foreign-policy failure Joe Biden for President against President Trumps looks more and more each day like a parody, like a Saturday Night Live skit.
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