Biden starts bombing in Afghanistan.

Huh, the country is falling back into the hands of the Taliban, and Biden is dropping bombs on them again.
Plus he is “fast tracking” people that supposedly helped us to get them visas and into the US. How is taking all the moderately good people out of country going to help it in the long term? Shouldn’t they be staying there to rebuild it and stand against the radical Muslims?

Everyone knew that it wouldn't take long for Biddum to start wrecking other countries then start another war.
Security at home....make the enemy that attacked us an example for the world to see what happens to anyone that takes part in killing Americans...a deterrent....instead we decided to nation build....

Bombing them for 20 years did what? An example how? Kill them all? Make them the 51st state?

Not to mention that Afghanistan never attacked us. The ones who did went to Pakistan and we went to Iraq.
The swamp fell in love with war...they could money launder all day long....
The question is why did Bush stop? He had Ben Ladin surrounded in the Tora Bora mountains and he let him go. Why? He needed a boogyman to continue the war for profit for Chaney's Haloburton.
But you love the female Chaney who is giving the wrong type of Repubs hell. Many Repub voters have tired of wars. Not against defense though.
Bombing them for 20 years did what? An example how? Kill them all? Make them the 51st state?

Not to mention that Afghanistan never attacked us. The ones who did went to Pakistan and we went to Iraq.
I just posted my objection to it...we should have located and killed Laudin and come home....even if we had to take out half the country...we never should have put boots on the ground...
I just posted my objection to it...we should have located and killed Laudin and come home....even if we had to take out half the country...we never should have put boots on the ground...

That was a decision from the top. We didn't win as there was never anything to win but we will note you are willing to kill millions of innocent people to say you "won".
It's like backing away from a dead enemy's vicious dog. You can't just turn around and run away because automatically they'll give chase and bite you in the ass.
This cracked me up. Lol!!!
obviously we learned nothing from Vietnam....put our emphasis in Vietnam on training the S. Vietnamese to be able to defend S. Vietnam......big problem with that....they were not willing to fight....same thing with the Afghans.

Another big problem with Afghaniland....we allowed the taliban to have sancturary in Pakistan.

Uhhh huh, anyone seeing why we need a presence there yet? No?

The LOGISTICAL reality of war isn't just about winning battles. No

WAR is about establishing a NEW REALITY. The REVOLUTIONARY WAR is one prime example.

When WARS ARE WON it is essential that a new REALITY IS ESABLISHED. That, takes years and aggravation, and unreal pain that can last years if not decades.

Failure in this regard is so devastating. It erases any and all blood shed for the years it took to win the battles and in the end the original goal is meaningless.

This is the reality of war, reality of our sad modern world and reality of where we are headed.

LOGISTICAL reality is what amateurs never grasp nor understand. We couldn't and shouldn't have ever even entertained the idea of the US leaving Afghanistan.

Now, we are all seeing why. Whatever the US accomplished and whatever blood was spilled over the last (close to) 20 years has now officially been in vain.

This goes for conservatives too that don't understand the reality of war and logistical reality.
.... How is taking all the moderately good people out of country going to help it in the long term? Shouldn’t they be staying there to rebuild it and stand against the radical Muslims?
Good people being butchered by savage extremists will not do a lot of good for the country.

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