Biden supporters how do you think Biden will unite the country?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
A lot of people claim to be voting for Biden because they think he can unite the country. I want to know what exactly you think he would do to unite the country, and what do you base your view on?

Before you answer it might be helpful if you defined what you think a united country would look like.

For me a united country would start with having a love and appreciation for the country.
Sure our country has faults, past/current wrongs, but so does every other country. Love of country doesn't mean you think the country is perfect.

A united country would also include people being able to respect those who hold different views. The overwhelming majority want whats best for people. People have different views on how this can be accomplished, and that needs to be okay.

Everything doesn't have to be political. Removing politics from everyday things would go a long way in uniting the country. Movies, sports, concerts and other forms of entertainment toning down the in your face political posturing could go a long way in uniting the country.

After defining what a united country would look like another question Biden supporters could address is if they think the country was ever united, and what change?
The only time I can think of when America was truly United under one cause was World War II...

Uniting the Country is never happening even under better political climate and under this one will be impossible...

So no I am not one of those that believe Biden will unite us but I am under the opinion he could lessen the divide if he stay for the four years but if Harris become President then the divide could widen even more...
Totally agree with the above posts. The US was never "united" the GOP and democrats were always fighting like cats and dogs.
But it never was this bad with rioting and calls to defund the police.
The further left the dems go, the more pushback will happen.
Its up to the leftist college professors to tone down the rhetoric, or take responsibility for what happens next.
The only time I can think of when America was truly United under one cause was World War II...

Uniting the Country is never happening even under better political climate and under this one will be impossible...

So no I am not one of those that believe Biden will unite us but I am under the opinion he could lessen the divide if he stay for the four years but if Harris become President then the divide could widen even more...
Do you remember how Biden and Obama allowed a Muslim to kill innocent kids in Fort Hood and they called it "Workplace Violence(WV)". How about San Bernardino where again two Muslims killed a bunch of innocent men and women at a Christmas Party and again it was "WV". Then again at an Orlando Gay Bar, same thing. Yet Biden and Obama were bringing in the Muzzies from overseas because they Biden and Obama had stirred the hornets nest there, where ISIS(Jr. Varsity) had started killing men women and children in the middle east, so many claimed "sanctuary" to be brought here so they could kill more infidels. Today we see, ANTIFA/BLM chanting "Death to America" just like ISIS was, could both Radicals be working for the demise of this country? You betcha.

A lot of people claim to be voting for Biden because they think he can unite the country. I want to know what exactly you think he would do to unite the country, and what do you base your view on?

Before you answer it might be helpful if you defined what you think a united country would look like.

For me a united country would start with having a love and appreciation for the country.
Sure our country has faults, past/current wrongs, but so does every other country. Love of country doesn't mean you think the country is perfect.

A united country would also include people being able to respect those who hold different views. The overwhelming majority want whats best for people. People have different views on how this can be accomplished, and that needs to be okay.

Everything doesn't have to be political. Removing politics from everyday things would go a long way in uniting the country. Movies, sports, concerts and other forms of entertainment toning down the in your face political posturing could go a long way in uniting the country.

After defining what a united country would look like another question Biden supporters could address is if they think the country was ever united, and what change?
"how do you think Biden will unite the country?"
By beating Trump. :thanks:
One thing for sure. A party who refers to a recently sworn in president as a fraud, a racist, a Russian asset, a xenophobe, and an anti-Semite and who continues for 4 years to try to prove it (unsuccessfully) is by no means a party that wants to unite a country.
Democrat President Clinton lowered the crime rate more than any president in history!!!

Republican Presidents Nixon, Reagan & Trump Exploded Crime!!!

A lot of people claim to be voting for Biden because they think he can unite the country. I want to know what exactly you think he would do to unite the country, and what do you base your view on?

Before you answer it might be helpful if you defined what you think a united country would look like.

For me a united country would start with having a love and appreciation for the country.
Sure our country has faults, past/current wrongs, but so does every other country. Love of country doesn't mean you think the country is perfect.

A united country would also include people being able to respect those who hold different views. The overwhelming majority want whats best for people. People have different views on how this can be accomplished, and that needs to be okay.

Everything doesn't have to be political. Removing politics from everyday things would go a long way in uniting the country. Movies, sports, concerts and other forms of entertainment toning down the in your face political posturing could go a long way in uniting the country.

After defining what a united country would look like another question Biden supporters could address is if they think the country was ever united, and what change?
I feel that if enough people come out and denounce what's been going on with their vote, the toxic atmosphere of Trumpism will be lifted and America will realize we're more united than the MAGA sycophants would have us believe
A lot of people claim to be voting for Biden because they think he can unite the country. I want to know what exactly you think he would do to unite the country, and what do you base your view on?

Before you answer it might be helpful if you defined what you think a united country would look like.

For me a united country would start with having a love and appreciation for the country.
Sure our country has faults, past/current wrongs, but so does every other country. Love of country doesn't mean you think the country is perfect.

A united country would also include people being able to respect those who hold different views. The overwhelming majority want whats best for people. People have different views on how this can be accomplished, and that needs to be okay.

Everything doesn't have to be political. Removing politics from everyday things would go a long way in uniting the country. Movies, sports, concerts and other forms of entertainment toning down the in your face political posturing could go a long way in uniting the country.

After defining what a united country would look like another question Biden supporters could address is if they think the country was ever united, and what change?
I feel that if enough people come out and denounce what's been going on with their vote, the toxic atmosphere of Trumpism will be lifted and America will realize we're more united than the MAGA sycophants would have us believe
Toxic atmosphere?

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Trump announces how he's going to screw the blue states and cities, and all of the conservatives here applaud.

The Democrats?
JOE BIDEN: If I get elected I'm running as a proud Democrat but I'm going to be an American president. I don't see red states and blue states. What I see is American, United States. And folks, every single state out there finds themselves in trouble. They're going to start laying off, whether they're red or blue, cops, firefighters, first responders, teachers, because they have to balance their budget. And the founders were smart. They allowed the federal government to deficit spend to compensate for the United States of America.

That's an example of how the two sides here are opposites. The Democrats push unity, the Republicans push divisiveness. Unlike Trump, Biden is not going to spend his term seeking revenge on those who didn't vote for him.
Jor and Kamala keep calling Trump a racist. There is no interest in unity and truth.

They lie about what he said about Mexicans. He ineloquently spoke about a Muslim ban. He banned travel from nations that OBAMA DEEMED STATE SPONSORS OF TERROR.

Every liberal knows Trump is not RACIST.


That seems racist to me....and Kamala Harris even called Joe a racist during a primary debate.
Trump announces how he's going to screw the blue states and cities, and all of the conservatives here applaud.

The Democrats?
JOE BIDEN: If I get elected I'm running as a proud Democrat but I'm going to be an American president. I don't see red states and blue states. What I see is American, United States. And folks, every single state out there finds themselves in trouble. They're going to start laying off, whether they're red or blue, cops, firefighters, first responders, teachers, because they have to balance their budget. And the founders were smart. They allowed the federal government to deficit spend to compensate for the United States of America.

That's an example of how the two sides here are opposites. The Democrats push unity, the Republicans push divisiveness. Unlike Trump, Biden is not going to spend his term seeking revenge on those who didn't vote for him.
You have not been paying attention.

Trump does not want to bail out the DDEMOCRATIC LEADERSSHIP of what is commonly referred to as Blue States.

The republicans are more than willing to furnish those states with funds necessary to lick the wounds from COVID; as they want to do for all of the states.

But the democrats in congress ALSO want to send the "Blue States" more money to cover the failings of their policies that put them in serious debt well before COVID and has nothing to do with COVID.

I suggest you pay more attention. Your post is silly and lacking truth

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