Biden takes revenge on Red states

Interesting approach...

It's time to shove the vaccine down the throats (veins) of the idiot Rumpians who put themselves in this precarious position...

After giving them months of space in which to get their heads out of their a$$e$... allocation of therapeutics based upon total population is correct...

To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs...

Shoulda gotten them shots while ya still could... dumba$$e$...

Nature has de-selected you...
Dipshit not everyone in red states is unvaccinated or conservative. And on top of that Biden is dumping thousands of unvaccinated illegals in red states.

Red states should just bus those illegals to blue states and drop them off since they cant get needed medicine for them.
Your one and only source is your perverted opinion.

The Republican Party is now killing its own voters by deliberately pushing the idea that covid is no big deal and preventing it is a matter of personal freedom.

Republicans have lost sight of the purpose of government which is to keep the country running to the benefit of the people. They are so caught up in right wing rhetoric and power plays, they are no longer capable of “good governance”: of doing the right thing for the most people.

Specifically Republicans seek to overturn the will of the people on all of important issues and pander to fear, paranoia and racism that Rupert Murdoch continues to gin up against democracy.
If you end up in the hospital with a severe case and live....then you'd be right.
What are you talking about, Spock? I had the virus in March 2020. I donated convalescent plasma until the Govt ceased that program. My antibodies never declined. They are likely there for life. I only got the vaccine so that I could watch my kids play sports. Vaccines are not necessary for those who had the virus and survived aka 99.5% of all people.
The Republican Party is now killing its own voters by deliberately pushing the idea that covid is no big deal and preventing it is a matter of personal freedom.
Hard to understand but that is what's happening
Liberals win debates because you people don’t believe facts. All of your debating points are lies the republican party continually repeats to you. You can’t win a debate on Republican lies.
Redo the North American continent with the United States and Canada. Make new nations out of it and we can stop this.
My pleasure!!

LOL..It makes me laugh when they use the word "Trumpian" in their article. That is NBC News who is unbiased, right?

Anyway, this wasn't about healthcare, it was about blue states using COVID bailout money, meaning the economic impact of COVID, to fund all their crazy spending and allowing for unfettered illegal immigration. There is a stark difference between that and actually withholding life-saving medicine based on politics.
Hard to understand but that is what's happening

Democratic politicians are milking COVID for all it's worth because they can gain more control. Of course they don't present it that way, but that is their goal. They expect all of us to be useful idiots like most on the left.
Your one and only source is your perverted opinion.

How exactly is requiring vaccines “killing people”?

The Republican Party is now killing its own voters by deliberately pushing the idea that covid is no big deal and preventing it is a matter of personal freedom.

Republicans have lost sight of the purpose of government which is to keep the country running to the benefit of the people. They are so caught up in right wing rhetoric and power plays, they are no longer capable of “good governance”: of doing the right thing for the most people.

Specifically Republicans seek to overturn the will of the people, 80% of whom want mask and vaccine mandates. 80% of Americans believe women have the right to a safe, legal abortion. 80% of Americans want everyone to have the right to vote, just like they did in 2020. 80% of Americans believe climate change is the biggest problem facing the USA.

This isn't government of, for, or by the people. This is the attempt of the oligarchy to usurp the will and needs of the people, and insert their own authority and their own best interest ahead of those of the people.

The PEOPLE need investment in infrastruture, education, health care, and the environment, not more tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations in the world.
Your one and only source is your perverted opinion.

The Republican Party is now killing its own voters by deliberately pushing the idea that covid is no big deal and preventing it is a matter of personal freedom.

Republicans have lost sight of the purpose of government which is to keep the country running to the benefit of the people. They are so caught up in right wing rhetoric and power plays, they are no longer capable of “good governance”: of doing the right thing for the most people.

Specifically Republicans seek to overturn the will of the people, 80% of whom want mask and vaccine mandates. 80% of Americans believe women have the right to a safe, legal abortion. 80% of Americans want everyone to have the right to vote, just like they did in 2020. 80% of Americans believe climate change is the biggest problem facing the USA.

This isn't government of, for, or by the people. This is the attempt of the oligarchy to usurp the will and needs of the people, and insert their own authority and their own best interest ahead of those of the people.

The PEOPLE need investment in infrastruture, education, health care, and the environment, not more tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations in the world. Republicans ignore what the people want, and give Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and the last of the Koch Brothers more tax cuts.
Specifically Republicans seek to overturn the will of the people, 80% of whom want mask and vaccine mandates. 80% of Americans believe women have the right to a safe, legal abortion. 80% of Americans want everyone to have the right to vote, just like they did in 2020. 80% of Americans believe climate change is the biggest problem facing the USA.

Where do you get your statistics? I thought white supremacy was the biggest threat facing the USA? Oh wait, it is climate change now. You guys are absolute morons and if 80% of American believe this stuff we are DOOMED.
The Republican Party is now killing its own voters by deliberately pushing the idea that covid is no big deal and preventing it is a matter of personal freedom.

Republicans have lost sight of the purpose of government which is to keep the country running to the benefit of the people. They are so caught up in right wing rhetoric and power plays, they are no longer capable of “good governance”: of doing the right thing for the most people.

Specifically Republicans seek to overturn the will of the people, 80% of whom want mask and vaccine mandates. 80% of Americans believe women have the right to a safe, legal abortion. 80% of Americans want everyone to have the right to vote, just like they did in 2020. 80% of Americans believe climate change is the biggest problem facing the USA.

This isn't government of, for, or by the people. This is the attempt of the oligarchy to usurp the will and needs of the people, and insert their own authority and their own best interest ahead of those of the people.

The PEOPLE need investment in infrastruture, education, health care, and the environment, not more tax cuts for the wealthiest individuals and corporations in the world. Republicans ignore what the people want, and give Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer Family, the Sinclair Family, and the last of the Koch Brothers more tax cuts.
We do not believe you. Ask Joy Reid and Brian Stelter and Morning Joe and all the Prog women who will never be believed again forever and the rest of the false media and entertainers. You may force it and we will se if it is accepted. But you will not be believed again forever.
LOL..It makes me laugh when they use the word "Trumpian" in their article. That is NBC News who is unbiased, right?

Anyway, this wasn't about healthcare, it was about blue states using COVID bailout money, meaning the economic impact of COVID, to fund all their crazy spending and allowing for unfettered illegal immigration. There is a stark difference between that and actually withholding life-saving medicine based on politics.

The article you linked to is from May 2020. Since that date, there is more than ample evidence to prove that everything that Trump told you about in to blue states was a lie.

Just the fact that you have to go back to lies Trump was telling the public from a year and a half ago shows that you’ve gotten nothing since that time to support anything he told you back then. If you had evidence the giving aid to the states to fight Covid was unfair to red states, you’d be posting that instead.
The article you linked to is from May 2020. Since that date, there is more than ample evidence to prove that everything that Trump told you about in to blue states was a lie.

Just the fact that you have to go back to lies Trump was telling the public from a year and a half ago shows that you’ve gotten nothing since that time to support anything he told you back then. If you had evidence the giving aid to the states to fight Covid was unfair to red states, you’d be posting that instead.

I don't know what you are talking about.

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