Biden tells the truth why Russia became the number one enemy

Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

You don't understand's your world-view in question here. They are still in the throes of recovery from a century of communism compared to us who are about to recover from eight years of it. Putin knows Trump ain't the patsy he's found Barry to be (who hasn't?) the damage can be repaired. Russia has it's own agenda and we have to abide by that if we expect the same. They have too many nukes for us to try to push around and I want them on our side when China decides to take over the planet.
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

More ridiculous leftist rhetoric
Leftist, you dipshit. Try listening to McCain. More to the point, when responding to complaints of American militarism, Colin Powell made it pretty simple. "the only territory we acquired was to bury our dead."

Conversely, Putin used military force to acquire fossil fuel reserves in the Caspian Sea, What may be interesting is that Trump has said that we should just have "kept the oil" in Iraq. Maybe the share a world view. We'll see.
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

You don't understand's your world-view in question here. They are still in the throes of recovery from a century of communism compared to us who are about to recover from eight years of it. Putin knows Trump ain't the patsy he's found Barry to be (who hasn't?) the damage can be repaired. Russia has it's own agenda and we have to abide by that if we expect the same. They have too many nukes for us to try to push around and I want them on our side when China decides to take over the planet.
Right, Tom. That's why they invaded Georgia when W was potus.
We don't need Russia. Russia needs us.

I wish you tards would explain this schizophrenia which causes you to drop to your knees and swallow a yard of Putin's cock, and yet can't wait to nuke Putin's puppet state of Iran.

Fuck Russia and its mass murdering KGB thug.
Are you referring to Stalin?
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

You don't understand's your world-view in question here. They are still in the throes of recovery from a century of communism compared to us who are about to recover from eight years of it. Putin knows Trump ain't the patsy he's found Barry to be (who hasn't?) the damage can be repaired. Russia has it's own agenda and we have to abide by that if we expect the same. They have too many nukes for us to try to push around and I want them on our side when China decides to take over the planet.
Great observation!Tom, the idiot left cannot even fathom the real threat what is the Chinese threat.
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?

He didn't invade Georgia...he took back the tiny states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who were mostly Russian and were being treated like shit by the Georgians. As to Crimea, he thought the rebellion in Kiev (which I supported) would lose him his only warm water port and he couldn't allow that. If he'd wanted Ukraine he'd have taken it in two weeks.
Putin is on a quest to restore the Soviet Union
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?
idk much about Georgia but I know a lot of ukranians wanted it. Kind of a stupid reason for him wanting the ussr back.
The USSR was an economic failure. Why would he want that? Oil has fucked them enough..
Remember, it was RUSSIA that dissolved the USSR.
Putin is on a quest to restore the Soviet Union
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?

He didn't invade Georgia...he took back the tiny states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who were mostly Russian and were being treated like shit by the Georgians. As to Crimea, he thought the rebellion in Kiev (which I supported) would lose him his only warm water port and he couldn't allow that. If he'd wanted Ukraine he'd have taken it in two weeks.
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.
Putin is on a quest to restore the Soviet Union
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?
idk much about Georgia but I know a lot of ukranians wanted it.
No, only Russians in Ukraine wanted it.

Kind of like Germans in the Sudetenland wanted Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia.

"Vee have similar cultures, zerfore zee invashun ist legitimate!"

Maybe if you read something other than Sputnik, you wouldn't be giving head to the KGB thug.

I'll wait here while you look up the Sudetenland reference.
Putin is on a quest to restore the Soviet Union
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?

He didn't invade Georgia...he took back the tiny states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who were mostly Russian and were being treated like shit by the Georgians. As to Crimea, he thought the rebellion in Kiev (which I supported) would lose him his only warm water port and he couldn't allow that. If he'd wanted Ukraine he'd have taken it in two weeks.
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.
How that would be a threat to us?
Putin is on a quest to restore the Soviet Union
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?
idk much about Georgia but I know a lot of ukranians wanted it.
No, only Russians in Ukraine wanted it.

Kind of like Germans in the Sudetenland wanted Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia.

Maybe if you read something other than Sputnik, you wouldn't be giving head to the KGB thug.

I'll wait here while you look up the Sudetenland reference.
I have a friend in Ukraine who says different. But maybe you know better than he? BTW, he hates Russia and especially vlad. So GFY
Putin is on a quest to restore the Soviet Union
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?
idk much about Georgia but I know a lot of ukranians wanted it.
No, only Russians in Ukraine wanted it.

Kind of like Germans in the Sudetenland wanted Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia.

Maybe if you read something other than Sputnik, you wouldn't be giving head to the KGB thug.

I'll wait here while you look up the Sudetenland reference.
I have a friend in Ukraine who says different. But maybe you know better than he? BTW, he hates Russia and especially vlad. So GFY
Oh. A "friend". Is his name Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych?

A "friend" who hates Russia and Putin but wanted to be invaded.

Cool story, bro.
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?
idk much about Georgia but I know a lot of ukranians wanted it.
No, only Russians in Ukraine wanted it.

Kind of like Germans in the Sudetenland wanted Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia.

Maybe if you read something other than Sputnik, you wouldn't be giving head to the KGB thug.

I'll wait here while you look up the Sudetenland reference.
I have a friend in Ukraine who says different. But maybe you know better than he? BTW, he hates Russia and especially vlad. So GFY
Oh. A "friend".

A "friend" who hates Russia and Putin but wanted to be invaded.

Cool story, bro.
I didn't say he wanted to be invaded you stupid hack. Don't put words in my mouth.
Imagine how the Leftists are going to be on Friday when The Donald is Inaugurated? :omg:

Nothing will beat election night though...imagine what it was like the morning of the election for them knowing their queen was a shoe-in and one day away from taking her rightful place on the throne after watching one star studded coronation "rally" after another the night before preceded by a year of day in and day out drum beats of, most qualified, smartest, best this and best that along with media cheering the next coming of the new female JFK-Gandhi-MLK all rolled into one giant package and....then came the night, about 10pm reallity hits them in the face like a bag of nickles...stock in every stomach medication went through the roof, kleenex couldn't fill the shelves fast enough...'Depends' were now being purchased by every age group at the same rate as assisted living centers were purchasing that really is what you call an historic election.
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

More ridiculous leftist rhetoric
Leftist, you dipshit. Try listening to McCain. More to the point, when responding to complaints of American militarism, Colin Powell made it pretty simple. "the only territory we acquired was to bury our dead."

Conversely, Putin used military force to acquire fossil fuel reserves in the Caspian Sea, What may be interesting is that Trump has said that we should just have "kept the oil" in Iraq. Maybe the share a world view. We'll see.

"Try listening to McCain."

John McCain is a mentally unstable psychopath Neo-Conservative warmonger, he belongs in a rubber room.
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

More ridiculous leftist rhetoric
Leftist, you dipshit. Try listening to McCain. More to the point, when responding to complaints of American militarism, Colin Powell made it pretty simple. "the only territory we acquired was to bury our dead."

Conversely, Putin used military force to acquire fossil fuel reserves in the Caspian Sea, What may be interesting is that Trump has said that we should just have "kept the oil" in Iraq. Maybe the share a world view. We'll see.

Trump isn't President and hasn't done shit for Putin. All he's been is more positive in his Statements than Obama. The same Obama who called Romney dangerous for saying Russia is our biggest threat.

Let's see what happens with our Russia policy when Trump is actually President, what do you say? Right now he can't "appease" Russia, he has no power.

Do you really at any time ever feel like the ridiculous little man you are for your butt hurt leftist hysteria? Hyperbole is such a terrible argument.

W - responsible for everything that happens eight years after leaving office

Trump - responsible for things that haven't happened starting two and a half months before taking office

Obama - isn't responsible for shit ever

That's the ridiculous people you leftists are. Grow up
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?
idk much about Georgia but I know a lot of ukranians wanted it.
No, only Russians in Ukraine wanted it.

Kind of like Germans in the Sudetenland wanted Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia.

Maybe if you read something other than Sputnik, you wouldn't be giving head to the KGB thug.

I'll wait here while you look up the Sudetenland reference.
I have a friend in Ukraine who says different. But maybe you know better than he? BTW, he hates Russia and especially vlad. So GFY
Oh. A "friend". Is his name Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych?

A "friend" who hates Russia and Putin but wanted to be invaded.

Cool story, bro.

At least TN has friends :smoke:

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