Biden tells the truth why Russia became the number one enemy

VP Joe Biden spilled the beans of why the Global Elite fabricated the Russian threat. The U.S. - as the Rapid Reaction Force/QRF of the Global Elite to subjugate every country under its rule - is bombarded by the Global Elite owned MSM how evil Russia is and meddled with our democracy. First of all, our country is a Constitutional Republic and if Russia's meddled with anything at all it would have been the Republic and not with the democracy. The brainwashing goes on about the U.S. being a democracy, thus laying the foundation to change the electoral system to popular vote and dismissing the electoral vote since the left has enough freeloaders concentrated in metropolitan areas ensuring the majority of the popular vote.

Here is Mr. Biden acknowledging the Russian threat to Global Elitism.

Biden calls Russia biggest threat to international order
'An attack on one is an attack on all': Biden issues a 'call to action' to the US and Europe in his final major speech
Russia is NOT the #1 enemy.

Biden and Hillary are the #1 and #2 enemy.
VP Joe Biden spilled the beans of why the Global Elite fabricated the Russian threat. The U.S. - as the Rapid Reaction Force/QRF of the Global Elite to subjugate every country under its rule - is bombarded by the Global Elite owned MSM how evil Russia is and meddled with our democracy. First of all, our country is a Constitutional Republic and if Russia's meddled with anything at all it would have been the Republic and not with the democracy. The brainwashing goes on about the U.S. being a democracy, thus laying the foundation to change the electoral system to popular vote and dismissing the electoral vote since the left has enough freeloaders concentrated in metropolitan areas ensuring the majority of the popular vote.

Here is Mr. Biden acknowledging the Russian threat to Global Elitism.

Biden calls Russia biggest threat to international order
'An attack on one is an attack on all': Biden issues a 'call to action' to the US and Europe in his final major speech
Russia is NOT the #1 enemy.

Biden and Hillary are the #1 and #2 enemy.

China is the Number One enemy, well the joint Number One enemy with Radical Islam.
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.

He has a land-bridge to Crimea....otherwise the Ukrainians could have cut off access to the port and he'd have gained nothing. He went a few miles into Georgia to show them who was the dog and who was the bear and then left. As to who was wearing diapers when, I was toting deuce-gear in Vietnam while you were drinking your own piss in a crib, shithead.
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

More ridiculous leftist rhetoric
Leftist, you dipshit. Try listening to McCain. More to the point, when responding to complaints of American militarism, Colin Powell made it pretty simple. "the only territory we acquired was to bury our dead."

Conversely, Putin used military force to acquire fossil fuel reserves in the Caspian Sea, What may be interesting is that Trump has said that we should just have "kept the oil" in Iraq. Maybe the share a world view. We'll see.

"Try listening to McCain."

John McCain is a mentally unstable psychopath Neo-Conservative warmonger, he belongs in a rubber room.

Yep. He is pathetic. He's W junior
No, only Russians in Ukraine wanted it.

Kind of like Germans in the Sudetenland wanted Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia.

"Vee have similar cultures, zerfore zee invashun ist legitimate!"

Maybe if you read something other than Sputnik, you wouldn't be giving head to the KGB thug.

I'll wait here while you look up the Sudetenland reference.

So why didn't your president chickenshit enforce the treaty the Ukes signed with us to assure their safety in return for turning over their nuclear weapons?
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.

He has a land-bridge to Crimea....otherwise the Ukrainians could have cut off access to the port and he'd have gained nothing. He went a few miles into Georgia to show them who was the dog and who was the bear and then left. As to who was wearing diapers when, I was toting deuce-gear in Vietnam while you were drinking your own piss in a crib, shithead.
Ah. Here we have a traitor saying he's not only cool with the invasion of a sovereign nation by a hostile power, he feels a need to suck off the invader.

Did the VC capture you and get Jane Fonda to brainwash you?
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.

He has a land-bridge to Crimea....otherwise the Ukrainians could have cut off access to the port and he'd have gained nothing. He went a few miles into Georgia to show them who was the dog and who was the bear and then left. As to who was wearing diapers when, I was toting deuce-gear in Vietnam while you were drinking your own piss in a crib, shithead.
Ah. Here we have a traitor saying he's not only cool with the invasion of a sovereign nation by a hostile power, he feels a need to suck off the invader.
Are you talking about the U.S. invasion of Iraq?
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

More ridiculous leftist rhetoric
Leftist, you dipshit. Try listening to McCain. More to the point, when responding to complaints of American militarism, Colin Powell made it pretty simple. "the only territory we acquired was to bury our dead."

Conversely, Putin used military force to acquire fossil fuel reserves in the Caspian Sea, What may be interesting is that Trump has said that we should just have "kept the oil" in Iraq. Maybe the share a world view. We'll see.

"Try listening to McCain."

John McCain is a mentally unstable psychopath Neo-Conservative warmonger, he belongs in a rubber room.

Yep. He is pathetic. He's W junior

Yes as pathetic as the Leftist's telling everyone to listen to John McCain :uhoh3:

We might next get the Leftist's telling everyone that but but but that frustrated faggot Miss Lindsay Graham agrees with the batshit John in anticipation get ready with the Funny button.
Trump's appeasement of Putin is unique among American "leaders," and inexplicable based upon information that is public.

Putin is personally corrupt, and his world view is based on borders that can be changed by force, and economies that can extract concessions based on simple extortion. The question is whether Trump shares that world view, or just whether Putin holds his debt.

More ridiculous leftist rhetoric
Leftist, you dipshit. Try listening to McCain. More to the point, when responding to complaints of American militarism, Colin Powell made it pretty simple. "the only territory we acquired was to bury our dead."

Conversely, Putin used military force to acquire fossil fuel reserves in the Caspian Sea, What may be interesting is that Trump has said that we should just have "kept the oil" in Iraq. Maybe the share a world view. We'll see.

"Try listening to McCain."

John McCain is a mentally unstable psychopath Neo-Conservative warmonger, he belongs in a rubber room.

Yep. He is pathetic. He's W junior

Yes as pathetic as the Leftist's telling everyone to listen to John McCain :uhoh3:

We might next get the Leftist's telling everyone that but but but that frustrated faggot Miss Lindsay Graham agrees with the batshit John in anticipation get ready with the Funny button.

Putin is on a quest to restore the Soviet Union
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?

He didn't invade Georgia...he took back the tiny states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who were mostly Russian and were being treated like shit by the Georgians. As to Crimea, he thought the rebellion in Kiev (which I supported) would lose him his only warm water port and he couldn't allow that. If he'd wanted Ukraine he'd have taken it in two weeks.
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.
How that would be a threat to us?

He "took back"?? No, he invaded and annexed. Deny, deflect and lie - they're his standard operating procedure. And like Trump goes on about immigrants to deflect from the role of corporations cutting jobs and sitting on mountains of cash they're not investing, Putin created these fake concerns for Russians living in the Ukraine to deflect from his abyssmal economic performance.

Make Russia Great Again. Give the people something to cheer about. Sounds like Trump, doesn't it.
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?

He didn't invade Georgia...he took back the tiny states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who were mostly Russian and were being treated like shit by the Georgians. As to Crimea, he thought the rebellion in Kiev (which I supported) would lose him his only warm water port and he couldn't allow that. If he'd wanted Ukraine he'd have taken it in two weeks.
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.
How that would be a threat to us?

You are writing in invisible ink now? :popcorn:
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?

He didn't invade Georgia...he took back the tiny states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who were mostly Russian and were being treated like shit by the Georgians. As to Crimea, he thought the rebellion in Kiev (which I supported) would lose him his only warm water port and he couldn't allow that. If he'd wanted Ukraine he'd have taken it in two weeks.
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.
How that would be a threat to us?

You are writing in invisible ink now? :popcorn:
Putin trick. Only KGB insiders own the compound to reveal the content...
what makes you think that?
Gee, maybe the invasion of Georgia? Maybe the invasion of Ukraine?

Just how deep does your tard go?

He didn't invade Georgia...he took back the tiny states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who were mostly Russian and were being treated like shit by the Georgians. As to Crimea, he thought the rebellion in Kiev (which I supported) would lose him his only warm water port and he couldn't allow that. If he'd wanted Ukraine he'd have taken it in two weeks.
Putin is in eastern Ukraine, too, retard. So much for your bullshit warm water port theory.

And he most certainly did invade Georgia. Maybe you were in diapers at the time.
How that would be a threat to us?

one if by land, two if by sea?
More ridiculous leftist rhetoric
Leftist, you dipshit. Try listening to McCain. More to the point, when responding to complaints of American militarism, Colin Powell made it pretty simple. "the only territory we acquired was to bury our dead."

Conversely, Putin used military force to acquire fossil fuel reserves in the Caspian Sea, What may be interesting is that Trump has said that we should just have "kept the oil" in Iraq. Maybe the share a world view. We'll see.

"Try listening to McCain."

John McCain is a mentally unstable psychopath Neo-Conservative warmonger, he belongs in a rubber room.

Yep. He is pathetic. He's W junior

Yes as pathetic as the Leftist's telling everyone to listen to John McCain :uhoh3:

We might next get the Leftist's telling everyone that but but but that frustrated faggot Miss Lindsay Graham agrees with the batshit John in anticipation get ready with the Funny button.

View attachment 107291

They're certainly there with the worst, but they aren't alone ...
Putin is personally corrupt, t.

You don't understand's your world-view in question here. They are still in the throes of recovery from a century of communism compared to us who are about to recover from eight years of it. Putin knows Trump ain't the patsy he's found Barry to be (who hasn't?) the damage can be repaired. Russia has it's own agenda and we have to abide by that if we expect the same. They have too many nukes for us to try to push around and I want them on our side when China decides to take over the planet.

Not too many Americans understand Russia: they only "know" about Russia from their Media, which has been lying about Russia since 2008 and during the last few years hasn't basically said a word of truth about Russia. Bush and Obama must have been puppets for the same bosses/globalistse since they basically have been doing same things in foreign policy.

Harlan K. Ullman, a shrewd American analyst, once noted that there used to be two parties in America – one had a conscience but no brains, and the other always had brains but no conscience. Now, Ullman notes, we have two completely identical parties with no brains and no conscience, and he questions the meaning of their existence.
America Forever?

Now about Ukraine. Crimea and the Eastern part of Ukraine were belonging to Russia since 988, long before anybody has even heard about USA. When Ukraine became "independent" in 1991, it basically annexed Russian lands, but Western world has not said a word about it, so why it's raising such a hell now, when Crimea voted with over 90% and came back to its mother Russia and when Eastern Ukraine doesn't want to do anything with Ukraine either? It's just shows some Americans big ignorance...

Besides, since the coup, arranged by the "leaders" from Western world, Biden, McCain, Nuland. Soros &Co (not Russia!), Ukraine has quickly turned into a sh*thole. They can't afford to pay utilities, they have salaries lower than in some African countries (and even those miserable salaries are delayed to be paid for several months!), a lot of people can't afford to eat enough and have to literally eat only bread and water, the crime level raised several times, and on the top of everything Nazis are breeding like rabbits and glorified by the government.

IMF’s mission chief for Ukraine, Ron Van Rooden: It will take Ukraine a generation to come near the Central European economy
Ukraine Needs Generation to Catch Up With Central European Economy - IMF Mission

Politician makes claims of vast corruption in Ukraine

Investigation Uncovers Poroshenko's, Allies' Spanish Coastal Villas

United States, can’t continue to shovel money into a corrupt swamp unless the government starts shaping the democratic rule that Ukrainians demanded in their protests.

Over $12 billion disappears from Ukraine’s budget every year, and global graft watchdog Transparency International ranks the country as Europe’s most corrupt.
Why Ukraine Must Outsource Its Fight Against Corruption

Bloomberg: Ukraine Is in Danger of Becoming a Failed State

The incoming Ukrainian president will have to turn some attention to history, because the outgoing one has just made a hero of a long-dead Ukrainian fascist.
A Fascist Hero in Democratic Kiev

The Times: Kyiv allows torture and runs secret jails, says UN

History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization, Stanislav Byshok :
So, what is Ukraine, really? And when did it begin?
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

Modern Ukraine is 25 yrs old, but is it actually independent?
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Alt right websites all of them, except Bloomberg, and that link goes to a 404 page. You do know that Putin went on a campaign of dissinformation about what was happening in the Ukraine in an effort to justify his unjustifiable invasion.

Note that the same websites that promoted his propaganda campaign against an independent Ukraine are the same ones who promoted his anti-Clinton Propaganda.

I truly never thought I'd live to see the day when Americans supported and believed a corrupt Russian dictator over the American free press.
I truly never thought I'd live to see the day when Americans supported and believed a corrupt Russian dictator over the American free press.

I never thought I'd see the American "free press" fall into such a dismal role of state-agitprop.

I have no love for Russia....they supplied the Viets with arms and training to kill us GIs. But the world has changed....Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union and then we cut them adrift to find their own way to capitalism. Yeltsin would HANG Putin for what he's done in Russia but Yeltsin is gone and we have Putin to deal with. Old hatreds need to be put away if we're ever going to get rid of islamic terror and after that, maybe just maybe, Putin can be made to recognize he has to mind his manners or we will bankrupt him. It's possible so why not try?
If EU hates Russia so much why do they do so much business with them

If my memory of geography class is serving me well, I believe about 40% of Russia is in Europe and that 40% makes up about 38% of all of Europe. Also the large majority of Russians live on the European side.
Alt right websites all of them, except Bloomberg, and that link goes to a 404 page. You do know that Putin went on a campaign of dissinformation about what was happening in the Ukraine in an effort to justify his unjustifiable invasion.

Note that the same websites that promoted his propaganda campaign against an independent Ukraine are the same ones who promoted his anti-Clinton Propaganda.

I truly never thought I'd live to see the day when Americans supported and believed a corrupt Russian dictator over the American free press.

Not my fault, they may have decided to hide or erase that. There are a lot of other sites which posess a lot of info, which Western Media want to hide from its audience.

The bottom line is: Western "leaders" have been using Ukraine and its 40 million population in their geopolitical games against Russia and at the same time they have been blaming Russia.

In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.

For those who did not follow events at the time, the coup in Kiev was a Washington/NATO-backed regime-change operation with US Khazarian mafia proxies and associated loons, including Victoria Nuland and the vacuous John McCain, up to their elbows in the blood and tears of a nation.

Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict - SPIEGEL ONLINE - International
If EU hates Russia so much why do they do so much business with them

If my memory of geography class is serving me well, I believe about 40% of Russia is in Europe and that 40% makes up about 38% of all of Europe. Also the large majority of Russians live on the European side.

Yep, the Russians east of the Urals are one time there were 80 languages spoken in the soviet union.

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