Biden thinks demonizing political opponents is isnt.

what lies? yes he wanted proof and was going to send PIs to look for proof since obama refused to release it. After he did that, then the White House released it. Case closed
Actually it took Trump years before admitting Obama wasn't born in Kenya

Apr 27, 2011 — The White House released copies of President Barack Obama's original long-form birth certificate Wednesday,

Sept. 16, 2016

Donald J. Trump publicly retreated from his “birther” campaign on Friday, tersely acknowledging that President Obama was born in the United States — and effectively conceding that the conspiracy theory he had promoted for years was baseless.

Mr. Trump made no apology for and took no questions about what had amounted to a five-year-long smear of the nation’s first black president.
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No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.

After years of denying the legitimacy of Barack Obama’s presidency, it was only in the midst of his own presidential campaign that Donald Trump began falsely claiming Hillary Clinton was the true progenitor of the “birther” conspiracy theory claiming Obama was not born in the United States.

But that’s swapping one discredited claim for another. Numerous fact checks, reports and interviews — in 2008 and 2011, when Trump revived the controversy — revealed that although some Clinton supporters circulated rumors about Obama’s citizenship, the campaign and Clinton herself never trafficked in it.

“There has never been evidence that Clinton or her campaign started the birther rumors,” said Ben Smith, editor in chief of BuzzFeed, who as a POLITICO reporter in 2011 linked the origin of the “birther” movement to a fringe politician in Illinois. Some hardcore Clinton backers circulated the rumors in 2008, but the campaign itself steered clear.

“As we reported, some of her supporters flirted with the idea in 2008 — but it has its origins in the fever swamps beginning in Illinois in 2004,” he said.

In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004. That spiraled into a concerted effort by conspiracy theorists to raise doubts about Obama’s birthplace and religion — and essentially paint him as un-American.

Martin, who briefly launched a little-noticed presidential campaign last year, has disavowed the movement he’s often credited with starting, though he still foments similarly discredited doubts about Obama’s religion.

Uhhh Hilary was the one who did that. Trump just jumped on the bandwagon.
Exactly. Liberals always forget that Trump was donating to the ugly ****'s campaigns, and expected returns - that is how it works. We all know it is corrupt for rich people who can contribute.

Really good chance Hillary promised Trump that she had the dirt on Obama, so Trump never contributed to Obama campaign. It was a lie, and she never explained that to Trump, and so he pursued it.
Bi-partisanship didn't divide us the 80s. Nope. The democrat House speaker Tip O'Neal used to lunch with Republican president Ronald Reagan, they where friends. That was truly bipartisan. What happened to that?

Either you are brain dead or not breathing. Trump demonized anyone who questioned his authority.
Here's a link to prove what a fascist ignorant dickhead he was. Enjoy.

Bi-partisanship didn't divide us the 80s. Nope. The democrat House speaker Tip O'Neal used to lunch with Republican president Ronald Reagan, they where friends. That was truly bipartisan. What happened to that?
Over the years the democrats became communists.
Specifically Sidney Blumenthal.


It’s still one person’s word against another. While emails show that Hillary Clinton confidant Sid Blumenthal did share story tips about Barack Obama with McClatchy’s former bureau chief James Asher, the emails aren’t conclusive that Blumenthal was the source of the “birther” tip.

The issue came to light Friday when Donald Trump accused Clinton of starting the “birther” conspiracy story, which alleged Obama was born in Kenya, when the two were competing for the 2008 Democratic nomination. The Clinton campaign has denied any role in the birther conspiracy. The campaign did fire one aide who talked about the issue in an email. Several fact checks have debunked Clinton’s involvement.

Exactly. Liberals always forget that Trump was donating to the ugly ****'s campaigns, and expected returns - that is how it works. We all know it is corrupt for rich people who can contribute.

Really good chance Hillary promised Trump that she had the dirt on Obama, so Trump never contributed to Obama campaign. It was a lie, and she never explained that to Trump, and so he pursued it.
Incorrect. The facts have been posted.

It’s still one person’s word against another. While emails show that Hillary Clinton confidant Sid Blumenthal did share story tips about Barack Obama with McClatchy’s former bureau chief James Asher, the emails aren’t conclusive that Blumenthal was the source of the “birther” tip.

The issue came to light Friday when Donald Trump accused Clinton of starting the “birther” conspiracy story, which alleged Obama was born in Kenya, when the two were competing for the 2008 Democratic nomination. The Clinton campaign has denied any role in the birther conspiracy. The campaign did fire one aide who talked about the issue in an email. Several fact checks have debunked Clinton’s involvement.

No. It really was Sidney Blumenthal. Shitstain obama did find out and banished Blumie from the white house.
You are certainly one of the communists. Dismissed!

Ok. Show me where one Democrat put forward legislation to transform America to communism.
How many democrats do you know who are sworn communists? I'll tell you.
You're silly enough to associate that name with communists because you know no better. It's in your DNA and you have nothing to describe them otherwise.
You're pathetic. Not a functioning neuron between your ears.
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Really good chance Hillary promised Trump that she had the dirt on Obama, so Trump never contributed to Obama campaign. It was a lie, and she never explained that to Trump, and so he pursued it.
Incorrect. The facts have been posted.
His post was pure speculation, a "really good chance".

Which means without anything but a huch to support it. No facts, no citations, nothing to back it up at all.

Not even the confidence to say it beyond a chance.

It’s still one person’s word against another. While emails show that Hillary Clinton confidant Sid Blumenthal did share story tips about Barack Obama with McClatchy’s former bureau chief James Asher, the emails aren’t conclusive that Blumenthal was the source of the “birther” tip.

The issue came to light Friday when Donald Trump accused Clinton of starting the “birther” conspiracy story, which alleged Obama was born in Kenya, when the two were competing for the 2008 Democratic nomination. The Clinton campaign has denied any role in the birther conspiracy. The campaign did fire one aide who talked about the issue in an email. Several fact checks have debunked Clinton’s involvement.

so they confirmed they had to fire one of their staffer over it…and it might of been even coming from higher up? ok

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