Biden thinks demonizing political opponents is isnt.

Please. The Obama Birther thing, ok, stupid. I used to follow that. But at least um..We didn't burn down cities and destroy public property and terrorize the local populace for over a year either.
And neither did democrats. Nor did democrats attack the capital because of a lie.
Look what's happening with prosecutors looking at Trump's past business transactions in NY. They want to lock up their political enemies.
Hardly. They were accusing Trump of illegal business transactions from before he even thought about running for president.

Trump being elected president put those investigations on hold for 4 years.
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sure after the dem staffers in the clinton campaign brought the issue to light…and nobody did until he provided the documents as trump requested

is that the reason you think the dems then decided to toss out the framers ideas of compromise in washington and make this a one party state like China? really?
Actually the Clinton campaign did not do this. It was a supporter that did not work in the campaign and his claim was immediately denounced by the campaign. Trump took the lie and ran with it.
Donald J. Trump publicly retreated from his “birther” campaign on Friday, tersely acknowledging that President Obama was born in the United States — and effectively conceding that the conspiracy theory he had promoted for years was baseless.
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Look what's happening with prosecutors looking at Trump's past business transactions in NY. They want to lock up their political enemies.
No, trump broke the law and it was discovered during a legitimate investigation.
Mr. Trump made no apology for and took no questions about what had amounted to a five-year-long smear of the nation’s first black president. Instead, he claimed, falsely, that questions about Mr. Obama’s citizenship were initially stirred by the Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, in her unsuccessful primary contest against Mr. Obama in 2008.
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Bi-partisanship didn't divide us the 80s. Nope. The democrat House speaker Tip O'Neal used to lunch with Republican president Ronald Reagan, they where friends. That was truly bipartisan. What happened to that?
White supremacists and the wacko conspracy nuts took over the GOP. To them the words bi-partisanship and compromise became words of treason.
Uhhh Hilary was the one who did that. Trump just jumped on the bandwagon.


No, Clinton didn't start the birther thing. This guy did.

Despite what Trump says, the 2008 Clinton campaign and the candidate herself never trafficked in the rumors.

In fact, birtherism, as it’s been called, reportedly began with innuendo by serial Illinois political candidate Andy Martin, who painted Obama as a closet Muslim in 2004.

Much of the insinuation that Clinton had a hand in birtherism traces to the role of her then-senior strategist Mark Penn, who issued a memo in 2007 suggesting that Clinton emphasize Obama’s upbringing in Hawaii and Indonesia and paint him as fundamentally un-American. The memo never questioned Obama’s citizenship but did suggest highlighting his “lack of American roots.”
Trump ran with the issue. He claimed all kinds of lies, including that he was sending investigators to Hawaii and Kenya to bring back proof.

After it went plop plop fizz fizz, and Obama produced the "long birth certificate", Trump never retracted his claim that Obama was born in Kenya.

No retraction. No apology.
what lies? yes he wanted proof and was going to send PIs to look for proof since obama refused to release it. After he did that, then the White House released it. Case closed
Actually the Clinton campaign did not do this. It was a supporter that did not work in the campaign and his claim was immediately denounced by the campaign. Trump took the lie and ran with it.
nope it was staffers

they were later fired
Well if you don't kiss Drumpfs ring in their minds that's demonizing.
You are fucking stupid, and I bet you cannot handle it - bitch.

No president is going to keep naysayers on their staff. No organizational leader is going to keep naysayers on their staff. Just because Trump explained it, or a couple of naysayers sought publicity, does mean Trump is any more self-conscious than anyone else.

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