Biden threatens Americans while surrendering Ukraine to Putin

US pressure being put on Putin that will force Russia into a war.
What the f? Where do you get such nonsense excuse making for Putin's war of choice?

"Pressure" on Putin is Ukraine reaching westward instead of being his puppets. If they succeed and prosper, Russia will go that way too.
What the f? Where do you get such nonsense?

"Pressure" on Putin is Ukraine reaching westward instead of being his puppets.

If they succeed and prosper, Russia will go that way too.
DH is a liberal retard. Nothing he says makes sense.
What the f? Where do you get such nonsense excuse making for Putin's war of choice?

"Pressure" on Putin is Ukraine reaching westward instead of being his puppets. If they succeed and prosper, Russia will go that way too.
No, it's not Ukraine, It's US under the Nato flag doing what it always has done. Pushing toward Russia's borders.

Russia is in the process of moving it's trade relations toward China and other peaceful countries. The two great world forces are forming. Thank the dogs for nuclear weapons!
Putin did not cancel Kaystone XL pipeline and an associated 11,000 jobs.

Putin did not try to put millions of Americans out of work, including the heroes of the pandemic, because they already had COVID or did not want to take the ineffective and experimental vaccines.

Putin did not allow millions of illegal aliens to cross our border, bringing crime, COVID and other diseases, drugs, and more taxpayer burden while lowering wages for Americans.

Putin did not waste American taxpayer money with excessive spending that has increased the cost of most things by 10-50%.

Putin did not strand Americans in Afghanistan.

Putin does not wear an ineffective mask anywhere, much less alone outdoors on an empty beach.


Putin does not appoint woke weirdos to top positions in the US government nor Supreme Court Justices based upon the color of the skin they were born with....

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Although Putin will be falsely blamed for it by the MSM and you, Putin did not cause our out-of-control inflation or labor shortage.

So yeah, Biden is a much bigger threat to America than Putin ever was or ever will be.

Rah Rah for Putin, right?
No, it's not Ukraine, It's US under the Nato flag doing what it always has done. Pushing toward Russia's borders.
Are you a Russian troll? If not, then why do you post exactly like one? Where do you load up on this bullshit?

Suggestion that Ukraine, who toppled pro-Putin government, and was actively seeking EU and NATO membership, is not internally looking to the west is FUCKING RIDICULOUS.
Are you a Russian troll? If not, then why do you post exactly like one? Where do you load up on this bullshit?

Suggestion that Ukraine, who toppled pro-Putin government, and was actively seeking EU and NATO membership, is not internally looking to the west is FUCKING RIDICULOUS.
That's not what I've said but I wouldn't rule it out. In fact Ukraine didn't want a war with Russia, but the US set the stage and insisted.
It's been the goal of the US to destroy Russia's economy ever since the end of WW2, because that's what large and powerful nations DO to competitors.

I see the only remaining question now as being Russia's chances of surviving being their cooperation with China and moving their economy compeltely awary from Nato sympathetic countries and into the others.
I'm a Canadian and I like to look at the situation realistically. And I don't fear free speech, so I won't be turning to childish insults and other diversions from the topic.
That's not what I've said but I wouldn't rule it out. In fact Ukraine didn't want a war with Russia, but the US set the stage and insisted.
Horseshit, US wants peace and prosperity for Ukraine, like Ukranians themselves, which is exactly WHY we support democratic reforms there. And by the way we want the same for Russia, absolutely no reason for that country to be the corrupt, backward shithole it reason except it's corrupt and backward leadership.

But Putin can't have that. Ukraine doing well while moving towards the west will be the end of his hamfisted rule in Russia and this selfish, power addicted fuck could never let this happen.
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Horseshit, US wants peace and prosperity for Ukraine, like Ukranians themselves, which is exactly WHY we support democratic reforms there. And by the way we want the same for Russia, absolutely no reason for that country to be the corrupt, backward shithole it reason except it's corrupt and backward leadership.

But Putin can't have that. Ukraine doing well while moving towards the west will be the end of his hamfisted rule in Russia and this selfish, power addicted fuck could never let this happen.
I agree in part. Russia can't ever allow Ukraine to become a part of the US/Nato alliance that was created to legitimize US aggression.

The US wants peace and prosperity as much for Ukraine as it did for Iraq, but people in foreign lands just will not stop standing under US bombs!
The US wants peace and prosperity as much for Ukraine as it did for Iraq, but people in foreign lands just will not stop standing under US bombs!
Sure, Bush administration fucked up by getting us into Iraq war after 9/11, but it's on Saddam as well. This dictator's attempted invasion of Kuwait and his subsequent nuclear program bluffing got him hung.
That is insane. NATO is a DEFENSIVE alliance.
Yes, the European Nato countries believe that maybe. But Colonel Larry Wilkerson was on t.v. and he called it for what it really is. Warmongering by America for the last 20 years!
An injury to one is an injury to all,
And an aggression by one is an aggression by all,
So Biden better not give one of the bordering Nato countries permission to attack Russia,
Cause that'll do it, for all!
Sure, Bush administration fucked up by getting us into Iraq war after 9/11, but it's on Saddam as well. This dictator's attempted invasion of Kuwait and his subsequent nuclear program bluffing got him hung.
Give it a rest. We know the comparison to Iraq is extremely irritating, but if's the price that has to be paid. And fwiw, the first one against Iraq was for the same reason and was just as phony in the excuses.
Give it a rest. We know the comparison to Iraq is extremely irritating, but if's the price that has to be paid.
Is that English?

Why should it "rest"? Why is it "irritating"? wtf are you talking about?
Is that English?

Why should it "rest"? Why is it "irritating"? wtf are you talking about?
Don't ask questions for which you already have an answer. It's your obsession with the Iraq comparison, not mine. I think it works perfectly!
Rah Rah for Putin, right?

I was definitely not rooting for Putin; he is certainly a threat to the US and to world peace (obviously now after what transpired after my post).

We don't root for Putin, but Biden is a bigger threat to Americans. In addition to all of the things I mentioned about him, let's hope he does not get us into an armed conflict. It seems almost certain that others decide the course of action, and then he "approves it." As such, those in the military-industrial complex who are giving him advice, probably don't give him alternatives which would be better to choose from, and I seriously doubt that Biden has the wit about him to come up with much more successful alternatives to any decision than the ones he is spoon-fed.

I am quite concerned about this, as from my perspective, he has messed up almost everything he has touched. The only success I can think of is beating out France at selling submarines to our common ally, Australia. I think that was a (probably the only) significant success of his first year.

So, if you are American, you can be sure I am on your team, wanting the best for America. We simply have different views on politics and probably a ton of other things.


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