Biden to withhold funds if not vaxxed?

Firstly, I AM NOT A LIBERAL. wtf, you guys? You've been posting alongside me for years and you still think I am a dem/lib??
I didn't say that. Not sure what you mean.
And I am not lying. Nobody knows what really is in it. FDA has not approved it, either. Takes years for them to approve anything. YEARS to find out what the results will be on the body. How is this lying? And for that fucking matter, I DON'T LIE. I may be misinformed, but I am not lying. Knock it off!
Alright. You make good points, except for the claim that "nobody knows what's really in it". They know exactly what's in it. They can't be 100% sure that there are no long term side-effects from taking it because they simply haven't been tested long-term. We, those of us who have been vaccinated, are the long-term test. That's concerning. But we have to balance that against the risk of a) getting personally infected with the virus and/or b) keeping a disease alive that might go away everyone got vaxxed.
So...those who got the 5 years, you wind up with some kind of cancer or neurological problem and the vax makers report it was DUE to the vax. Or your kid dies from it due to some unforseen complications. Whatcha gonna do? Shrug?
Wait. So youre thinking something may happen in the future as opposed to the documented danger present right now? What if they found out that ketchup gave you cancer? Would that stop you from using it now?
I think because I dont want to be a fool like gullible Drumpf supporters. Well thats not the only reason but the one that comes quickest to my mind.
huh? you apparently aren’t thinking…i asked a question, and you totally dodged it.
Wait. So youre thinking something may happen in the future as opposed to the documented danger present right now? What if they found out that ketchup gave you cancer? Would that stop you from using it now?
That is stupid. Bacon gives ya cancer, eggs a heart attack. I CHOOSE to eat bacon and eggs. I do NOT choose to get a vax that is experimental. Why the fuck does anyone care what i choose to do? Being vaxxed will NOT stop you from getting the virus. Nor will wearing a mask. So...those who are vaxxed can pass it along too. You want ME jabbed so IF you get it again or for the first time, your systems won't be so bad, right? Now why would I care about that, yet risk MY health so you get over it sooner?

The whole thing stinks. STINKS. If covid is soooo dangerous....then why the OPEN BORDERS? Do you think there are thousands of nurses/doctors waiting at the border to give shots to those coming in? So why the focus on citizens and threatening to take their fundings away instead of other spreaders?

Because it's bullshit, that's why.
It is my business. Its not like your problem with funky breath. I can catch a disease from your dirty ass if you dont get vaxxed.
and somebody could catch the chinese flu from your "vaccinated" skanky are still a retard
Chances are 10K times more likely they catch it from your inbred, retarded, unvaxxed ass.
polly want a cracker?
retards don't usually get any credit 4 originality
thats a big word 4 you....did your mommy tell you, you are an inbred? no other way you would know that word,....unless......
It is my business. Its not like your problem with funky breath. I can catch a disease from your dirty ass if you dont get vaxxed.
And you can get it even vaxxed, Asc. You know this. So I am amazed that you would be ok with the government refusing assistance to old people or poor people or evn people who do not want to be forced to do this. FORCED. Of all people, with the history of your people, why do you not see the similarities?
Looks like many blacks wised up about the government there to help them. They know better.
So I am amazed that you would be ok with the government refusing assistance to old people or poor people or evn people who do not want to be forced to do this.
They are not refusing assistance to anyone. They are not funding programs for entities that wont enforce their employees getting the vax.
Medicare recipients paid into the system for decades. Now Democrats want to breach that contract? Somewhere in hell Stalin is smiling.
They are not refusing assistance to anyone. They are not funding programs for entities that wont enforce their employees getting the vax.
Gonna be a great excuse to fire blacks, then. "Oh, he/she wouldn't agree to be vaxxed so we have to let them go" bullshit, when in reality, it's cuz they are black. Now tell me that isn't so, because you are always talking about the raw deals blacks get every day for the past upteen years.

Blacks are not busting ass to get vaxxed and being FORCED to just to keep their jobs...well.....gonna be some unemployed blacks soon, along with hispanics, whites and probably asians as well.

But this is a moot point anyway. I don't think Biden can do this, legally. And if he tries.....all hell will break loose. Especially withholding funds from low income properties and Medicare, when illegals will be allowed and encouraged to seek medical assistance if sick, and given housing while bypassing citizens regardless of race.

Let him try. Or continue to "think" on it while Obama muses on the pros and cons before he whispers in his ear.

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