Biden up big in Arizona

Poor democrats crazy democrats run these polls.. it’s keeping you alive .. until it’s time to vote and you lose
You'd think they would hav learned from 2016
"have", not "hav"...before some asshole Liberal makes a comment.
Hah! An AH MAGAtard beat a liberal to it.
I beat Liberals at everything.
You missed the word "off"
Was I discussing your mental state?
From the git-go you have talked shit. Next question.
I work.
I never answer a number that's not in my contact list.

Well, that settles it then. Trump is clearly up ten points in Arizona because everyone knows the microcosm you live in is representative of the whole nation.
I think you missed the essence of my post.
The overwhelming number of people who actually answer the poll are the morons at home who will answer any call.

And that makes the polling inaccurate how?
Polling is skewed towards a predicted population.
Polling has zero effect on how people vote.
Polling sells Clicks.
If a Pollster called me I'd say, "I don't care how corrupt and insane Biden is, I don't care that he puts China first, he's a democrat and I'm voting for him and President Xi!"
I work.
I never answer a number that's not in my contact list.

Well, that settles it then. Trump is clearly up ten points in Arizona because everyone knows the microcosm you live in is representative of the whole nation.
I think you missed the essence of my post.
The overwhelming number of people who actually answer the poll are the morons at home who will answer any call.

And that makes the polling inaccurate how?
Polling is skewed towards a predicted population.
Polling has zero effect on how people vote.
Polling sells Clicks.
If polling is so skewed, how is it that right leaning poll data mostly shows the same thing. It gives one hell of an idea to what people are thinking at that time. Until you see one that favors you and rings true you stay unconvinced.
I think you missed the essence of my post.
The overwhelming number of people who actually answer the poll are the morons at home who will answer any call.

And that makes the polling inaccurate how?
Polling is skewed towards a predicted population.
Polling has zero effect on how people vote.
Polling sells Clicks.

And what does that have to do with you not answer your phone?
Maybe he's lonely and mad he never gets called on to poll.

This would essentially end the race
He hasn't got a prayer to win in the freest state in the union. When he looses are you the type that will slash your wrest or just do what the rest do and snivel, whine, cry, and soil yourself four more years?
I think you missed the essence of my post.
The overwhelming number of people who actually answer the poll are the morons at home who will answer any call.

And that makes the polling inaccurate how?
Polling is skewed towards a predicted population.
Polling has zero effect on how people vote.
Polling sells Clicks.

And what does that have to do with you not answer your phone?
100% of people I know, Blue and White Collar, will not answer their phone unless they have the caller in their contact list or know they are getting called by someone who is not in their contact list but have been told by someone they will be called by a new prospect.
I don't know what your average day is like, but all of my spam and useless calls pop up on my iPhone as such.
Perhaps you need to upgrade your methodology of being contacted.
I think you missed the essence of my post.
The overwhelming number of people who actually answer the poll are the morons at home who will answer any call.

And that makes the polling inaccurate how?
Polling is skewed towards a predicted population.
Polling has zero effect on how people vote.
Polling sells Clicks.

And what does that have to do with you not answer your phone?
Maybe he's lonely and mad he never gets called on to poll.
I was called once several years ago.
Based on every answer, they kept switching the possible answer list, always putting Trump as the last choice.
I decided from that call to filter all of my calls.
I work.
I never answer a number that's not in my contact list.

Well, that settles it then. Trump is clearly up ten points in Arizona because everyone knows the microcosm you live in is representative of the whole nation.
I think you missed the essence of my post.
The overwhelming number of people who actually answer the poll are the morons at home who will answer any call.

And that makes the polling inaccurate how?
Polling is skewed towards a predicted population.
Polling has zero effect on how people vote.
Polling sells Clicks.
If polling is so skewed, how is it that right leaning poll data mostly shows the same thing. It gives one hell of an idea to what people are thinking at that time. Until you see one that favors you and rings true you stay unconvinced.
Here is how a poll goes:
Caller "Are you a Republican or democrat?"
You "a Republican"
Phone "click"

This would essentially end the race

A few EC Scenarios, all point to everyone going to Court.

The below results in 269-269, I have given Biden Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Michigan. I have given Trump Wisconsin and Florida, this because I have checked all recent Polling going from mid-September to October 2 and Trump is performing well enough in both States, for arguments sake I have also given Trump Arizona.

The below Scenario of 269-269 would probably end up in Court, as both campaigns would be saying they have problems with the voting in several States.


The only difference below from above is I have given Biden Arizona, this puts Biden 10 over the 270 needed, this I think would result in The Trump Campaign going to Court to challenge the Arizona vote.


The below I have given Biden Arizona and Wisconsin, putting him 20 over the 270 needed, this I would think would result in The Trump Campaign going to Court to challenge the Arizona and Wisconsin vote.


The below puts Biden on exactly 270 and I have given Trump Pennsylvania, my study of all Polling from mid-September to October 2 puts Biden around the 51%-50% margin in Pennsylvania which is within the general Margin of Error and so a Trump win in Pennsylvania albeit a narrow one cannot be ruled out. The below situation I think would result in The Trump Campaign going to Court to challenge the Arizona and Wisconsin vote and The Biden Campaign going to Court to challenge the Pennsylvania vote.


The below puts Trump on 274 and I have given him Wisconsin and Michigan and given Biden Arizona and Pennsylvania. This I think would result in The Trump Campaign going to Court to challenge the Arizona vote and The Biden Campaign going to Court to challenge the Wisconsin and Michigan vote.


The below gives Trump 294 and I have given him Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and given Biden Arizona. This I think would result in The Trump Campaign going to Court to challenge the Arizona vote and The Biden Campaign going to Court to challenge the Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania vote.


The below gives Biden 309 and I have given him Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Florida and I have given Trump Wisconsin. This I think would result in The Trump Campaign going to Court to challenge the Arizona, Pennsylvania and Florida vote and The Biden Campaign going to Court to maintain at least the Pennsylvania and Florida vote.


I could go on with other Scenarios but I am stopping at the above examples.
Last edited:
I work.
I never answer a number that's not in my contact list.

Well, that settles it then. Trump is clearly up ten points in Arizona because everyone knows the microcosm you live in is representative of the whole nation.
I think you missed the essence of my post.
The overwhelming number of people who actually answer the poll are the morons at home who will answer any call.

And that makes the polling inaccurate how?
Polling is skewed towards a predicted population.
Polling has zero effect on how people vote.
Polling sells Clicks.
If polling is so skewed, how is it that right leaning poll data mostly shows the same thing. It gives one hell of an idea to what people are thinking at that time. Until you see one that favors you and rings true you stay unconvinced.
Here is how a poll goes:
Caller "Are you a Republican or democrat?"
You "a Republican"
Phone "click"
Never had that one.
When pollsters ask you something it is nothing but questions regarding certain topics. No emotions involved and they don't care what you think. It is for data. That's it.

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