Biden VP

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Trump is a prick

I don't think even his staunchest supporters deny that. He's an asshole. He's not someone with whom I would want to associate.

I only voted for him in 2016, because the only plausible alternative was much, much, much worse.

That said, he's proven over the past three years that he's fit for the job. To a degree that I don't think I have ever seen before in my life time (with a possible exception of Reagan), he's demonstrated a willingness to put the interests of this country above any selfish, personal gains, and he's demonstrated an ability to get things done that need to be done, in spite of incredible obstruction and sabotage from the treasonous opposing party.

I am going to be much happier voting for him again this year than I was about voting for him in 2016.

I still don't want to be his friend. He's still an asshole.
Most Americans just do not like Trump

The reasons are obvious. Republicans will want to sell the idea that the current economy would not exist without Trump

Biden will try to sell the idea that the Obama/Biden economy was better
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

You can't polish a turd, and Joe's a turd. :9: And your list is filled with loser lightweights. Plus VP's do not move the ticket.

Sleepy Joe will have to sink or swim on his own. Right now....I think sink.

Trump is a prick

I don't think even his staunchest supporters deny that. He's an asshole. He's not someone with whom I would want to associate.

I only voted for him in 2016, because the only plausible alternative was much, much, much worse.

That said, he's proven over the past three years that he's fit for the job. To a degree that I don't think I have ever seen before in my life time (with a possible exception of Reagan), he's demonstrated a willingness to put the interests of this country above any selfish, personal gains, and he's demonstrated an ability to get things done that need to be done, in spite of incredible obstruction and sabotage from the treasonous opposing party.

I am going to be much happier voting for him again this year than I was about voting for him in 2016.

I still don't want to be his friend. He's still an asshole.
Most Americans just do not like Trump

The reasons are obvious. Republicans will want to sell the idea that the current economy would not exist without Trump

Biden will try to sell the idea that the Obama/Biden economy was better

And by every possible measure they'd be wrong. I mean people can be stupid, but even Dims are not that stupid. :D
Trump is a prick

I don't think even his staunchest supporters deny that. He's an asshole. He's not someone with whom I would want to associate.

I only voted for him in 2016, because the only plausible alternative was much, much, much worse.

That said, he's proven over the past three years that he's fit for the job. To a degree that I don't think I have ever seen before in my life time (with a possible exception of Reagan), he's demonstrated a willingness to put the interests of this country above any selfish, personal gains, and he's demonstrated an ability to get things done that need to be done, in spite of incredible obstruction and sabotage from the treasonous opposing party.

I am going to be much happier voting for him again this year than I was about voting for him in 2016.

I still don't want to be his friend. He's still an asshole.
Most Americans just do not like Trump

The reasons are obvious. Republicans will want to sell the idea that the current economy would not exist without Trump

Biden will try to sell the idea that the Obama/Biden economy was better

And if the trend of the last two weeks continues that case makes itself.
if Biden wins, he's too senile to run the country...the deep state will run it behind the scenes
Biden will try to sell the idea that the Obama/Biden economy was better

Hopefully, the voters will remember all the manufacturing jobs that went away, all the “shovel ready” projects that Obama promised and never delivered, the “Cash for Clunkers” scam that gratuitously destroyed billions of dollars worth of valuable assets, making the economy poorer by that amount, and all the other spectacular examples of economic corruption and incompetence that came from the Obama administration.
And by every possible measure they'd be wrong. I mean people can be stupid, but even Dims are not that stupid.

Alas, I am not so sure about that. It is very often a terrible mistake to underestimate Democrat/LIbEral/left wrong-wing stupidity. When you think you've seen the nadir of it, and that they cannot possibly be any stupider than that, they usually find a way to show you that yes, they can.
Only with the democrats, it's called sour grapes. :auiqs.jpg:

Trump has never been above 50 percent approval
Those who dislike him personally is closer to 70 percent
Why would anyone have to like Trump? Are you voting for a man to do a job or voting for a guy to pal around with?

Likeability has always been a strong factor in who people vote for.

Trump is a prick
So? The prick won and the prick is gonna win again.

We shall see
We shall see
Trump is a prick

I don't think even his staunchest supporters deny that. He's an asshole. He's not someone with whom I would want to associate.

I only voted for him in 2016, because the only plausible alternative was much, much, much worse.

That said, he's proven over the past three years that he's fit for the job. To a degree that I don't think I have ever seen before in my life time (with a possible exception of Reagan), he's demonstrated a willingness to put the interests of this country above any selfish, personal gains, and he's demonstrated an ability to get things done that need to be done, in spite of incredible obstruction and sabotage from the treasonous opposing party.

I am going to be much happier voting for him again this year than I was about voting for him in 2016.

I still don't want to be his friend. He's still an asshole.
Most Americans just do not like Trump

The reasons are obvious. Republicans will want to sell the idea that the current economy would not exist without Trump

Biden will try to sell the idea that the Obama/Biden economy was better

And by every possible measure they'd be wrong. I mean people can be stupid, but even Dims are not that stupid. :D

Apparently you haven't been watching. :eek-52:

Last edited:
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

You can't polish a turd, and Joe's a turd. :9: And your list is filled with loser lightweights. Plus VP's do not move the ticket.

Sleepy Joe will have to sink or swim on his own. Right now....I think sink.

Biden is beating Trump in all head to head polls
I see conservatives on this tread attacking Biden on two counts.

Biden suffers from dementia
Biden molests young girls

If that is all you have, you had better be prepared to defend Trumps long, sordid history.

There's nothing to defend. He didn't "grow up" as a politician.

Trump has never been above 50 percent approval
Those who dislike him personally is closer to 70 percent
Why would anyone have to like Trump? Are you voting for a man to do a job or voting for a guy to pal around with?

Likeability has always been a strong factor in who people vote for.

Trump is a prick
So? The prick won and the prick is gonna win again.

We shall see
We shall see

Trump sold an image in 2016

Can America be fooled twice?
I see conservatives on this tread attacking Biden on two counts.

Biden suffers from dementia
Biden molests young girls

If that is all you have, you had better be prepared to defend Trumps long, sordid history.

There's nothing to defend. He didn't "grow up" as a politician.


Sterling example of why user-generated Googly Images are patently bullshitious --- when has Rump EVER acknowledged ANYTHING? He can't admit he was wrong about the Central Park Five, can't admit he went bankrupt multiple times, can't admit he said he couldn't see why it WOULD be Russia, fer fuxsake he can't even admit he said "Tim Apple".
Why would anyone have to like Trump? Are you voting for a man to do a job or voting for a guy to pal around with?

Likeability has always been a strong factor in who people vote for.

Trump is a prick
So? The prick won and the prick is gonna win again.

We shall see
We shall see

Trump sold an image in 2016

Can America be fooled twice?
Biden and Sanders have held political office for over 40 years. They haven't done crap. Trump has accomplished more in a little over 3 years than both of them.
Why would anyone have to like Trump? Are you voting for a man to do a job or voting for a guy to pal around with?

Likeability has always been a strong factor in who people vote for.

Trump is a prick
So? The prick won and the prick is gonna win again.

We shall see
We shall see

Trump sold an image in 2016

Can America be fooled twice?

He sold that image using his own self-admitted theory: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions -- you sell FEELINGS". Thus spake the Fraud University that got sued out of existence.

Of course this is the same klown who sold the USFL on the idea that it would be fun to sue the NFL, sold investors the idea of building casinos in Atlantic Shitty, and sold the public personalized vitamins where you send in your pee, so it ain't like he didn't leave plenty of warnings.
Sterling example of why user-generated Googly Images are patently bullshitious --- when has Rump EVER acknowledged ANYTHING? He can't admit he was wrong about the Central Park Five, can't admit he went bankrupt multiple times, can't admit he said he couldn't see why it WOULD be Russia, fer fuxsake he can't even admit he said "Tim Apple".

As you know, President Trump wasn't wrong about the Central Park Five. They were convicted rapists and murders at the time of his ad.

He never declared personal bankruptcy.

Why it would be Russia? Wut?

Tim Apple, WOW, that's earth-shaking!

I take it you missed it where Joe Biden endorsed President Trump for President.

“We Can Not Win This Election – We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump” – Joe Biden Speaks the Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)
by Jim Hoft March 8, 2020

During his St. Louis rally Joe tripped over his own tongue again.

Biden mish-mashed his name with Barack Obama’s name as he was bragging about being a lifelong Democrat.

Worse yet, later in the day Joe Biden went on to admit at his Kansas City stop that he cannot beat President Trump.

Joe Biden, “We can not win this election. We can only reelect Donald Trump.”

Good grief! What are Democrats doing?

"We Can Not Win This Election - We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump" - Bumbling Joe Biden Accidentally Speaks Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)
Hispanic issues

A fair, comprehensive immigration policy
No stops demanding papers
The wall is an insult
An appreciation of their culture and heritage.

conservatives don’t deliver
Those are illegal Hispanic issues. Democrats have their votes locked up regardless.

American Hispanic issues include employment, wage increases, etc...
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