Biden VP

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Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting

I find that interesting as well because Winger was shouting about Beto for POTUS a few months ago. And what a great POTUS he would be.

Oh and what a list of losers Winger has put up. LOL
I thought Beto had potential
He is not ready for prime time
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Not sure he needs a Veep to deliver the black vote. He does well will blacks already and he is a Democrat. I think it’s too early to make an accurate guess

I noted that early in the thread. Also noted that Joe Biden isn't the nominee and there won't be a nominee until the convention names one.

So that begs the question- do you really believe it will be anybody other than Biden? Of course you don’t, because you know how the DNC operates. They pick a nominee and then pretend the primaries matter. Bernie will have to get the nomination on the first ballot, which he won’t, and then he will get bum rushed by super delegates. That’s assuming Biden hasn’t clinched it already.
I don’t think that will happen
One on one, Biden will steamroll him starting tomorrow
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.
She didn't even win in American Samoa. Like I asked the other post, why do your bother?

She comes off a bit like a reasonable person who is not completely driven by ideology. Maybe thats why the Dems rejected her.... but thats on them.

Kind of like the way Republicans rejected the "reasonable" Governor Kasich in favor of bombastic Trump.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
You didn’t list Beto? Interesting

I find that interesting as well because Winger was shouting about Beto for POTUS a few months ago. And what a great POTUS he would be.

Oh and what a list of losers Winger has put up. LOL

Would it be interesting to revisit your 2016 predictions?
I think Biden's short list contains names like Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. I would say the chances are 70-30 that he will choose a woman running mate.
I think Biden's short list contains names like Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. I would say the chances are 70-30 that he will choose a woman running mate.

Most lists are primarily a woman as running mate.

That way Trump gets to mock the way they look
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states

Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Do I sense a bit of plagiarism, here? It's okay tho, I'm still flattered by the thoughts that I clearly motivated within you.
So? The prick won and the prick is gonna win again.

We shall see
We shall see

Trump sold an image in 2016

Can America be fooled twice?
Biden and Sanders have held political office for over 40 years. They haven't done crap. Trump has accomplished more in a little over 3 years than both of them.
Destroying America’s reputation around the world is not an accomplishment
It was pretty bad post invasion of Iraq as I recall.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states

Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Do I sense a bit of plagiarism, here? It's okay tho, I'm still flattered by the thoughts that I clearly motivated within you.

No idea what you are babbling about
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote
VP will be a Communist, Atheist, Globalist, Global Warming Fanatic, hates Jews and Christians, Socialist, and Probably make everyone get a Chip in their forehead after Senile Joe resigns 3 months after being sworn in.

That and they'll be a gun grabber and a baby killer.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.
She didn't even win in American Samoa. Like I asked the other post, why do your bother?

She comes off a bit like a reasonable person who is not completely driven by ideology. Maybe thats why the Dems rejected her.... but thats on them.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren
2. Amy Klobachar
3. Kamala Harris
4. Corey Booker
5. Stacey Abrams
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico.
My vote would be for Tulsi Gabbard, my favorite Dem candidate.
She didn't even win in American Samoa. Like I asked the other post, why do your bother?

She comes off a bit like a reasonable person who is not completely driven by ideology. Maybe thats why the Dems rejected her.... but thats on them.
She was finished off by Hillary, Trump, the Russians, Republican support for her and her own judgement in reaction to Hillary's denouncement, months ago.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states

Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Do I sense a bit of plagiarism, here? It's okay tho, I'm still flattered by the thoughts that I clearly motivated within you.

No idea what you are babbling about
He lost me when he started the "lying" thread about biden mistaking his sister for his wife. Biden's attempt at self-effacing humor wasn't good, but it's nothing new.
I think Biden's short list contains names like Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. I would say the chances are 70-30 that he will choose a woman running mate.

Most lists are primarily a woman as running mate.

That way Trump gets to mock the way they look
I too think he needs to pick a woman. Not only are the suburban women a group the dems have to have to win, but imo as a whole dem/indep women were disappointed to see who is left. I don't downplay misogyny in the demise of Harris, Klobachar and Warren. I initially liked Harris, but she never seemed to have a reason to be running, and I think that's also true of Booker, whom I also liked because he was the real deal in Newark.

Klobachar imo seems most like a misogyny victim, but 1) she ran cause Al Franken could not, 2) her act of coming off like nice baking mom doesn't work because she really isn't a nice person (neither are the men, esp Bernie.) But I border on misogyny myself in saying unless you're Bernie Sanders - who is running on the aged Hippie/socialist/communist apologist image that attracts people who are outside the represented and whom Trump didn't capture - running for President does entail some training in stagecraft, personal presentation and showing a professional demeanor to run a country. I never saw that in Klobachar. And to defend myself from sexism charges - Biden has been coached for decades - he's a gaff machine but you know where he stands and he shows up appropriately in a suit or blazer with a sports shirt. People bitched about Hillary, but she looked like an expensively dressed 65 year old woman, and there wasn't anything wrong with THAT. Mayor Pete - notice he doesn't look like his husband, who is adorable, but not exactly butch or looking ex-military. Cory Booker looks like a senator. And I just go the impression that Klobachar was trying to look like a Mommy. I don't want that. I want Maggie Thatcher, Jeanne Kilpatrick, Margaret Chase Smith or …… Hillary.

And that brings me to "my pick:" Warren. But I don't think Biden's gonna take her. She came off goofy, but the reality is she's a Harvard Law Prof … and that's what they are. Yes she should have gotten different glasses (Joe too), yes she needed to look like she didn't cut her own hair (as I do), and for fuck's sake she needed to stop waiving her hands like Bernie. But ya know, she is who she is. The goofy Pochantas. But she's smarter than anybody running and she doesn't take shit or fools well. I'm not sure how many Bernie supporters she can bring, but those Wisc, Pa and Mich suburbs (and Ariz, Fla and Ga) will be turning out.

And lastly, Joe doesn't need a black running mate. But he needs some youth vote. I like Kamela Harris, and in the end I suspect he'll pick her. She's not so old, and she's more than capable. The CA DoJ is larger than maybe any country's outside the USA. She has the incarceration baggage. But maybe she can work that with younger blacks … who supported Bernie. And Harris imo can bring out the suburban women almost as much as Warren. The only reason to dislike her presentation on the stage is if you don't like women candidates or blacks. As Biden's VP she has a reason to run … to take over in 24.
He lost me when he started the "lying" thread about biden mistaking his sister for his wife. Biden's attempt at self-effacing humor wasn't good, but it's nothing new.

You are a Dem, so that means, I lost you whenever any truth is being told.
alzheimers sufferers do not know where they are and are unable to say what their brain is

trying to say. Everyone sometimes misspeaks. You do it, I do it, everyone does it. The more you talk the more you misspeak.

Biden is either suffering from senility or onset alzheimers, his doctor wife should care enough about him to see that and have him step out of the race rather than keep embarrassing himself.

Now, shall we talk about Hillary's obvious mental issues? No? didn't think so.

Glass houses

Want to accuse Biden of Alzheimer’s, be prepared to defend Trumps bizarre ramblings



cool photoshop, got any of hillary falling into her plane ?
Hillary is not running

RAM those Ramparts!

she ran last time and you blindly supported her with all her obvious mental and physical issues. I am merely pointing out your hypocrisy on this topic.


Glass houses my friend. If you want to attack Biden stuttering, be prepared to defend Trumps bizarre ramblings

there is a difference between misspeaking and demented incoherence. If you don't know the difference then you have nothing to contribute here.
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