Biden VP

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And that brings me to "my pick:" Warren. But I don't think Biden's gonna take her. She came off goofy, but the reality is she's a Harvard Law Prof … and that's what they are. Yes she should have gotten different glasses (Joe too), yes she needed to look like she didn't cut her own hair (as I do), and for fuck's sake she needed to stop waiving her hands like Bernie. But ya know, she is who she is. The goofy Pochantas. But she's smarter than anybody running and she doesn't take shit or fools well. I'm not sure how many Bernie supporters she can bring, but those Wisc, Pa and Mich suburbs (and Ariz, Fla and Ga) will be turning out.

Was she, Elizabeth Warren, a Harvard Law Professor, or was a Native American a Harvard Professor.?
I am holding out for the dream, Michelle Obama... The woman oozes class…

Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote
O'Biden was a useless vp. Birds of a feather.
Only to a moron like you

now pence is a useless and stupid VP. Just for useless and stupid trumpkins
Of course he does

It is Trump who does not know that they did not have airports in the Revolutionary war while they were “ramming the ramparts”
A Confused Joe Biden Says 'We Can Only Re-Elect Donald Trump'

The current Democratic frontrunner fell and tripped repeatedly over his words as he stumbled through a campaign speech in Missouri on Saturday. The 77-year-old former vice president made a series of gaffes and incoherent statements as he appeared to lose his train of thought. At one point, he even mispronounced his own name.

"... We cannot get re-elect, we cannot win this re-election, excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump," Biden said to his bewildered supporters. The candidate himself seemed caught off guard by his inability to keep his train of thought.
Did he tell stories about George Washington capturing British airports?

Glass houses my friend
/----/ You miss the point. You libtards started this by attacking Trump for minor mistakes and fumbles. So we counter with Crazy Joe the nonstop gaffe machine - then you counter with "glass houses."

I see conservatives on this tread attacking Biden on two counts.

Biden suffers from dementia
Biden molests young girls

If that is all you have, you had better be prepared to defend Trumps long, sordid history.

your fantasies are just that, fantasies. Biden has serious mental issues, he has always been a joke in congress, he was a fool as Obozo's VP, and he and his family are corrupt to the bone.

We didn't elect Trump to be pope, we elected him to fix the mess in this country, and he is doing exactly that.
LOL...from Caitlin Johnstone.

BREAKING: Biden again facing plagiarism allegations as critics allege his recent speeches match letter jumble, in bowl of alphabet soup.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Not sure he needs a Veep to deliver the black vote. He does well will blacks already and he is a Democrat. I think it’s too early to make an accurate guess

I noted that early in the thread. Also noted that Joe Biden isn't the nominee and there won't be a nominee until the convention names one.

So that begs the question- do you really believe it will be anybody other than Biden? Of course you don’t, because you know how the DNC operates. They pick a nominee and then pretend the primaries matter. Bernie will have to get the nomination on the first ballot, which he won’t, and then he will get bum rushed by super delegates. That’s assuming Biden hasn’t clinched it already.

I wouldn't be surprised if your scenario turns out to be spot-on.

But the fact remains, NOBODY is the nominee in the present until the convention, so let's quit acting like somebody is.

For that matter the Republicans don't have a nominee yet either. There are several running for it, at least in states where they haven't cancelled the whole primary for fear some of them could get traction.
I think Biden's short list contains names like Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. I would say the chances are 70-30 that he will choose a woman running mate.
Do you think he will remember who he picks?
Why wouldn’t he?

Well, Biden has been endorsing President Donald Trump.

Neat. Is this the video twitter is warning as a manipulated fake, I've been reading about?
A Confused Joe Biden Says 'We Can Only Re-Elect Donald Trump'

The current Democratic frontrunner fell and tripped repeatedly over his words as he stumbled through a campaign speech in Missouri on Saturday. The 77-year-old former vice president made a series of gaffes and incoherent statements as he appeared to lose his train of thought. At one point, he even mispronounced his own name.

"... We cannot get re-elect, we cannot win this re-election, excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump," Biden said to his bewildered supporters. The candidate himself seemed caught off guard by his inability to keep his train of thought.
Did he tell stories about George Washington capturing British airports?

Glass houses my friend
/----/ You miss the point. You libtards started this by attacking Trump for minor mistakes and fumbles. So we counter with Crazy Joe the nonstop gaffe machine - then you counter with "glass houses."

I see conservatives on this tread attacking Biden on two counts.

Biden suffers from dementia
Biden molests young girls

If that is all you have, you had better be prepared to defend Trumps long, sordid history.

your fantasies are just that, fantasies. Biden has serious mental issues, he has always been a joke in congress, he was a fool as Obozo's VP, and he and his family are corrupt to the bone.

We didn't elect Trump to be pope, we elected him to fix the mess in this country, and he is doing exactly that.
LOL...from Caitlin Johnstone.

BREAKING: Biden again facing plagiarism allegations as critics allege his recent speeches match letter jumble, in bowl of alphabet soup.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote
Corey booker is obviously the token male name since biden will not be allowed to choose a male running mate...Since Biden is a white male from "back east" an hispanic female from out west would make the most sense since the black vote is locked up [ no.6]...Warren brings less to the table than anyone on that list and is only there because she looks like an old white man.
Sterling example of why user-generated Googly Images are patently bullshitious --- when has Rump EVER acknowledged ANYTHING? He can't admit he was wrong about the Central Park Five, can't admit he went bankrupt multiple times, can't admit he said he couldn't see why it WOULD be Russia, fer fuxsake he can't even admit he said "Tim Apple".

As you know, President Trump wasn't wrong about the Central Park Five. They were convicted rapists and murders at the time of his ad.

He never declared personal bankruptcy.

Why it would be Russia? Wut?

Tim Apple, WOW, that's earth-shaking!

I take it you missed it where Joe Biden endorsed President Trump for President.

“We Can Not Win This Election – We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump” – Joe Biden Speaks the Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)
by Jim Hoft March 8, 2020

During his St. Louis rally Joe tripped over his own tongue again.

Biden mish-mashed his name with Barack Obama’s name as he was bragging about being a lifelong Democrat.

Worse yet, later in the day Joe Biden went on to admit at his Kansas City stop that he cannot beat President Trump.

Joe Biden, “We can not win this election. We can only reelect Donald Trump.”

Good grief! What are Democrats doing?

"We Can Not Win This Election - We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump" - Bumbling Joe Biden Accidentally Speaks Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)

JIM THE FUCK HOFT? SERIOUSLY? With an edited video? FUCK outta here poser.

Jim the Fuck Hoft, unbelievable. :lmao:

The Central Park Five were exonerated by DNA evidence. He STILL can't admit it.

Rump Taj Mahal (1991)--- bankrupt. Rump "Castle" (1992) --- bankrupt. Rump Plaza Casino (1992) --- bankrupt, Rump Plaza Hotel (1992) --- bankrupt. Rump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (1992) --- bankrupt USFL: coerced to sue NFL, won sum total of three dollars, bankrupt 1986.

Failed business ventures (lowlights):
Rump Water, Rump Steaks, Rump Airlines, Rump Vodka, of course the personalized vitamins where you send in your pee, and the exquisitely named travel service "GoTrump" which is what this country would love to see happen. All gone. Oh and of course Fraud University, settled for 25 million big ones with the "Mexican" judge from Indiana.

"Russia -- wut?" The memory is the second thing to go.
Rump, while Putin is standing next to him: "I don't see why it would be Russia" (referring to election interference)
Rump, as soon as Putin was gone: "when I said would, that means wouldn't. FUCKING LIAR.

Tim Apple is the paltriest of gaffes. And yet he actually tried to tell us he didn't say WHAT'S CLEARLY RIGHT THERE ON TAPE. The lesson there is not that he got somebody's name mixed up. IT'S THAT HE'S SO FRICKING NARCISSISTICALLY DERANGED HE CAN'T FACE THE REALITY of a simpler-than-simple nonevent like that. Good GOD you Rumpbots are DENSE. :banghead:

It's the same shit that keeps him out of the White House Correspondents Dinner -- HE CAN'T HACK IT. Just as he can't hack going out to a WWI memorial because it's raining an his hair might get wet.

Jim the Fuck Hoft, poster get the FUCK outta here.

Did former Vice President Joe Biden make this statement or not? “We Can Not Win This Election – We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump”

NO, HE DID NOT, and it's dishonest to claim he did.

The actual statement was, quote:

""Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It's gotta be a positive campaign."​

--- while speaking on the idea of negative campaigning in the primary.

It's a FUCKING CONDITIONAL PHRASE. You can't remove the condition and claim the statement says something different in stark contrast to what it actually DID say.

If somebody posted:

"Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It's gotta be a positive campaign."​

And you hit the quote button and edited that down to:

"Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump <snip>"​

You'd be busted, and rightly so.

So it's interesting that Rumpbots put all their eggs in the basket of blatant DISHONESTY. You can put a quick-fade on the video and snip it there to eliminate the context that defines it but all you've done is told a lie with the video equivalent of Photoshop.
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote

Not sure he needs a Veep to deliver the black vote. He does well will blacks already and he is a Democrat. I think it’s too early to make an accurate guess

I noted that early in the thread. Also noted that Joe Biden isn't the nominee and there won't be a nominee until the convention names one.

So that begs the question- do you really believe it will be anybody other than Biden? Of course you don’t, because you know how the DNC operates. They pick a nominee and then pretend the primaries matter. Bernie will have to get the nomination on the first ballot, which he won’t, and then he will get bum rushed by super delegates. That’s assuming Biden hasn’t clinched it already.

I wouldn't be surprised if your scenario turns out to be spot-on.

But the fact remains, NOBODY is the nominee in the present until the convention, so let's quit acting like somebody is.

For that matter the Republicans don't have a nominee yet either. There are several running for it, at least in states where they haven't cancelled the whole primary for fear some of them could get traction.

The Republicans don't have any "fear" about the nomination process at all. President Trump has been winning primaries and caucuses by huge margins, usually 90 points or more.
I noted that early in the thread. Also noted that Joe Biden isn't the nominee and there won't be a nominee until the convention names one.
If given a choice, Dems will not run Bernie

What if there is no choice though.

As you know and know well, President Donald Trump is doing an absolutely fantastic job in spite of all the roadblocks laid down by the Democrats. Voters are sick and tired of the antics by the desperate Democrats.
Actually, he is doing a horrible job destroying our international alliances, starting unnecessary trade wars, running a trillion dollar deficit and selling off our environment
What if he ends the Afghanistan war with the Taliban, would you give him credit for that? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think for a second the Taliban will abide by any treaty, they exist to fight, but what if he did end it?

That would be great, but still irrelevant in the sense that he'd still be an asshole.

Now if he ended wars AND ended being an asshole, we'd all get behind that.
Sterling example of why user-generated Googly Images are patently bullshitious --- when has Rump EVER acknowledged ANYTHING? He can't admit he was wrong about the Central Park Five, can't admit he went bankrupt multiple times, can't admit he said he couldn't see why it WOULD be Russia, fer fuxsake he can't even admit he said "Tim Apple".

As you know, President Trump wasn't wrong about the Central Park Five. They were convicted rapists and murders at the time of his ad.

He never declared personal bankruptcy.

Why it would be Russia? Wut?

Tim Apple, WOW, that's earth-shaking!

I take it you missed it where Joe Biden endorsed President Trump for President.

“We Can Not Win This Election – We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump” – Joe Biden Speaks the Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)
by Jim Hoft March 8, 2020

During his St. Louis rally Joe tripped over his own tongue again.

Biden mish-mashed his name with Barack Obama’s name as he was bragging about being a lifelong Democrat.

Worse yet, later in the day Joe Biden went on to admit at his Kansas City stop that he cannot beat President Trump.

Joe Biden, “We can not win this election. We can only reelect Donald Trump.”

Good grief! What are Democrats doing?

"We Can Not Win This Election - We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump" - Bumbling Joe Biden Accidentally Speaks Truth at KC Rally (VIDEO)

JIM THE FUCK HOFT? SERIOUSLY? With an edited video? FUCK outta here poser.

Jim the Fuck Hoft, unbelievable. :lmao:

The Central Park Five were exonerated by DNA evidence. He STILL can't admit it.

Rump Taj Mahal (1991)--- bankrupt. Rump "Castle" (1992) --- bankrupt. Rump Plaza Casino (1992) --- bankrupt, Rump Plaza Hotel (1992) --- bankrupt. Rump Hotels and Casinos Resorts (1992) --- bankrupt USFL: coerced to sue NFL, won sum total of three dollars, bankrupt 1986.

Failed business ventures (lowlights):
Rump Water, Rump Steaks, Rump Airlines, Rump Vodka, of course the personalized vitamins where you send in your pee, and the exquisitely named travel service "GoTrump" which is what this country would love to see happen. All gone. Oh and of course Fraud University, settled for 25 million big ones with the "Mexican" judge from Indiana.

"Russia -- wut?" The memory is the second thing to go.
Rump, while Putin is standing next to him: "I don't see why it would be Russia" (referring to election interference)
Rump, as soon as Putin was gone: "when I said would, that means wouldn't. FUCKING LIAR.

Tim Apple is the paltriest of gaffes. And yet he actually tried to tell us he didn't say WHAT'S CLEARLY RIGHT THERE ON TAPE. The lesson there is not that he got somebody's name mixed up. IT'S THAT HE'S SO FRICKING NARCISSISTICALLY DERANGED HE CAN'T FACE THE REALITY of a simpler-than-simple nonevent like that. Good GOD you Rumpbots are DENSE. :banghead:

It's the same shit that keeps him out of the White House Correspondents Dinner -- HE CAN'T HACK IT. Just as he can't hack going out to a WWI memorial because it's raining an his hair might get wet.

Jim the Fuck Hoft, poster get the FUCK outta here.

Did former Vice President Joe Biden make this statement or not? “We Can Not Win This Election – We Can Only Reelect Donald Trump”

NO, HE DID NOT, and it's dishonest to claim he did.

The actual statement was, quote:

""Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It's gotta be a positive campaign."​

--- while speaking on the idea of negative campaigning in the primary.

It's a FUCKING CONDITIONAL PHRASE. You can't remove the condition and claim the statement says something different in stark contrast to what it actually DID say.

If somebody posted:

"Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump if in fact we get engaged in this circular firing squad here. It's gotta be a positive campaign."​

And you hit the quote button and edited that down to:

"Excuse me. We can only re-elect Donald Trump <snip>"​

You'd be busted, and rightly so.

So it's interesting that Rumpbots put all their eggs in the basket of blatant DISHONESTY. You can put a quick-fade on the video and snip it there to eliminate the context that defines it but all you've done is told a lie with the video equivalent of Photoshop.

What makes you think that drunk Bill Weld would be able to vanquish the Democrats in November?

No one else thinks that, that's why we haven't seen ads on TV bragging about his credentials.
If given a choice, Dems will not run Bernie

What if there is no choice though.

As you know and know well, President Donald Trump is doing an absolutely fantastic job in spite of all the roadblocks laid down by the Democrats. Voters are sick and tired of the antics by the desperate Democrats.
Actually, he is doing a horrible job destroying our international alliances, starting unnecessary trade wars, running a trillion dollar deficit and selling off our environment
What if he ends the Afghanistan war with the Taliban, would you give him credit for that? Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think for a second the Taliban will abide by any treaty, they exist to fight, but what if he did end it?

We could end it in a month, but nobody in the U.S. has the will to do what needs to be done, and you're right, they will never ever abide by any treaty. They're Muslims, and Muslims are liars, thieves, murderers, and psychos who never keep their word, even to each other.

Here's a retard who thinks a religion somehow bestows personality traits. :cuckoo:

Gotta wonder what sewer some of these bags of mostly water spill from.
Like Klobuchar... I am holding out for the dream, Michelle Obama... The woman oozes class and would be a Biden/Obama ticket...

What qualifies Michelle Obama for President? Keep in mind that prior to his candidacy, then Sen. Barack Hussein Obama said he was not qualified. Nonetheless, he went ahead, ran, and proved that, in fact, he was not qualified.

I think Amy Klobuchar or Elizabeth Warren would be the two best options in my opinion. Probably Klobuchar more than Warren since Minnesota is a more vital state to win for electoral votes.
I think Biden's short list contains names like Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. I would say the chances are 70-30 that he will choose a woman running mate.
Do you think he will remember who he picks?
Why wouldn’t he?

Well, Biden has been endorsing President Donald Trump.

Neat. Is this the video twitter is warning as a manipulated fake, I've been reading about?

Yep that's it. Shamelessly broadcast by the same pathological liar who purports to call OTHER people "fake news".
Like Klobuchar... I am holding out for the dream, Michelle Obama... The woman oozes class and would be a Biden/Obama ticket...

What qualifies Michelle Obama for President? Keep in mind that prior to his candidacy, then Sen. Barack Hussein Obama said he was not qualified. Nonetheless, he went ahead, ran, and proved that, in fact, he was not qualified.

What "qualifies" an orange-painted con artist who's not only never held office, but who literally has never held a job in his life nor taken any kind of responsibility for anything?
Biden needs two things in a Vice President
Someone who can deliver swing states
Given Biden would only serve one term and is quite old, someone who can step in as President.

The Biden veepstakes

1. Liz Warren: Name recognition, solidifies liberal wing
2. Amy Klobuchar: Can deliver key Midwest votes
3. Kamala Harris: Impressive speaker, black vote
4. Corey Booker: Articulate and passionate, black vote
5. Stacey Abrams: Georgia, black vote
6. Gov Lujan Grisham of New Mexico: little known, Hispanic vote
O'Biden was a useless vp. Birds of a feather.
Only to a moron like you

now pence is a useless and stupid VP. Just for useless and stupid trumpkins
Pence just has too much class for you worthless leftist traitors to deal with.
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