If these anti-vax really are tough they should decline hospital treatment for COVID-19. Stay home and beat it “like real men.”
MORE FEAR PORN. 2 years and you cowards still and whiney little bitches. Tell the FDA to allow the cheap drugs over here and the TRADITIONL VACCINES...........

You idiots want to be LAB RATS...........BE THE RAT.

If these anti-vax really are tough they should decline hospital treatment for COVID-19. Stay home and beat it “like real men.”
They should be put at the end of the line.

Fuck em, enough is enough. Some health care systems will be rationing care soon, only a matter of time. Those "death camps" that Palin ranted about may be coming thanks to these anti vaxx numbskulls.
Baloney the virus is mutating around you ignorant Sheep. You can still get it and transmit it. Changed the definition to make it suit the narrative and changed the story line as you go.

Omicron is a weak variant. And yet yall are all going batshit crazy like normal when this is a gift. So put your depends on and end this crap show. Stop being the superspreaders. And tell the VP to stop that too.
Released by vaccinated
They should be put at the end of the line.

Fuck em, enough is enough. Some health care systems will be rationing care soon, only a matter of time. Those "death camps" that Palin ranted about may be coming thanks to these anti vaxx numbskulls.
Oh man...........Let's play a song to what you think you are now.

Traditional vaccines have no affect on new viruses, CLOWN.
BS You MOONBAT. And they only work for the current variant. That is why you get a FLU SHOT every year MOONBAT. mRNA viruses mutate too fast at this point that is why the Flu NEVER goes away.

Tell me that is the same as POLIO. That vaccine was TRADITIONAL and actually worked.

2 jab people are getting the new variant all over the place because the virus goes around it. The jab might be the reason for it mutating so much. Oh well go bow and pray to your god GOV'T. And their vaccine companies making a fortune off this experimental tech.
They should be put at the end of the line.

Fuck em, enough is enough. Some health care systems will be rationing care soon, only a matter of time. Those "death camps" that Palin ranted about may be coming thanks to these anti vaxx numbskulls.
Typical demofk behavior! Blacks, Japanese Americans and now people who disagree with you! Stand up and pat your back, you fking bigot
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The more Karen's who are unvaxxed increases the odds that more varients will evolve that may be resistant to the vaccines which puts EVERONE at risk, you stupid moron.

Why is that so difficult for you idiots to understand?

The health care system in parts of this Country are on the verge of collapse which again, puts EVERYONE at risk because of you anti vaxx asshats who insist on listening to assholes on Fox & elsewhere who have an axe to grind.
Won't you be just thrilled when we're all dead?
The more Karen's who are unvaxxed increases the odds that more varients will evolve that may be resistant to the vaccines which puts EVERONE at risk, you stupid moron.

Why is that so difficult for you idiots to understand?

The health care system in parts of this Country are on the verge of collapse which again, puts EVERYONE at risk because of you anti vaxx asshats who insist on listening to assholes on Fox & elsewhere who have an axe to grind.

So you are afraid that the vaccine doesn't work? Maybe work sometimes, not other times?

You obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about this, do you?

Not much different from President Potatohead or the other jerkoffs in the government that claim they know something, right?

We need to put Karens like you in concentration camps so that you will be safe from Americans that practice Liberty, don't you agree? That is the only way you will be safe, right?
BS You MOONBAT. And they only work for the current variant. That is why you get a FLU SHOT every year MOONBAT. mRNA viruses mutate too fast at this point that is why the Flu NEVER goes away.

Tell me that is the same as POLIO. That vaccine was TRADITIONAL and actually worked.

2 jab people are getting the new variant all over the place because the virus goes around it. The jab might be the reason for it mutating so much. Oh well go bow and pray to your god GOV'T. And their vaccine companies making a fortune off this experimental tech.
90% or more of those hospitalized & dying from this virus are unvaxxed, DOCTOR CLOWN. Explain that DOCTOR CLOWN.

Go rub yourself with Vicks, DOCTOR CLOWN.
I'm not a slave, and if I were I'd be too expensive for you to buy me.

STATEMENT: "You just aren't bright enough"
RESPONSE: This is not a complete sentence; bozo; ever heard of a direct object?

Everyone of us will die, some day. The fact is you put in large broad letters a lie; the comment such as President Biden made was taken totally out of context.

My Statement: You just aren't bright enough to think critically.

Now you're projecting. I own you. That's just how it is.
LOL, creative license jerk wad. He said we unvaxed are going to die. Semantics is for the intellectually weak, yes that's you.
So you are afraid that the vaccine doesn't work? Maybe work sometimes, not other times?

You obviously don't know your ass from a hole in the ground about this, do you?

Not much different from President Potatohead or the other jerkoffs in the government that claim they know something, right?

We need to put Karens like you in concentration camps so that you will be safe from Americans that practice Liberty, don't you agree? That is the only way you will be safe, right?
Bingo! THAT is my Christmas wish!

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