many of us are willing to go to great lengths to banish the virus from our land. Having no medical license much less a degree as a Epidemiologist, Common sense has lead me to STOP trusting those with NONE of the above. Medicine is far from perfect. still it beats my neighbors opinion on Face book.
many of us are willing to go to great lengths to banish the virus from our land. Having no medical license much less a degree as a Epidemiologist, Common sense has lead me to STOP trusting those with NONE of the above. Medicine is far from perfect. still it beats my neighbors opinion on Face book.
Where is it?
many of us are willing to go to great lengths to banish the virus from our land. Having no medical license much less a degree as a Epidemiologist, Common sense has lead me to STOP trusting those with NONE of the above. Medicine is far from perfect. still it beats my neighbors opinion on Face book.
They won't tell you what's in the shot and you cannot sue them if you are injured by it. If you're stupid enough to accept that, I guess you get what you deserve.
many of us are willing to go to great lengths to banish the virus from our land. Having no medical license much less a degree as a Epidemiologist, Common sense has lead me to STOP trusting those with NONE of the above. Medicine is far from perfect. still it beats my neighbors opinion on Face book.
So. We read MANY STUDIES. Make informed decisions based on every source we can find.......and it's JUST OUR OPINION.

NOPE. It's reading expert opinions and medical studies FROM EXPERTS and determining OUR BEST COURSE OF ACTION.

People go to school. They read...........They learn. I have read more than I ever wanted to know about this BS. I'll decide what is best for me...........You do the same and we are fine.........You start ordering me to do as you say...........then we have a problem
90% or more of those hospitalized & dying from this virus are unvaxxed, DOCTOR CLOWN. Explain that DOCTOR CLOWN.

Go rub yourself with Vicks, DOCTOR CLOWN.

No is not 90%. You are lying. Vaccinated people are getting the China Bio Weapon virus like the non vaccinated.

However, that is their problem, not yours Moon Bat. Just mind your own fucking business. You have the vaccine , don't you? You have nothing to worry about, right? Go be an asshole someplace else.

If you do lay away at night scared shitless of the non vaccinated people then we need to put you little pussies in concentration camps so you will be safe. Don't you agree? You will have your safe place.

Will that shut up you little Karen pussies?


This is a repeat...he said this last year...Joe Biden can't do anything right...nearly every decision and move he makes is the wrong one....we still have uncontrolled covid cases...he is failing at everything....and we are paying for many covid infected illegals have come across the border?....count them up dems and never Trumpers....


This is a repeat...he said this last year...Joe Biden can't do anything right...nearly every decision and move he makes is the wrong one....we still have uncontrolled covid cases...he is failing at everything....and we are paying for many covid infected illegals have come across the border?....count them up dems and never Trumpers....
Biden is a mega-disaster for America.
When you open your nations border during a global pandemic what does he think will happen...every new death is on Joe...the border should have stayed closed...this is all on Joe and Kamala...and every richard cranium that voted for him....
Before he was elected he said he would end COVID.
And we're supposed to believe that 81 million voters believed him.

Now he's saying every unvaccinated child is going to get sick and die this Winter.
The continuing of the pandemic is due to the anti-vaxxers, not Joe Biden.

Sadly, Omicron has not yet proven as deadly to the anti-vaxxers as Delta. But, since evolution guarantees COVID-19 mutations will not end with the Omicron variant, the choice by the trump Nazis to remain unvaccinated is also their choice to continue to exterminate themselves.

That self-extermination process is the only true act of patriotism the trump Nazis have ever performed.

No is not 90%. You are lying. Vaccinated people are getting the China Bio Weapon virus like the non vaccinated.

However, that is their problem, not yours Moon Bat. Just mind your own fucking business. You have the vaccine , don't you? You have nothing to worry about, right? Go be an asshole someplace else.

If you do lay away at night scared shitless of the non vaccinated people then we need to put you little pussies in concentration camps so you will be safe. Don't you agree? You will have your safe place.

Will that shut up you little Karen pussies?
Looks like the only pussy here is you, fuckface. Triggered only because the POTUS warned people about a fucking virus which has killed more then 800,000 people. Are you always this anal retentive?

Now go see if you can unbunch your panties.

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