Democrats are foolish to believe that only Trump supporters are anti vax. Some are but a large % are vaxxed. It's the Trump Vaccine. Anti vaxxers are of all stripes.

Common enemies make strange bedfellows.
Looks like the only pussy here is you, fuckface. Triggered only because the POTUS warned people about a fucking virus which has killed more then 800,000 people. Are you always this anal retentive?

Now go see if you can unbunch your panties.
I got the vaccine so you are barking up the wrong tree there Sport.

I ain't scared of shit. I am not scared of people that aren't vaccinated but pathetic little pussies like you are.

The only place you can feel safe is if we put you all in concentration camps. We will call it Camp Karen.

We will have a sign over the entrance "Vax Will Make You Free".

No non vaccinated people to threatened you. It will be your safe place. You little Moon Bats love your safe places.
Yes! He got my message to send them to all the unwashed and unvaccinated people this year!!!!!

Enjoy the COVID dipshits!!!
Just need a cattle prod to bring out the true communist in this country. They show their true colors. Aren't they soooo cute.

How many shots does it take to become fully vaccinated these days, four or five? Meanwhile energy costs are forcing middle America to endure a long cold (deadly?) winter without enough fossil fuel based heat but the president laughs and walks away when questioned about it..
How many shots does it take to become fully vaccinated these days, four or five? Meanwhile energy costs are forcing middle America to endure a long cold (deadly?) winter without enough fossil fuel based heat but the president laughs and walks away when questioned about it..

Do you have an issue getting past 2? There are classes at your local community college to help the elderly learn to count.
Yes! He got my message to send them to all the unwashed and unvaccinated people this year!!!!!

Enjoy the COVID dipshits!!!
So. We read MANY STUDIES. Make informed decisions based on every source we can find.......and it's JUST OUR OPINION.

NOPE. It's reading expert opinions and medical studies FROM EXPERTS and determining OUR BEST COURSE OF ACTION.

People go to school. They read...........They learn. I have read more than I ever wanted to know about this BS. I'll decide what is best for me...........You do the same and we are fine.........You start ordering me to do as you say...........then we have a problem
You don’t. You really don’t.

You think you do. You don’t.

You decide what you want to believe based on some stupid culture war and then you find evidence to fit that belief and invent excuses to ignore what doesn’t.
Does the FDA even require "long term" testing? If it passes the FDA, what's your issue? Are you now suddenly wanting to change the FDA approval methodology on drugs? Does that also go for drugs you're probably taking right now that went through the same process as the covid vaccines? Why do you trust taking those drugs?
You know what my main "issue" is, John? I'm concerned that the vaccine manufacturers demanded that they not be liable for any problems that arise from the vaccines! Call me crazy but when someone is making a product and they're asking in advance for total protection from lawsuits then I'm going to think long and hard before putting that product in my body!
You don’t. You really don’t.

You think you do. You don’t.

You decide what you want to believe based on some stupid culture war and then you find evidence to fit that belief and invent excuses to ignore what doesn’t.
It seems you play god! Worst thing a medical professional should ever do.

science is never settled.

yesterday, j&j vaccine is facing issues. Hmmmmm blood clots. Excuse me while I fart in your direction

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