Which is why it’s not surprising that a high percentage of COVID deaths are in people with low vitamin D levels.

Sorry, vitamins just aren’t enough to fight deadly infectious disease. It would be great if it were, but that’s just now how it goes.
Yet another red flag is the establishment’s failure to promote vitamins and supplements that have a long history of strengthening the immune system. More proof we’re being systematically lied to for profit.
Has anyone told Joe that the latest variant of Covid is highly contagious but not very strong? Or was Joe asleep through that part of his daily briefing?
Well.....the whole world is going into lockdown because of a case of the sniffles...right at the start of Bowl Season.
I am a Spiritual Jew. All Christians are.

By the way, my father fought the Nazis and helped to liberate the Jews from the destruction.
My Grandfather fought in Dad spent 2 whole years chasing Geisha Girls in Japan.
What is that based on? Personal experience or just a weird wishful thinking?
Looking at the reports of who is dying. Remember the anti vax radio host that died of covid? He weighed over 400 pounds and had already been warned by his doctor.

It didn't help to find out that locally, a traffic accident victim and a drug over dose victim were both declared covid deaths. A big red flag was an article on celebrity deaths attributed to covid. Every one was very old and had a significant underlying disease. I personally don't know anyone who got covid as anything more than a sniffle.

Covid is as big a case of horn swaggling as I have ever seen. It is now being called a mass psychosis. Understanding the Psychology Behind Covid Hysteria and Mass Formation Psychosis
The virus has done what viruses always do. It has mutated into a harmless version of itself, omicron, the only effect is to confer immunity to other varients. Fool Fauci is talking about a three dose cocktail vaccination to protect against this beneficial version.

If millions of people contracted this latest variant that is highly contagious but rather weak then we'd have herd immunity with natural anti bodies and wouldn't have to force healthy people to take untested "vaccines"! THAT is fact!
The only reason that this latest variant is already in 25 states is because Biden shipped infected illegals to those states.
Naaaah, I think they've tried fine to find out where it started. We think it came either from that lab or the wet market a mile or so away. Since essentially all plagues/pandemics come from China (yes) does it really matter? Only if it were biowarfare. Otherwise, hey, could be worse: one of China's last plagues was the Black Death, after all.

Let's see --- cholera came from India; syphillis from North America; Ebola from Africa. Much else came from China. They're good with producing viruses, particularly: lots of influenzas, the 1918 Flu, probably (coolies brought in to haul things on the Western Front and some kind of bad plague in China at the time), SARS lately; smallpox. The diseases that have always come from China are so awful that we're well off Covid is so mild, compared to too many we know of.

I don't think it matters at all where it came from; it just matters how much it disrupts and destroys now.
Uh.....sorry.....where and how it came to be is the primary important fact.
Considering the fact that socialists are using it to oppress the world's makes any rational person wonder who is responsible.
Yet another red flag is the establishment’s failure to promote vitamins and supplements that have a long history of strengthening the immune system. More proof we’re being systematically lied to for profit.
Promoting vitamins and supplements to “strengthen” the immune system is the red flag.

It’s the realm of pseudo-doctors and “naturopaths” who are plenty willing to sell you their “special” formulations for quite the profit.
Promoting vitamins and supplements to “strengthen” the immune system is the red flag.

It’s the realm of pseudo-doctors and “naturopaths” who are plenty willing to sell you their “special” formulations for quite the profit.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle is free. Walking 1.5 miles per day is actually a great way for people to stay healthy and lose weight. Do you ever recommend to your patients to walk 1.5 miles per day?
Northern Indiana is now entering crisis mode. The hospitals are filling up. The bodies are piling up. And it's getting worse, not better.
Looking at the reports of who is dying. Remember the anti vax radio host that died of covid? He weighed over 400 pounds and had already been warned by his doctor.

It didn't help to find out that locally, a traffic accident victim and a drug over dose victim were both declared covid deaths. A big red flag was an article on celebrity deaths attributed to covid. Every one was very old and had a significant underlying disease. I personally don't know anyone who got covid as anything more than a sniffle.

Covid is as big a case of horn swaggling as I have ever seen. It is now being called a mass psychosis. Understanding the Psychology Behind Covid Hysteria and Mass Formation Psychosis
The virus has done what viruses always do. It has mutated into a harmless version of itself, omicron, the only effect is to confer immunity to other varients. Fool Fauci is talking about a three dose cocktail vaccination to protect against this beneficial version.

Last week I had a patient, early 40s. He was overweight but like 240 lbs or so. Definitely could have been healthier, but didn’t have anything that was going to kill him in the next 20 years at minimum.

He got COVID. Dealt with it at home until he has a cardiac arrest likely due to hypoxia. It took almost an hour to revive him at which point he was so neurologically compromised he would have no meaningful recovery even if he survived the COVID.

As for the anti-vax radio host, unfortunately you need to be more specific. The one that comes to my mind is Phil Valentine. He doesn’t look like he’s 400 lbs to me. He was 61 years old. Not exactly very old or on his death bed.

Walking 1.5 miles per day is actually a great way for people to stay healthy and lose weight.
Probably not. We are learning a lot a lot the problems with attempts at losing weight. Increasing exercise appears to lower basal metabolic rate. In the end, total daily caloric expenditure is about the same.

I’m not saying it’s not good to do. It is.

It’s just not a panacea. People think this is easy. It’s not.
Promoting vitamins and supplements to “strengthen” the immune system is the red flag.

It’s the realm of pseudo-doctors and “naturopaths” who are plenty willing to sell you their “special” formulations for quite the profit.

There is no such thing as "alternative medicine".

There is only "medicine" and "not medicine".
Uh.....sorry.....where and how it came to be is the primary important fact.
Considering the fact that socialists are using it to oppress the world's makes any rational person wonder who is responsible.
I don't see why that's the primary fact ---------------------- unless it WAS biowarfare. Delta and Omicron coming at us at the same time, plus what seems to be a BAD influenza; all this is beginning to shake my confidence that it's natural in origin simply because most plagues always come from China forever, and they were never biowarfare before. Well. Of course the Black Death was on purpose in its second stage, the Huns catapulting the plague corpses over the walls of Kaffa, the Genoese trading city ---- that was not subtle, however.

Hmmm. I seem to be arguing against myself here.

I am not impressed by the idea that because socialists are using it to oppress and train the world's population in obedience, obedience that this means the pandemic was CAUSED by socialists. They would use any crisis they can, they always do: World War I, for instance. The French government running totally, conclusively out of all money in 1788. The Germans unexpectedly conquering France in 1871, resulting in the infamous Paris Commune for six months before France itself managed to bombard it out of existence; we should have done that with CHAZ in Seattle. No, socialists and communists don't need to manufacture a crisis: they just have to wait for one. There are plenty of crises, some quite bad, and that's their chance.
As did my grandfather! Thank you!
True, I am not your "Brethren". I'm just an ole Cracker Boy.

However I suspect we have a lot more shared values between us than we have with these confused nitwit morally bankrupted Moon Bats.

I grew up in a small southern town. There were about a half dozen Jewish families living in the town. Actually very typical for the South. They ran some of the shops in the small downtown area. One of them was a lawyer and his wife was the Principal at the Jr High School. The Jewish Principal put just as much effort into the annual Christmas school pageant as any Christian school leader would have done.

The area had a very active KKK as was also typical back in the 50s and 60s.

I never remember anybody saying anything derogatory about the Jews. In fact they were integrated into the community. My father was buddies with one of guys and they went fishing together quite often.

I think Hollywood has distorted the real relationship Southerners had with the Jews that lived in the South. It was a lot more cordial than is thought.

In college I dated a Jewish girl for a couple of months. She was a bitch but it wasn't because of her religion. It was because she was, you know, a bitch. I pity the guy that married her.

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