Well said! The coverage IS causing panic. I'm impressed how much there is. Colleges shutting down suddenly, telling students to go straight to the trains --- school systems now shutting down; we have individual schools shut in this county.

IMO Kids should just say, bag it. And go get jobs. This is no time to go to college: college is untenable. Earn money, get experience, go to college later if it seems important. What are they even going to learn except woke crap? I would no longer suggest a child go to college, not these days.

As for dying in the streets, people are afraid to tell anyone they are sick because of the pressure to go get tested ----- to stand out in the long, long lines in the cold icy wind in our county sites, where they are possibly literally going to die in the streets! And why? There is no REASON to be tested: no one can cure it or even really diagnose it against influenza, which they can't cure either. This. Is. So. Nuts.

Yes, it's all a scapegoating exercise. Always blame the people, the politicians know, find scapegoats, so they can't blame us the politicians.
There have never been so many Homo sapiens on the University of Wisconsin campus this semester. Hopefully, Chinese communist arrogance and lack of transparancey about their invading virus has prompted some of this traffic.
Well said! The coverage IS causing panic. I'm impressed how much there is. Colleges shutting down suddenly, telling students to go straight to the trains --- school systems now shutting down; we have individual schools shut in this county.

IMO Kids should just say, bag it. And go get jobs. This is no time to go to college: college is untenable. Earn money, get experience, go to college later if it seems important. What are they even going to learn except woke crap? I would no longer suggest a child go to college, not these days.

As for dying in the streets, people are afraid to tell anyone they are sick because of the pressure to go get tested ----- to stand out in the long, long lines in the cold icy wind in our county sites, where they are possibly literally going to die in the streets! And why? There is no REASON to be tested: no one can cure it or even really diagnose it against influenza, which they can't cure either. This. Is. So. Nuts.

Yes, it's all a scapegoating exercise. Always blame the people, the politicians know, find scapegoats, so they can't blame us the politicians.

Schools I understand. Teachers got used to being off and getting paid. They don't want to go back to work. Young people are easily impressionable. They will believe anything. Look at the way children were convinced they had been molested during the preschool hysteria. Does every generation get a hysteria?

Schools I understand. Teachers got used to being off and getting paid. They don't want to go back to work. Young people are easily impressionable. They will believe anything. Look at the way children were convinced they had been molested during the preschool hysteria. Does every generation get a hysteria?
I read that whole article: hated it. Damn leftists self-described elitists! Want to scare everyone "for our own good." Absolutely no concept of freedom.

It seems to me they could have short-circuited the whole stupid political mess around Covid by being RESPECTFUL. Having respect that others can and do and should decide for themselves and their children without busybody interference. The amazing, incredible disrespect being shown in this emergency is to me the worst problem of all. Naturally it makes many people want to resist.
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I read that whole article: hated it. Damn leftists self-described elitists! Want to scare everyone "for our own good." Absolutely no concept of freedom.

It seems to me they could have short-circuited the whole stupid political mess around Covid by being RESPECTFUL. Having respect that other can and do and should decide for themselves and their children without busybody interference. The amazing, incredible disrespect being shown in this emergency is to me the worst problem of all.
You getting disrespected is worse than all the dead and people suffering? You're a piece of shit.
Bull shit. You aren’t informed.

Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of vitamins and supplements going back one hundred years. Do I need to educate you?

Stop being a dupe of the establishment.

Western medicine doesn't teach nutrition nor does it search for the root of the problem. Its all about procedures, tests, more scrips, and surgeries.
I read that whole article: hated it. Damn leftists self-described elitists! Want to scare everyone "for our own good." Absolutely no concept of freedom.

It seems to me they could have short-circuited the whole stupid political mess around Covid by being RESPECTFUL. Having respect that other can and do and should decide for themselves and their children without busybody interference. The amazing, incredible disrespect being shown in this emergency is to me the worst problem of all.
The purveyors of hysteria are simply trying to seize power. They want a totally compliant people so used to doing what they are told, that they follow along without question.
The purveyors of hysteria are simply trying to seize power. They want a totally compliant people so used to doing what they are told, that they follow along without question.
Sure. That's what I think, too. They're winning, too. I hate to say that, but look today at all the news articles about mask and vaccine mandates reappearing all over America and Europe, schools and colleges closing, constant propaganda going on.
Sure. That's what I think, too. They're winning, too. I hate to say that, but look today at all the news articles about mask and vaccine mandates reappearing all over America and Europe, schools and colleges closing, constant propaganda going on.
Good will always triumph over evil.
Western medicine doesn't teach nutrition nor does it search for the root of the problem. Its all about procedures, tests, more scrips, and surgeries.
And every single interaction with docs is a way for them to harass us about yet MORE procedures and prescriptions and diagnostic surgeries and tests they "need" to do --- for "our own sake." Even though we come in perfectly well.
Omicron is 70 times more contagious then Delta, which is 40 times more contagious as the original strain.

Omicron is also very vax resistant….and not deadly at all.



Omicron is good, not bad.

You sheeple just love being told what to do.
No, you don’t need to educate me. Look, if they were as effective as claimed, there wouldn’t be anyone stopping physicians from doing it.

You’re not really evaluating the full body of literature if all you do is latch onto a few studies which purport to show a difference.

Here’s an illustrative example. A few years ago, some docs published a paper saying thiamine and vitamin c would save many lives dying of sepsis. It was. a retrospective before/after trial. Not the strongest of methodologies, but worth looking into. So it was investigated at other institutions in rigorous double blind placebo controlled trials with large enrollment. Guess what? It failed every time. (link)

Guess who was original doc pushing it? Paul Marik, a generally well respected doc. His initial paper was published in Chest which is a really solid journal. (link)

Marik has since become one of these docs in a fringe group pushing vitamins and other therapies without good evidence.

Part of medical education is learning to spot the bullshit.
No. The establishment likes to claim vitamins do nothing and cite studies proving it. However the studies are invalid because they purposely use insignificant doses.

Dr Cathcart and others healed thousands of ill patients with many different ailments using high dose vitamin C, often intravenously, along with other supplements. Up to 100mg of C a day, in divided doses.

If you don’t know the system is about money, you don’t know much.
Omicron is 70 times more contagious then Delta, which is 40 times more contagious as the original strain.

Omicron is also very vax resistant….and not deadly at all.



Omicron is good, not bad.

You sheeple just love being told what to do.

Omicron is the best thing that could have happened.

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