Well.....the whole world is going into lockdown because of a case of the sniffles...right at the start of Bowl Season.
Big panic going on. I got their logic today, though. The big hospitalization/death thing is all Delta right now. That won't last past three days from now, probably. Then it's all Omicron, because of the amazing infectivity. Now, HOPEFULLY, it's milder. We don't know! We don't know! Doesn't matter from the point of view of hospital administrators who are already so overwhelmed by Delta that many have called for help from the National Guard in their states.

Our local guy who runs the two county hospitals put out a dramatic public message to stay away, away, don't come to either hospital, No Room at the Inn, we have beds in hallways ALREADY, don't come here, don't come here.


The problem is, suppose a very low hospitalization rate with Omicron. Fine ---- if only a few catch it.

But a very few percentage of 10,000,000 people is a LOT more than a very few percentage of 100,000 people. You see? They are worried about hospital parking lots full of sick, begging people, like those Ebola epidemics always have in Africa. And it IS a panic, so they've got a lot of walking well wanting to be admitted for real colds but they could self-treat, if they weren't so scared.

It's not about the disease. It's about the hospitals. They ARE afraid of being overwhelmed.
Promoting vitamins and supplements to “strengthen” the immune system is the red flag.

It’s the realm of pseudo-doctors and “naturopaths” who are plenty willing to sell you their “special” formulations for quite the profit.
Bull shit. You aren’t informed.

Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of vitamins and supplements going back one hundred years. Do I need to educate you?

Stop being a dupe of the establishment.
Last week I had a patient, early 40s. He was overweight but like 240 lbs or so. Definitely could have been healthier, but didn’t have anything that was going to kill him in the next 20 years at minimum.

He got COVID. Dealt with it at home until he has a cardiac arrest likely due to hypoxia. It took almost an hour to revive him at which point he was so neurologically compromised he would have no meaningful recovery even if he survived the COVID.

As for the anti-vax radio host, unfortunately you need to be more specific. The one that comes to my mind is Phil Valentine. He doesn’t look like he’s 400 lbs to me. He was 61 years old. Not exactly very old or on his death bed.

View attachment 577105
Media to the covid rescue.
Big panic going on. I got their logic today, though. The big hospitalization/death thing is all Delta right now. That won't last past three days from now, probably. Then it's all Omicron, because of the amazing infectivity. Now, HOPEFULLY, it's milder. We don't know! We don't know! Doesn't matter from the point of view of hospital administrators who are already so overwhelmed by Delta that many have called for help from the National Guard in their states.

Our local guy who runs the two county hospitals put out a dramatic public message to stay away, away, don't come to either hospital, No Room at the Inn, we have beds in hallways ALREADY, don't come here, don't come here.


The problem is, suppose a very low hospitalization rate with Omicron. Fine ---- if only a few catch it.

But a very few percentage of 10,000,000 people is a LOT more than a very few percentage of 100,000 people. You see? They are worried about hospital parking lots full of sick, begging people, like those Ebola epidemics always have in Africa. And it IS a panic, so they've got a lot of walking well wanting to be admitted for real colds but they could self-treat, if they weren't so scared.

It's not about the disease. It's about the hospitals. They ARE afraid of being overwhelmed.
Med puppets only see the cup half empty with Omicron rather than half-full. All of Omicron's new mutations differ from previous ones, though media propaganda forces have added mutations where before there was little concern. This is clearly dem-nazi media fear mongering, at least for the USA.

Therefore, because POSPOTUS JoeXi is not only a Catholic mafia puppet (beware his handler's knowledge of the manipulation of symbolism, learned and polished since the Neolithic), but also a CIA puppet (now in colusion with British MI6 for further media propaganda), Omicron's new mutations must be separated from those that are intelligence-agency bullshit and those that are not, like the vaccine-implicating mutation, N969K. Duh
Big panic going on. I got their logic today, though. The big hospitalization/death thing is all Delta right now. That won't last past three days from now, probably. Then it's all Omicron, because of the amazing infectivity. Now, HOPEFULLY, it's milder. We don't know! We don't know! Doesn't matter from the point of view of hospital administrators who are already so overwhelmed by Delta that many have called for help from the National Guard in their states.

Our local guy who runs the two county hospitals put out a dramatic public message to stay away, away, don't come to either hospital, No Room at the Inn, we have beds in hallways ALREADY, don't come here, don't come here.


The problem is, suppose a very low hospitalization rate with Omicron. Fine ---- if only a few catch it.

But a very few percentage of 10,000,000 people is a LOT more than a very few percentage of 100,000 people. You see? They are worried about hospital parking lots full of sick, begging people, like those Ebola epidemics always have in Africa. And it IS a panic, so they've got a lot of walking well wanting to be admitted for real colds but they could self-treat, if they weren't so scared.

It's not about the disease. It's about the hospitals. They ARE afraid of being overwhelmed.
This is the normal and expected result of mass psychosis. Covid is being used to whip people into a frenzy. It's a wonder they aren't dying in the streets. We are heading into a full blown Salem Witch accusations situation.
This is the normal and expected result of mass psychosis. Covid is being used to whip people into a frenzy. It's a wonder they aren't dying in the streets. We are heading into a full blown Salem Witch accusations situation.
So the hospitals being full in Northern Indiana is just a hallucination. Because tipsy the cultist had a fantasy.
This is the normal and expected result of mass psychosis. Covid is being used to whip people into a frenzy. It's a wonder they aren't dying in the streets. We are heading into a full blown Salem Witch accusations situation.
Well said! The coverage IS causing panic. I'm impressed how much there is. Colleges shutting down suddenly, telling students to go straight to the trains --- school systems now shutting down; we have individual schools shut in this county.

IMO Kids should just say, bag it. And go get jobs. This is no time to go to college: college is untenable. Earn money, get experience, go to college later if it seems important. What are they even going to learn except woke crap? I would no longer suggest a child go to college, not these days.

As for dying in the streets, people are afraid to tell anyone they are sick because of the pressure to go get tested ----- to stand out in the long, long lines in the cold icy wind in our county sites, where they are possibly literally going to die in the streets! And why? There is no REASON to be tested: no one can cure it or even really diagnose it against influenza, which they can't cure either. This. Is. So. Nuts.

Yes, it's all a scapegoating exercise. Always blame the people, the politicians know, find scapegoats, so they can't blame us the politicians.
Probably not. We are learning a lot a lot the problems with attempts at losing weight. Increasing exercise appears to lower basal metabolic rate. In the end, total daily caloric expenditure is about the same.

I’m not saying it’s not good to do. It is.

It’s just not a panacea. People think this is easy. It’s not.
It is a start....I do it daily and it helps me significantly IMO

Its only like 30 min max too....
Bull shit. You aren’t informed.

Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of vitamins and supplements going back one hundred years. Do I need to educate you?

Stop being a dupe of the establishment.
No, you don’t need to educate me. Look, if they were as effective as claimed, there wouldn’t be anyone stopping physicians from doing it.

You’re not really evaluating the full body of literature if all you do is latch onto a few studies which purport to show a difference.

Here’s an illustrative example. A few years ago, some docs published a paper saying thiamine and vitamin c would save many lives dying of sepsis. It was. a retrospective before/after trial. Not the strongest of methodologies, but worth looking into. So it was investigated at other institutions in rigorous double blind placebo controlled trials with large enrollment. Guess what? It failed every time. (link)

Guess who was original doc pushing it? Paul Marik, a generally well respected doc. His initial paper was published in Chest which is a really solid journal. (link)

Marik has since become one of these docs in a fringe group pushing vitamins and other therapies without good evidence.

Part of medical education is learning to spot the bullshit.

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